An incomplete list of Go tools
Go is an amazing language, but not just because of its language features, but also because of its ecosystem and how easy it is to write tools that operate on Go code.
While languages and frameworks like Java and .NET have popular IDEs (e.g. Eclipse and Visual Studio) that can do formatting, refactoring, code generation etc, the Go ecosystem focuses on small standalone tools and reusable parsers. While Eclipse’s features are locked into that IDE, a huge and clunky piece of software, Go has tools like gofmt that can be used from the command line or any editor that allows calling external programs. Write a tool once, and everyone gets to use it. It doesn’t matter if you use acme, vim, Emacs or Sublime Text, you can benefit from a vast number of tools.
This article presents an incomplete list of official and 3rd party tools for working with Go – it’s inherently incomplete, as people keep writing new tools at a steady pace. Furthermore, not everyone may like every tool on this list. Some tools serve very specific needs, some are very opinionated and some are controversial.
The following index is sorted alphabetically for ease of use, but the article itself is sorted by theme for a nicer reading experience.
- benchcmp
- benchviz
- errcheck
- Generics
- go generate
- go tool cover
- go vet
- gocode
- godef
- godepgraph
- gofmt
- goimports
- golint
- gorename
- goreturns
- impl
- oracle
- prettybench
- stringer
Hopefully you know gofmt by now, but if you don’t: Run gofmt
your Go code, and it formats your code according to the only
acceptable way of formatting it. That’s it.
go vet
Go comes with its own linter, go vet
, for analysing Go code and
finding common mistakes. So far, it can check your code for the
following mistakes:
- Useless assignments
- Common mistakes when using sync/atomic
- Invalid
tags - Using composite literals without keyed fields
- Passing locks by value
- Comparing functions with nil
- Using wrong printf format specifiers
- Closing over loop variables the wrong way
- Struct tags that do not follow the canonical format
- Unreachable code
- Misuse of
- Mistakes involving boolean operators
The following (constructed) piece of code tries to trigger as many
errors as possible, to show go vet
’s behaviour:
package main
import (
// +build this,is,too,late
type T struct {
A int `not a canonical tag`
func foo() []byte { return []byte{} }
func bar(mu sync.Mutex) {} // Locks have to be passed as pointers
func main() {
fmt.Sprintf("%s", 1) // Wrong verb
fmt.Sprint("%s", 1) // Wrong method
var a int
a = a // Useless assignment
_ = tls.Certificate{nil, nil, nil, nil} // These fields should be keyed
if foo != nil { // We meant to check foo() != nil
x := uintptr(0)
_ = unsafe.Pointer(x) // Misuse of unsafe.Pointer
for _, x := range []int{1, 2, 3} {
go func() {
fmt.Println(x) // Closing over x wrong, will probably produce "3 3 3"
var b int32
b = atomic.AddInt32(&b, 1) // We shouldn't assign to b
var c bool
if c == false && c == true { // Always false
if c || c { // Redundant
fmt.Println("unreachable") // Unreachable code
And go vet
’s opinion of our code:
/tmp/vet.go:11: +build comment must appear before package clause and be followed by a blank line
/tmp/vet.go:14: struct field tag `not a canonical tag` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get
/tmp/vet.go:18: bar passes Lock by value: sync.Mutex
/tmp/vet.go:52: unreachable code
/tmp/vet.go:21: arg 1 for printf verb %s of wrong type: int
/tmp/vet.go:22: possible formatting directive in Sprint call
/tmp/vet.go:25: self-assignment of a to a
/tmp/vet.go:27: crypto/tls.Certificate composite literal uses unkeyed fields
/tmp/vet.go:29: comparison of function foo != nil is always true
/tmp/vet.go:33: possible misuse of unsafe.Pointer
/tmp/vet.go:37: range variable x captured by func literal
/tmp/vet.go:42: direct assignment to atomic value
/tmp/vet.go:45: suspect and: c == false && c == true
/tmp/vet.go:48: redundant or: c || c
go get
While go vet
checks your code for actual programming errors, golint
checks your code for style violations (so it’s not really a linter –
naming things is hard.)
Gofmt already takes care of whitespace-related style questions, but it cannot cover things such as variable names. Golint follows the style that is used internally by Google, which is generally accepted by the open source Go community as well – in essence it checks the various style questions discussed in the wiki.
