golang 1.7之后高级测试方法之子测试,子基准测试(subtest sub-benchmarks)

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在go1.7之后,testing包T和B的引入了一个Run方法,用于创建subtests 和 sub-benchmarks. subtests 和 sub-benchmarks可以让开发者更好的处理测试中的失败,更好的控制运行哪个测试用例,控制并行测试操作,测试代码更加简洁和可维护性更强。

Table-driven tests 基础



func TestTime(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []struct {
        gmt  string
        loc  string
        want string
        {"12:31", "Europe/Zuri", "13:31"},     // incorrect location name
        {"12:31", "America/New_York", "7:31"}, // should be 07:31
        {"08:08", "Australia/Sydney", "18:08"},
    for _, tc := range testCases {
        loc, err := time.LoadLocation(tc.loc)
        if err != nil {
            t.Fatalf("could not load location %q", tc.loc)
        gmt, _ := time.Parse("15:04", tc.gmt)
        if got := gmt.In(loc).Format("15:04"); got != tc.want {
            t.Errorf("In(%s, %s) = %s; want %s", tc.gmt, tc.loc, got, tc.want)

上面的测试方式称为table-driven 测试法,可以降低重复代码。

Table-driven benchmarks


func benchmarkAppendFloat(b *testing.B, f float64, fmt byte, prec, bitSize int) {
    dst := make([]byte, 30)
    b.ResetTimer() // Overkill here, but for illustrative purposes.
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        AppendFloat(dst[:0], f, fmt, prec, bitSize)

func BenchmarkAppendFloatDecimal(b *testing.B) { benchmarkAppendFloat(b, 33909, 'g', -1, 64) }
func BenchmarkAppendFloat(b *testing.B)        { benchmarkAppendFloat(b, 339.7784, 'g', -1, 64) }
func BenchmarkAppendFloatExp(b *testing.B)     { benchmarkAppendFloat(b, -5.09e75, 'g', -1, 64) }
func BenchmarkAppendFloatNegExp(b *testing.B)  { benchmarkAppendFloat(b, -5.11e-95, 'g', -1, 64) }
func BenchmarkAppendFloatBig(b *testing.B)     { benchmarkAppendFloat(b, 123456789123456789123456789, 'g', -1, 64) }


func BenchmarkAppendFloat(b *testing.B) {
    benchmarks := []struct{
        name    string
        float   float64
        fmt     byte
        prec    int
        bitSize int
        {"Decimal", 33909, 'g', -1, 64},
        {"Float", 339.7784, 'g', -1, 64},
        {"Exp", -5.09e75, 'g', -1, 64},
        {"NegExp", -5.11e-95, 'g', -1, 64},
        {"Big", 123456789123456789123456789, 'g', -1, 64},
    dst := make([]byte, 30)
    for _, bm := range benchmarks {
        b.Run(bm.name, func(b *testing.B) {
            for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
                AppendFloat(dst[:0], bm.float, bm.fmt, bm.prec, bm.bitSize)


如果想要子测试并发执行,则使用 b.RunParallel

Table-driven tests using subtests

Go1.7之后引用Run方法用于创建subtests,对之前 Table-driven tests 基础 中的代码重新写为:

func TestTime(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []struct {
        gmt  string
        loc  string
        want string
        {"12:31", "Europe/Zuri", "13:31"},
        {"12:31", "America/New_York", "7:31"},
        {"08:08", "Australia/Sydney", "18:08"},
    for _, tc := range testCases {
        t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s in %s", tc.gmt, tc.loc), func(t *testing.T) {
            loc, err := time.LoadLocation(tc.loc)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatal("could not load location")
            gmt, _ := time.Parse("15:04", tc.gmt)
            if got := gmt.In(loc).Format("15:04"); got != tc.want {
                t.Errorf("got %s; want %s", got, tc.want)

go1.7之前的 Table-driven tests 基础 的测试代码运行结果为:

--- FAIL: TestTime (0.00s)
    time_test.go:62: could not load location "Europe/Zuri"

虽然两个用例都是错误的,但是 第一个用例Fatalf 后,后面的用例也就没能进行运行。


--- FAIL: TestTime (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_Europe/Zuri (0.00s)
        time_test.go:84: could not load location
    --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_America/New_York (0.00s)
        time_test.go:88: got 07:31; want 7:31

