Htmlparse is a go tool for parsing a html document.
It converts a html document into a tree. Each node in the tree is either a tag or a text. Given a tag, a programmer
can easily get its original infos, including its metadata, its children, its siblings and the text wrapped in it.
One can also modify a tree, by writing something into or delete a tag.
It can be used in web crawlers, analysis, batch formating and etc.
go get -u
Parse() *Tree
The only one method needed to convert the original bytes to a tree. Example: ```go import ( "" ) //... content, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("index.html") parser := htmlparse.NewParse(content) tree := parser.Parse() ```
Filter(filter map[string]string) []*Tag
Find some tags from the document with a filter, which is a key-value formated map. Example: ```go products := tree.Filter(map[string]string{"tagName", "div", "class": "product"}) ```
Find(conditions map[string]string) *TagSets
Similar to the Filter method, except that its return value is of TagSets type who has some useful methods.
String() string
Return the original document.
Modify() string
Return the modified document.
Find(map[string]string) *TagSets
Return a set of tags from a set of tags or their children using a filter. It can be used with a chain style. Example: ```go photos := tree.Find(map[string]string{ "tagName": "div", "class": "product", }).Find(map[string]string{ "tagName": "img", "class": "photo", }) ```
All() []*Tag
Get all the tags in this set.
GetAttributes(attr ...string) []map[string]string
Get some attributes from each tag in this set. Example: ```go inputs := form.Find(map[string]string{ "tagName": "input" }).GetAttributes("type", "name", "value", "data-id") for _, input := range inputs { fmt.Printf("%s,%s,%s,%s\n", input["type"], input["name"], input["value"], input["data-id"] ) } ```
String() string
Find(map[string]string) *TagSets
Find the tags from a tag's children.
GetContent() []byte
Return the original bytes of a tag in the document, the tag's metadata is included. By design, each tag or text has a pair of pointers which determined its absolute position in the document. So whenever one gets the original content of a tag or text, it just fetches the subslice document[head:tail], which can be no more faster.
String() string
Satisfy the Stringer.
Extract() []byte
Filter the text from the original data of a tag. Tags wont't be included.
Index() int64
Get the index of a tag in its among its brothers.
Prev() *Tag
Get the previous tag of a tag under the same parent.
Next() *Tag
Similar to Prev().
Modify() string
Return the modified data of a tag. One should call this after writing to a tag.
WriteText(position int64, data []byte) (*Text, error)
Write text into a tag at the given index in the tag's children. Example: ```go names := products.Find(map[string]string{"class": "productName"}) fmt.Println(names) //prints: //<div class="productName">Product1</div> //<div class="productName">Product2</div> //<div class="productName">Product3</div> for _, name := range names { name.WriteText(0, []byte("[ONSALE] ")) fmt.Println(name.Modify()) } //prints: //<div class="productName">[ONSALE] Product1</div> //<div class="productName">[ONSALE] Product2</div> //<div class="productName">[ONSALE] Product3</div> ```
WriteTag(position int64, tagname string) (*Tag, error)
Write a tag into a tag at the given index in the tag's chidren. Example: ```go script, _ := body.WriteTag(1000, "script") //if ths position is greater than the count of the tag's children, it'll be set to the last script.Attributes["src"] = "" body.Modify() ```
Delete() error
Delete a tag. Example: ```go garbage := tree.Find(map[string]string{"class":"advertisement"}).All()[0] garbage.Delete() tree.Modify() ```
String() string
Smilar to tag.
Index() int64
Smilar to tag.
Modify() string
Smilar to tag.
Smilar to tag.