x_focus · 2015-06-17 20:23:34 · 4347 次点击 · 预计阅读时间 9 分钟 · 大约8小时之前 开始浏览    
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       关闭防火墙,centos的防火墙是firewalld,关闭防火墙的命令systemctl stop firewalld.service 。关闭enforce,setenforce 0。

sudo yum groupinstall -y "GNOME Desktop"

 1.安装tigervncserver,yum install tigervnc-server tigervnc-server-module

 2.拷贝配置文件cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service

 3.进入到配置文件目录cd /etc/systemd/system

 4.修改配置文件vim vncserver@:1.service


Description=Remote desktop service (VNC)
After=syslog.target network.target

ExecStart=/usr/bin/vncserver :1 -geometry 1280x1024 -depth 16 -securitytypes=none -fp /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc
ExecStop=/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :1


 5.  启用配置文件 systemctl enable vncserver@:1.service

 6. 设置登陆密码:vncpasswd

 7. 启动vncserver:systemctl start vncserver@:1.service

 8 . 启动状态查看:systemctl status vncserver@:1.service

 9.查看端口状态:netstat -lnt | grep 590*

 10.查看报错信息:grep vnc /var/log/messages

wget http://www.golangtc.com/static/go/go1.4.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz

tar xvf *.tar.gz

vi /etc/profile

export GOROOT=/root/go

source /etc/profile

装上sublime text2  按 ctrl+` 输入

import urllib2,os; pf='Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp=sublime.installed_packages_path(); os.makedirs(ipp) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None; urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.ProxyHandler())); open(os.path.join(ipp,pf),'wb').write(urllib2.urlopen('http://sublime.wbond.net/'+pf.replace(' ','%20')).read()); print 'Please restart Sublime Text to finish installation'
重启Sublime Text 2后,就可以发现在 Preferences菜单下,多出一个菜单项 Package Control, 输入 GoSublime,设置GOPATH,就GO GO GO了

yum install docker

vi /etc/profile

export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://


2015/03/24 17:22:33 Could not find a free IP address range for interface 'docker0'. Please configure its address manually and run 'docker -b docker0'


sudo route del -net netmask

sudo docker -d -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
docker build -t sandbox sandbox/

docker run -d -p 80:12345 sandbox


[root@iZ25iuddog7Z ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1k count=2048000

记录了2048000+0 的读入

记录了2048000+0 的写出

2097152000字节(2.1 GB)已复制,43.9836 秒,47.7 MB/秒

[root@iZ25iuddog7Z ~]# mkswap /swapfile

正在设置交换空间版本 1,大小 = 2047996 KiB


[root@iZ25iuddog7Z ~]# chmod 0666 /swapfile

[root@iZ25iuddog7Z ~]# swapon /swapfile

[root@iZ25iuddog7Z ~]# free -m

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached

Mem:           992        924         67          6          1        799

-/+ buffers/cache:        124        868

Swap:         1999          0       1999

增加自动挂载  vi  /etc/fstab 

/swapfile  swap  swap    defaults 0 0

检查 /etc/rc.d/rc.local 是否存在 swapoff -a 如果存在则删除或注释

cat  /proc/sys/vm/swappiness (值为0表示尽量都用物理内存,值为100表示积极的使用swap分区;)这个参数很重要;小心调节; 一般为60;    

 sysctl -w vm.swappiness=60

sysctl -p(/etc/sysctl.conf)


Procedure To Add a Swap File Under Linux

You need to use the dd command to create swap file. The mkswapcommand is used to set up a Linux swap area on a device or in a file.

Step #1: Login as the Root User

Open a terminal window (select Applications > Accessories > Terminal) or login to remote server using the ssh client. Switch to the root user by typing su - (or sudo -s) and entering the root password, when prompted:
$ su -
$ sudo -s

Step #2: Create Storage File

Type the following command to create 512MB swap file (1024 * 512MB = 524288 block size):
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile1 bs=1024 count=524288
Sample outputs:

524288+0 records in
524288+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 3.23347 s, 166 MB/s


  1. if=/dev/zero : Read from /dev/zero file. /dev/zero is a special file in that provides as many null characters to build storage file called /swapfile1.
  2. of=/swapfile1 : Read from /dev/zero write storage file to /swapfile1.
  3. bs=1024 : Read and write 1024 BYTES bytes at a time.
  4. count=524288 : Copy only 523288 BLOCKS input blocks.