Golint does not emit errors or warnings, but “suggestions”: These suggestions can be wrong at times, and code that golint complains about isn’t necessarily wrong – it might just be hitting a false positive. Nevertheless, it’s more often right than wrong, and you should definitely run golint on your code from time to time and fix those suggestions that it is right about.
The amount of style violations golint checks for is a bit longer
than the list of modules go vet
has, so what follows is only a
demonstration of golint’s checks, it’s not exhaustive. For the
following piece of code
package lint
import (
. "fmt"
var SomeError = errors.New("Capitalised error message")
type unexported int
type Exported int
func (this unexported) Foo() {}
func (oneName Exported) Foo() {
func (anotherName Exported) Bar() {
golint has the following suggestions:
/tmp/lint.go:5:2: should not use dot imports
/tmp/lint.go:8:5: exported var SomeError should have comment or be unexported
/tmp/lint.go:11:6: exported type Exported should have comment or be unexported
/tmp/lint.go:15:1: exported method Exported.Foo should have comment or be unexported
/tmp/lint.go:18:1: exported method Exported.Bar should have comment or be unexported
/tmp/lint.go:8:5: error var SomeError should have name of the form ErrFoo
/tmp/lint.go:13:1: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "me", "this", or "self"
/tmp/lint.go:18:1: receiver name anotherName should be consistent with previous receiver name oneName for Exported
go get
Ignoring errors in Go is more difficult than ignoring exceptions in
some other languages, but it’s not impossible. Some people even say
that it’s way too easy. Call a function like (*os.File).Close
without looking at its return value, and that’s an error gone by
The errcheck tool has been written to help you find exactly those function calls. Running errcheck on a package will report all function calls that have unchecked errors.
The following code has three unchecked errors, one for each method call:
package main
import "os"
func main() {
f, _ := os.Open("foo")
f.Write([]byte("Hello, world."))
Running errcheck with the default options on it will produce the following output:
foo/foo.go:7:9 f.Write([]byte("Hello, world."))
foo/foo.go:8:9 f.Close()
Do note that it is not printing the call to os.Open
– that’s because
assignment to _
is not interpreted as “unchecked” by default. That’s
because assigning errors to _
can be a valid pattern, for when one
truly doesn’t care about an error, or because it’s known that an error
cannot occur (that’s true for some implementations of the io.Writer
interface, for example). If you do worry about someone assigning to
out of laziness, you can run errcheck with the -blank
foo/foo.go:6:5 f, _ := os.Open("foo")
foo/foo.go:7:9 f.Write([]byte("Hello, world."))
foo/foo.go:8:9 f.Close()
Furthermore, errcheck comes with options for ignoring certain packages
or functions, to avoid false positives. Together with go vet
, it
should be part of your quality assurance scripts.
go tool cover
Go 1.2 added support for generating code coverage reports, and while there’s an excellent blog post titled “The cover story”, it might not be receiving enough attention.
Code coverage reports provide a quick and easy way of finding untested
code. Go’s support for these reports consists of two components:
Support in go test
for generating coverage profiles and go tool
to generate reports from it.
Set the -coverprofile
option while running go test
and it will
generate a coverage profile. You can then pass the profile to go tool
and generate different kinds of reports. Currently, there are
two forms of reports: A per-function listing of code coverage, and an
HTML report that renders your code in a color-coded fashion, showing
covered lines of code in green, uncovered lines in red, and irrelevant
lines (such as comments, type definitions, etc) in grey.
fmt/format.go: init 100.0%
fmt/format.go: clearflags 100.0%
fmt/format.go: init 100.0%
fmt/format.go: computePadding 84.6%
fmt/format.go: writePadding 100.0%
fmt/format.go: pad 100.0%
fmt/format.go: padString 100.0%
fmt/format.go: fmt_boolean 100.0%
fmt/format.go: integer 100.0%
fmt/format.go: truncate 100.0%
fmt/format.go: fmt_s 100.0%
fmt/format.go: fmt_sbx 100.0%

Because the generation of a profile and actually using it are
separated, one can also use other tools than go tool cover
interpret profiles. Vim and
Emacs have support for Go’s coverage profiles, and so does

go get
Benchmarks are a crucial tool when optimizing code. Anyone who has
asked “Is A or B faster?” will have (or should have!) heard an answer
along the lines of “Write a benchmark!”. Go’s testing
package has
built-in benchmarking facilities that produce useful statistics about
speed and allocations.
