ElasticHD:ElasticSearch Dashboard Go Application
ElasticHD 是一款 ElasticSearch的可视化应用。不依赖ES的插件安装,更便捷;导航栏直接填写对应的ES IP和端口就可以操作Es了。目前支持如下功能:
- ES Real time data search
- ES Dashboard data visualization
- ES Index Template (在线修改、查看、上传)
- ES Indices Index deletion and search
- SQL Converts to Elasticsearch DSL
- ES 基本查询文档
Downloads ElasticHD
【Precompiled binaries】 for supported operating systems are available.
ElasticHD SQL Converts to ElasticSearch DSL Usage
SQL Features Support:
- [x] SQL Select
- [x] SQL Where
- [x] SQL Order BySQL
- [x] SQL Group By
- [x] SQL AND & OR
- [x] SQL Like & NOT Like
- [x] SQL COUNT distinct
- [x] SQL In & Not In
- [x] SQL Between
- [x] SQL avg()、count(*), count(field), min(field), max(field)
Beyond SQL Features Support:
- [x] ES TopHits
- [x] ES date_histogram
- [x] ES STATS
- [x] ES RANGE
Improvement : now the query DSL is much more flat
ElasticHD Basic Usage
- linux and MacOs use ElasticHD
下载对应的elasticHD版本,unzip xxx_elasticHd_xxx.zip 修改权限 chmod 0777 ElasticHD 可指定ip端口运行elastichd ./ElasticHD -p
- windows use ElasticHD
Es version support
Contributions are welcome! Open a pull request to fix a bug, or open an issue to discuss a new feature or change.
Application Info