Step #3: Secure swap file

Setup correct file permission for security reasons, enter:
# chown root:root /swapfile1
# chmod 0600 /swapfile1

A world-readable swap file is a huge local vulnerability. The above commands make sure only root user can read and write to the file.

Step #4: Set up a Linux swap area

Type the following command to set up a Linux swap area in a file:
# mkswap /swapfile1
Sample outputs:

Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 524284 KiB
no label, UUID=0e5e7c60-bbba-4089-a76c-2bb29c0f0839

Step #5: Enabling the swap file

Finally, activate /swapfile1 swap space immediately, enter:
# swapon /swapfile1

Step #6: Update /etc/fstab file

To activate /swapfile1 after Linux system reboot, add entry to /etc/fstab file. Open this file using a text editor such as vi:
# vi /etc/fstab
Append the following line:
/swapfile1 none swap sw 0 0
Save and close the file. Next time Linux comes up after reboot, it enables the new swap file for you automatically.

How do I verify swap is activated or not?

Simply use the free command:
$ free -m

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          1876       1798         77          0        119       1440
-/+ buffers/cache:        237       1638
Swap:         4607          0       4607

How can I display swap usage summary on Linux?

Type the following swapon command:
# swapon -s
Sample outputs:

Filename				Type		Size	Used	Priority
/dev/sda6                               partition	4194296	0	0
/swapfile1                              file		524280	0	-1

Another option is to view /proc/meminfo file:
$ less /proc/meminfo
$ grep -i --color swap /proc/meminfo

Sample outputs:

SwapCached:        30748 kB
SwapTotal:       6291448 kB
SwapFree:        6154008 kB

You can also use top command, atop command, and/or htop command to display information about swap usage:
# top
# atop
# htop

Sample outputs from a database server running on a CentOS Linux server:

  1  [||                        3.9%]     Tasks: 171, 106 thr; 1 running
  2  [                          0.0%]     Load average: 0.06 0.12 0.09
  3  [||                        2.0%]     Uptime: 22 days, 07:07:28
  4  [                          0.0%]
  5  [                          0.0%]
  6  [                          0.0%]
  7  [                          0.0%]
  8  [                          0.0%]
  Swp[|                   134/6143MB]
  PID USER      PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command
 8523 mysql      20   0 4545M  414M  4816 S  0.0  3.5  0:00.00 /usr/libexec/mysq
 8524 mysql      20   0 4545M  414M  4816 S  0.0  3.5  0:02.74 /usr/libexec/mysq
 8525 mysql      20   0 4545M  414M  4816 S  0.0  3.5  0:16.17 /usr/libexec/mysq
 8526 mysql      20   0 4545M  414M  4816 S  0.0  3.5  0:06.33 /usr/libexec/mysq
 8528 mysql      20   0 4545M  414M  4816 S  0.0  3.5  4:02.14 /usr/libexec/mysq
 8529 mysql      20   0 4545M  414M  4816 S  0.0  3.5  5:22.00 /usr/libexec/mysq
 8530 mysql      20   0 4545M  414M  4816 S  0.0  3.5  0:04.63 /usr/libexec/mysq
 8531 mysql      20   0 4545M  414M  4816 S  0.0  3.5  0:50.95 /usr/libexec/mysq
 8532 mysql      20   0 4545M  414M  4816 S  0.0  3.5  0:08.10 /usr/libexec/mysq
 9359 mysql      20   0 4545M  414M  4816 S  0.0  3.5 22:53.28 /usr/libexec/mysq

How can I disable devices and files for paging and swapping on Linux?

You need to use the swapoff command:
# swapoff /swapfile1
# swapon -s

How do I set swappiness on a Linux server?

The syntax is:
# sysctl vm.swappiness=VALUE
# sysctl vm.swappiness=20

# echo VALUE > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
# echo 30 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

The value in /proc/sys/vm/swappiness file controls how aggressively the kernel will swap memory pages. Higher values increase agressiveness, lower values descrease aggressiveness. The default value is 60. To make changes permanent add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:

echo 'vm.swappiness=30' >> /etc/sysctl.conf




[root@linuxsight linuxsight]#  wget http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.2-1.el6.rf.i686.rpm


[root@linuxsight linuxsight]#  wget http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm


[root@linuxsight linuxsight]#  rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.5.2-1.el6.rf.i686.rpm


[root@linuxsight linuxsight]# yum install fuse-ntfs-3g






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