Comparing numbers by hand, however, can be tedious, and usually we’re
interested in relative changes: Is my new version faster, and by how
much? The benchcmp tool can answer this question. It takes two text
files as input, the output of go test -bench
for the old and new
version of your code, and outputs a delta, measured in per cent, for
each benchmark.
The following output is the result of running the benchmarks for the
package in Go 1.3 and Go 1.4 and running the output
through benchcmp
benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta
BenchmarkPaeth 5.22 5.30 +1.53%
BenchmarkDecodeGray 1037540 1018369 -1.85%
BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAGradient 4391776 3838947 -12.59%
BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAOpaque 3148985 3145987 -0.10%
BenchmarkDecodePaletted 747152 803097 +7.49%
BenchmarkDecodeRGB 2861484 2751671 -3.84%
BenchmarkEncodeGray 3912599 3940407 +0.71%
BenchmarkEncodeNRGBOpaque 12066176 12072256 +0.05%
BenchmarkEncodeNRGBA 13863837 13898732 +0.25%
BenchmarkEncodePaletted 3908491 3939133 +0.78%
BenchmarkEncodeRGBOpaque 12021250 12040434 +0.16%
BenchmarkEncodeRGBA 33623263 48841059 +45.26%
benchmark old MB/s new MB/s speedup
BenchmarkDecodeGray 63.16 64.35 1.02x
BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAGradient 59.69 68.29 1.14x
BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAOpaque 83.25 83.33 1.00x
BenchmarkDecodePaletted 87.71 81.60 0.93x
BenchmarkDecodeRGB 91.61 95.27 1.04x
BenchmarkEncodeGray 78.52 77.96 0.99x
BenchmarkEncodeNRGBOpaque 101.84 101.79 1.00x
BenchmarkEncodeNRGBA 88.63 88.41 1.00x
BenchmarkEncodePaletted 78.60 77.99 0.99x
BenchmarkEncodeRGBOpaque 102.22 102.06 1.00x
BenchmarkEncodeRGBA 36.55 25.16 0.69x
We can easily see that most functions didn’t have significant changes
in speed, but BenchmarkEncodeRGBA
sticks out, as its performance has
nearly halved in Go 1.4.
If your benchmarks don’t produce stable output, maybe because your
system isn’t entirely idle, or because your CPU is applying thermal
throttling of some sort, you can repeat a single benchmark multiple
times and tell benchcmp to pick the best result, by passing the
option. You can also omit any results that are the same
between the two versions, and sort results by magnitude of change.
benchcmp used to be written in Perl and was part of the Go distribution, but it has since been rewritten in Go and must be installed separately.
go get
While we’re on the topic of benchmarks, let’s mention prettybench, a
small utility that makes the output of go test -bench
a bit nicer,
by correctly aligning all columns and printing column headers. Simply
pipe go test
’s output through prettybench. The downside of using
prettybench, however, is that it has to buffer output, so you won’t
see any results until all benchmarks have finished running.
BenchmarkCSSEscaper 1000000 2843 ns/op
BenchmarkCSSEscaperNoSpecials 5000000 671 ns/op
BenchmarkDecodeCSS 1000000 1183 ns/op
BenchmarkDecodeCSSNoSpecials 50000000 32 ns/op
BenchmarkCSSValueFilter 5000000 501 ns/op
BenchmarkCSSValueFilterOk 5000000 707 ns/op
BenchmarkEscapedExecute 500000 6191 ns/op
BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaper 1000000 2523 ns/op
BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaperNoSpecials 5000000 596 ns/op
BenchmarkStripTags 1000000 2351 ns/op
BenchmarkStripTagsNoSpecials 10000000 260 ns/op
BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithNum 1000000 1123 ns/op
BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStr 500000 4882 ns/op
BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStrNoSpecials 1000000 1461 ns/op
BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObj 500000 5052 ns/op
BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObjNoSpecials 1000000 1897 ns/op
BenchmarkJSStrEscaperNoSpecials 5000000 608 ns/op
BenchmarkJSStrEscaper 1000000 2633 ns/op
BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaperNoSpecials 5000000 661 ns/op
BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaper 1000000 2510 ns/op
BenchmarkURLEscaper 500000 4424 ns/op
BenchmarkURLEscaperNoSpecials 5000000 422 ns/op
BenchmarkURLNormalizer 500000 3068 ns/op
BenchmarkURLNormalizerNoSpecials 5000000 431 ns/op
ok html/template 62.874s
benchmark iter time/iter
--------- ---- ---------
BenchmarkCSSEscaper 1000000 2843 ns/op
BenchmarkCSSEscaperNoSpecials 5000000 671 ns/op
