[译文] Farming with SIA in my Linux Desktop

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Installation of SIA Software(Linux环境下如何安装Sia)

第一个步骤是在本机上安装Sia软件. 写作本文期间最新的Sia版本是1.0.3. 你可以到 Sia Github Project page 查询新版本. Linux平台下安装Sia需要执行下列命令:
【原文】The first thing you need to do is to install the SIA software. At the moment of writing this article, the latest SIA available was 1.0.3. You can check this information in the SIA Github Project page. To install the software, you can type the following commands:

mkdir ~/sia
cd ~/sia
go get -u github.com/NebulousLabs/Sia/...

如果安装过程一切顺利(译者注:由于 golang.org 被和谐,你需要手动下载三个缺失的扩展工具包,详见阿群《配置 Sia 开发环境》附录:遇到的问题2, 你将会得到一个名为bin的子目录, 该目录内含有两个可执行文件: siac 和 siad

【原文】If all goes for good, you will have a bin directory with two files: siac (the SIA client) and siad (the SIA daemon).

Configuration of the SIA Daemon

siad 是 Sia 的后台守护进程, 她很容易配置. 只需要给她手动创建一个目录用于盛放所有相关的配置参数, 我的做法如下:
【原文】SIA Daemon (siad) is very easy to configure. You just need a directory where to put all information (not the space you are planning to lease). I did the following:

mkdir /var/lib/sia
cd ~sia/bin
./siad -d /var/lib/sia/

用户第一次启动 siad 时, 后台守护进程从头开始同步区块链, 这个过程比较耗时, 你本人可以暂时离开去做别的事, 例如去吃个饭. 不带参数调用 bin 目录下的 siac 程序可以查看当前的同步进度. 屏幕显示的信息中有一行会写着 Synced: YesSynced: No 以及当前区块链同步完成率百分比.
【原文】If this is your first time, go to eat. The SIA daemon will start syncing the blockchain. If you want to check if the sync is done, execute SIA client (siac) without parameters. You will see a line that says Synced: Yes/No, and an approximation of the remaining time to complete.

Configure the Wallet

If you want to farm, you must have a valid wallet. At the early beginning, I was thinking that using an address provided by Poloniex was enough. But it is not, the software needs the ability to push manipulate the wallet more than doing transfers. Type the following:

cd ~sia/bin
./siac wallet init

The SIA client will output two very important values: sia seed and sia password. Save them, you will need them for almost anything. The next step is to know what is your SIA wallet address. Type the following:

./siac wallet unlock
./siac wallet address

Take note of your new address.

Put your Harddisk Space into the Market

You will get a message telling SIA folder has been added. The next step is to configure the price. First some concepts:

  • Storage: usually in terms of Siacoins per Terabyte per Month. You can set your own price by typing ./siac host config minstorageprice 0000SC
  • Bandwidth: usually in terms of Siacoins per Terabyte. Bandwidth is divided in:
    • Download: when the renter downloads, this is upload for you. You can set your own price by typing ./siac host config mindownloadbandwidthprice 0000SC
    • Upload: when the renters uploads, this is download for you. You can set your own price by typing ./siac host config minuploadbandwidthprice 0000SC
  • Collateral: usually in terms of Siacoins. The Collateral is a guarantee to renters for your commit. Its the way to say that you are committed or you will loose money as well. Collateral is divided into three concepts:

    • Collateral: the amount of money that will be put in escrow. You can set it by typing ./siac host config collateral 0000SC
    • Max Collateral: the maximum money that it is going to be put per contract. You can set it by typing ./siac host config maxcollateral 0000SC
    • Collateral Budget: the global money tat it is going to be put in escrow. You can set it by typing ./siac host config collateralbudget 0000SC
  • Duration: usually in weeks, it is the duration that the host will commit to keeping a file. You can set up this value by typing ./siac host config maxduration 000

As this is a market bid, the best next question is what values should I use. The SIA FAQ says that use a lower price of 100 SC per GB.

Calculating your Prices

  • Storage Pricing
  • Bandwidth Pricing
  • Collateral Pricing
  • Maximum Contracts Duration

Start Hosting

Just type:

./siac host announce

Good Luck!




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