Z-Node: a cluster for sys-ops based on doozer & zookeeper

mikespook · · 1848 次点击 · · 开始浏览    
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I’m happy to announce the system operations cluster: Z-Node here.



Z-Node is a cluster for helping system operations. It works with Doozer and ZooKeeper cluster.

Every Z-Node watches at least two files:

  • /z-node/node/$HOST/$PID – for one-node tasks;
  • /z-node/$REGION/wire – for cluster tasks (Every Z-Node instance can watch multi-regions).

Z-Node will register itself as file /z-node/info/$HOST/$PID with running informations. It watches the file /z-node/node/$HOST/$PID for one-node tasks. When the file was changed, Z-Node will be notified.

All of Z-Nodes watch the file /z-node/$REGION/wire for cluster tasks. When the file is changed, all of Z-Nodes will be notified.

Special Thanks

The skynet project enlightened me on the developing with Z-Node. Also, I’m a user with skynet. :)

So, express my thanks to the skynet’s founder – Brian Ketelsen.

Thank you for your great job!


本文来自:mikespook 的博客


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