BenchmarkDecodeCSS 1000000 1183 ns/op
BenchmarkDecodeCSSNoSpecials 50000000 32 ns/op
BenchmarkCSSValueFilter 5000000 501 ns/op
BenchmarkCSSValueFilterOk 5000000 707 ns/op
BenchmarkEscapedExecute 500000 6191 ns/op
BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaper 1000000 2523 ns/op
BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaperNoSpecials 5000000 596 ns/op
BenchmarkStripTags 1000000 2351 ns/op
BenchmarkStripTagsNoSpecials 10000000 260 ns/op
BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithNum 1000000 1123 ns/op
BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStr 500000 4882 ns/op
BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStrNoSpecials 1000000 1461 ns/op
BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObj 500000 5052 ns/op
BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObjNoSpecials 1000000 1897 ns/op
BenchmarkJSStrEscaperNoSpecials 5000000 608 ns/op
BenchmarkJSStrEscaper 1000000 2633 ns/op
BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaperNoSpecials 5000000 661 ns/op
BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaper 1000000 2510 ns/op
BenchmarkURLEscaper 500000 4424 ns/op
BenchmarkURLEscaperNoSpecials 5000000 422 ns/op
BenchmarkURLNormalizer 500000 3068 ns/op
BenchmarkURLNormalizerNoSpecials 5000000 431 ns/op
ok html/template 62.874s
go get
Another way of visualising benchmark results is via benchviz, a tool
that generates graphical output. It depends on benchcmp and uses bar
charts to show positive and negative change. Simply pipe the output of
to benchviz
and it will produce SVG output on stdout.
Running benchviz -h
will reveal several settings that can control
the way the image will look like.
By default, it will look similar to the following image.
go generate
A new subcommand that was added in Go 1.4 is go generate
, which is
supposed to replace various uses of makefiles and shell scripts in Go
All go generate
does is look for directives (in the form of special
comments) in your Go code that direct it to execute programs. These
programs usually generate new Go files, hence the name.
Example uses of go generate
include running yacc to turn grammar
files into Go code, generating Go code from protobuff definitions or
embedding binary files in Go programs.
A core principle of go generate
is that it has to be run manually
and is supposed to be run by the developer of the package. It will not
run on go build
, and by extension not on go get
, either. A
developer is supposed to run go generate
and then check the
generated files into version control. That way, when a user downloads
the package, he already has all the Go files he needs to compile it
and doesn’t need to run arbitrary tools (which would also be a major
security risk.)
What go generate
explicitly is not is a general build system à la
make – it does not offer any form of dependency analysis and instead
simply runs commands it encounters in the order it finds them.
For a detailed description on how to use go generate
, run go
generate -h
go get
Constants in Go are a compile-time concept. Once compilation finishes
and you run your program, code isn’t aware of constants or their names
anymore. But what if you have a set of typed constants and want to
implement the Stringer
interface for them? In the past, the easiest
solutions were using a switch, or having a slice or map of names.
Writing it felt a bit silly (why do I need to write each word as a
constant name and as a string?) and you had to remember to update it
after adding a new constant.
With the new go generate
command in Go 1.4, and the
tool, however, we can easily automate this.
Given something like
package date
type Day int
const (
Monday Day = iota
running stringer -type Day
on it will create a new file (day_string.go
) that looks like
// generated by stringer -type Day; DO NOT EDIT
package date
import "fmt"
const _Day_name = "MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday"
var _Day_index = [...]uint8{6, 13, 22, 30, 36, 44, 50}
func (i Day) String() string {
if i < 0 || i >= Day(len(_Day_index)) {
return fmt.Sprintf("Day(%d)", i)
hi := _Day_index[i]
lo := uint8(0)
if i > 0 {
lo = _Day_index[i-1]
return _Day_name[lo:hi]
Not only is this process fully automatic, it also generates a more efficient implementation than a human would write. The specific implementation that is used depends on the number and density of your constants.