Fatal 导致subtest被跳过,不过不影响其他subtest以及父test的测试。

针对每一个子测试,go test命令都会打印出一行测试摘要。它们是分离的、独立统计的。这可以让我们进行更加精细的测试,细到每次输入输出。


subtests和sub-benchmarks可以使用 -run or -bench flag
来对测试用例进行过滤运行。 -run or -bench flag后跟以'/'分割的正则表达式,用来制定特定的测试用例。

  • 执行TestTime下匹配"in Europe" 的子测试
    $ go test -run=TestTime/"in Europe"
    --- FAIL: TestTime (0.00s)
      --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_Europe/Zuri (0.00s)
          time_test.go:85: could not load location
  • 执行TestTime下匹配"12:[0-9] " 的子测试
    $ go test -run=Time/12:[0-9] -v
    === RUN   TestTime
    === RUN   TestTime/12:31_in_Europe/Zuri
    === RUN   TestTime/12:31_in_America/New_York
    --- FAIL: TestTime (0.00s)
      --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_Europe/Zuri (0.00s)
          time_test.go:85: could not load location
      --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_America/New_York (0.00s)
          time_test.go:89: got 07:31; want 7:31
$ go test -run=Time//New_York
--- FAIL: TestTime (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestTime/12:31_in_America/New_York (0.00s)
        time_test.go:88: got 07:31; want 7:31

func (*T) Parallel

func (t *T) Parallel()


 tc := tc这个地方很关键,不然多个子测试可能使用的tc是同一个。
func TestGroupedParallel(t *testing.T) {
    for _, tc := range testCases {
        tc := tc // capture range variable
        t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
            if got := foo(tc.in); got != tc.out {
                t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, tc.out)

func (*B) RunParallel

func (b *B) RunParallel(body func(*PB))

RunParallel runs a benchmark in parallel. It creates multiple goroutines and distributes b.N iterations among them. The number of goroutines defaults to GOMAXPROCS. To increase parallelism for non-CPU-bound benchmarks, call SetParallelism before RunParallel. RunParallel is usually used with the go test -cpu flag.

The body function will be run in each goroutine. It should set up any goroutine-local state and then iterate until pb.Next returns false. It should not use the StartTimer, StopTimer, or ResetTimer functions, because they have global effect. It should also not call Run.


不要使用 StartTimer, StopTimer, or ResetTimer functions这些函数,因为这些函数都是 global effect的。

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Parallel benchmark for text/template.Template.Execute on a single object.
    testing.Benchmark(func(b *testing.B) {
        templ := template.Must(template.New("test").Parse("Hello, {{.}}!"))
        // RunParallel will create GOMAXPROCS goroutines
        // and distribute work among them.
        b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
            // Each goroutine has its own bytes.Buffer.
            var buf bytes.Buffer
            for pb.Next() {
                // The loop body is executed b.N times total across all goroutines.
                templ.Execute(&buf, "World")



func BenchmarkProductInfo(b *testing.B) {
    // b.ResetTimer()

    testCases := []string{"pn3", "p7", "p666"}
    for _, productId := range testCases {
        // b.SetParallelism
        b.Run(productId, func(b *testing.B) {
            for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

func BenchmarkProductInfoParalle(b *testing.B) {
    // b.ResetTimer()

    testCases := []string{"pn3", "p7", "p666"}
    for _, tproductId := range testCases {
        // b.SetParallelism
        productId := tproductId
        b.RunParallel(func(b *testing.PB) {
            for b.Next() {


func BenchmarkProductLock(b *testing.B) {
    // b.ResetTimer()
    testCases := []string{"pn3", "p7", "p666"}
    for _, productId := range testCases {
        // b.SetParallelism
        b.Run(productId, func(b *testing.B) {
            for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

func BenchmarkProductLockParallel(b *testing.B) {
    // b.ResetTimer()
    testCases := []string{"pn3", "p7", "p666"}
    for _, tproductId := range testCases {
        // b.SetParallelism
        productId := tproductId
        b.RunParallel(func(b *testing.PB) {
            for b.Next() {

  • 执行如下测试命令
    go test -bench="."
    BenchmarkProductInfo/pn3-4                 10000            107704 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductInfo/p7-4                  10000            108921 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductInfo/p666-4                10000            107163 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductInfoParalle-4              10000            113386 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductLock/pn3-4                 10000            100418 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductLock/p7-4                  20000             97373 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductLock/p666-4                20000             96905 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductLockParallel-4             10000            108399 ns/op
  • 执行如下测试命令

    go test -bench=ProductInfo


    BenchmarkProductInfo/pn3-4                 10000            111065 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductInfo/p7-4                  10000            118515 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductInfo/p666-4                10000            111723 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductInfoParalle-4              10000            118641 ns/op
  • 执行如下测试命令

    go test -bench=oductInfo


    BenchmarkProductInfo/pn3-4                 10000            107338 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductInfo/p7-4                  10000            109848 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductInfo/p666-4                10000            109344 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductInfoParalle-4              10000            114351 ns/op
  • 执行如下测试命令

    go test -bench=ProductInfo/p7


    BenchmarkProductInfo/p7-4                  10000            109045 ns/op
    BenchmarkProductInfoParalle-4              10000            117569 ns/op


func TestCheckProductLockt(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []string{"a1", "a2", "a3"}
    for _, productID := range testCases {

        t.Run(productID, func(t *testing.T) {
            _, ret := mgoDB.ecnGetProductInfoOfProductId(productID)
            if ret != Success {



func TestCheckProductLocktParalle(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []string{"a1", "a2", "a3"}
    for _, tproductID := range testCases {
        productID := tproductID
        t.Run(productID, func(t *testing.T) {
            _, ret := mgoDB.ecnGetProductInfoOfProductId(productID)
            if ret != Success {



func TestUserIDMatchRole(t *testing.T) {
    reqData := []struct {
        ProductID string
        UserID    string
        RoleType  string
        {"pn2", "48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407", "HR"},
        {"pn2", "48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407", "CEO"},
        {"pn2", "48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407", "CTO"},

    for _, data := range reqData {
        t.Run(fmt.Sprint("%s %s", data.ProductID, data.RoleType), func(t *testing.T) {
            if ret := checkUserMatchProductRole(data.ProductID, data.UserID, data.RoleType); ret != Success {
                t.Error("not match")


func TestUserIDMatchRoleParall(t *testing.T) {
    reqData := []struct {
        ProductID string
        UserID    string
        RoleType  string
        {"pn2", "48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407", "HR"},
        {"pn2", "48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407", "CEO"},
        {"pn2", "48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407", "CTO"},

    for _, tdata := range reqData {
        data := tdata //重要
        t.Run(fmt.Sprint("%s %s", data.ProductID, data.RoleType), func(t *testing.T) {
            if ret := checkUserMatchProductRole(data.ProductID, data.UserID, data.RoleType); ret != Success {
                t.Error("not match")

  • 执行如下测试命令
    go test -bench="."
    --- FAIL: TestCheckProductLockt (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:626: a1
      --- FAIL: TestCheckProductLockt/a1 (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:630: faield
          ecn_test.go:626: a2
      --- FAIL: TestCheckProductLockt/a2 (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:630: faield
          ecn_test.go:626: a3
      --- FAIL: TestCheckProductLockt/a3 (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:630: faield
    --- FAIL: TestCheckProductLocktParalle (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:642: a1
          ecn_test.go:642: a2
          ecn_test.go:642: a3
      --- FAIL: TestCheckProductLocktParalle/a1 (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:647: faield
      --- FAIL: TestCheckProductLocktParalle/a2 (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:647: faield
      --- FAIL: TestCheckProductLocktParalle/a3 (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:647: faield
    --- FAIL: TestUserIDMatchRole (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:668: {pn2 48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407 HR}
      --- FAIL: TestUserIDMatchRole/%s_%spn2HR (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:671: not match
          ecn_test.go:668: {pn2 48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407 CEO}
      --- FAIL: TestUserIDMatchRole/%s_%spn2CEO (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:671: not match
          ecn_test.go:668: {pn2 48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407 CTO}
      --- FAIL: TestUserIDMatchRole/%s_%spn2CTO (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:671: not match
    --- FAIL: TestUserIDMatchRoleParall (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:692: {pn2 48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407 HR}
          ecn_test.go:692: {pn2 48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407 CEO}
          ecn_test.go:692: {pn2 48176d26e860975e96518b80a3520407 CTO}
      --- FAIL: TestUserIDMatchRoleParall/%s_%spn2HR (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:696: not match
      --- FAIL: TestUserIDMatchRoleParall/%s_%spn2CTO (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:696: not match
      --- FAIL: TestUserIDMatchRoleParall/%s_%spn2CEO (0.00s)
          ecn_test.go:696: not match


    Using Subtests and Sub-benchmarks




查看原文:golang 1.7之后高级测试方法之子测试,子基准测试(subtest sub-benchmarks)

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