//go:generate stringer -type Day
to your .go
file (the one containing the constants), and every time
you run go generate
, the Stringer
implementation will be
regenerated for you.
go get
Another tool that’s inspired by an IDE feature is impl, which, given an interface, will create method stubs for implementing that interface.
Now, interfaces in Go are usually small, often only consisting of one or two methods, so impl isn’t as badly needed as stub generators in e.g. Java, but it can still provide a small speedup if integrated with your editor. It’s probably mostly useful when writing tests and wanting to stub out multiple interfaces. Here, impl allows you to generate stub implementations for all interfaces with only a few keystrokes.
It is impossible to have a tool like go generate
and not have people
write tools to imitate generics. It is equally impossible to write a
list of Go tools without people mentioning their favourite tool for
imitating generics. As there are as many tools for this problem as
there are different interpretations of what generics really are,
there’s little point in listing all of them individually. If you’re
interested in imitating generics/code generation in Go, you might want
to look at one of the following tools:
All of these tools put their own spin on the code generation problem, so it’s up to you to find out which one you like the most.
go get
Does ./foo.go:3: imported and not used: "log"
make you twitch? Do
you wish Go would just allow you to import unused packages? Or are you
even tired of having to manually import all those packages you use?
Then goimports might be for you. It’s a drop-in replacement for
gofmt that, additionally to formatting your code, also manages your
imports for you.
It removes unused imports and adds missing imports, as long as doing
so is not ambiguous. If multiple packages with the same name, such as
and html/template
can be used to make the code
compile, then goimports errs on the side of safety and imports
neither. But that’s a rare occurrence in everyday code. More often
than not, package names are sufficiently unique, especially because
goimports takes into account which identifiers you use.
package main
func main() {
f, _ := os.Open("foo")
log.Println("opened file")
io.Copy(os.Stdout, f)
package main
import (
func main() {
f, _ := os.Open("foo")
log.Println("opened file")
io.Copy(os.Stdout, f)
Since it’s a drop-in replacement for gofmt, all editors that permit changing the gofmt executable can use goimports.
go get
Inspired by the way goimports magically fixes incomplete code by adding import statements, goreturns fills in incomplete return statements with zero values.
Given the following snippet
func F() (*MyType, int, error) { return errors.New("foo") }
running goreturns
on it will transform it into
func F() (*MyType, int, error) { return nil, 0, errors.New("foo") }
The primary idea here is that returning errors usually also requires returning one or more zero values, and if there are several error conditions on which to return, it can become annoying to manually write those zero values over and over again.
Goreturns acts as a drop-in replacement for goimports, by calling goimports after it’s done doing its own thing.
The following 30 seconds long screencast shows goreturns in action.
go get
One of those features that a lot of IDE users love, and why people coming from languages like Java often ask for a “Go IDE”, is “go to definition” – being able to jump to the definition of constants, variables and functions.
Luckily, godef has us covered. Its most interesting mode of operation allows printing the file/line number in which a given identifier is defined. Given that information, it’s trivial to implement a “go to” feature in any modern editor. Support for acme is included with godef itself, vim and Emacs have support in vim-godef and go-mode respectively.
Another mode that godef supports is printing information about an identifier. Given a variable of some struct type, godef can list all fields of that struct. Given a constant, it can show you the constant’s value.
Godef works across all packages in your GOPATH as well as your GOROOT (i.e. the standard library), so any identifier you have, you can check out its code. This is a crucial feature while reading or even debugging someone else’s code. Even traversing deep into the standard library is no problem. And to make things even better, godef is so fast that the moment you decide to jump somewhere, you’re already there.
The following short clip shows godef in action:
go get
Another popular feature of IDEs is auto completion. And as with most popular IDE features, the Go community came up with a reusable tool for it: gocode. Gocode provides context-sensitive auto completion and uses a client/server architecture, where the server is a caching daemon, and the clients are a command line utility as well as all popular editors.
It uses Go object files (that is, go install
‘d packages) to complete
identifiers of imported packages, and parses the source of the current
package to provide completion for said package. Due to the efficient
layout of Go object files, the fast parser and gocode’s caching, auto
completion completes almost instantly (compared to auto completion in
a popular Java IDE, which may remind you that Java is also a brand of
coffee and you’d really like one now.)
There’s not much else to say about auto completion, but you may appreciate a video demonstrating it: