package BTree
type BTreeI interface {
//if a bt contains data
Contain(data interface{}) (bool, error)
//get the node which has max data
FindMax() (*BinaryNode, error)
//get the node which has min data
FindMin() (*BinaryNode, error)
//insert a data
Insert(x interface{}) (*BinaryNode, error)
//delete a node which's data is x,if several nodes' data are all x,only delete one of them
Remove(x interface{}) (*BinaryNode, error)
//get a node 's depth in a bt
GetDepth(node *BinaryNode) (int, error)
//Get the nearest ancestor of two node
GetAncestor(node1, node2 *BinaryNode) (*BinaryNode, error)
//Assume node1 and node2 is contained,get the nearest distance of two node,however,it didn't support compare two nodes which have the same data,New(11) and new(11) is uncomparable
//if node1 or node2 isn't included,nil pointer error occurred
GetDistance(node1, node2 *BinaryNode) (int, error)
//get max depth of a bt, returns maxDepth,leftMaxDepth,rightMaxDepth,error
GetMaxDepth() (int, int, int, error)
//get max two node distance of a bt
GetMaxDistance() (int, error)
//get a bt's node number
GetNodesNum(sum *int)
//get a bt's node number escaping arg
GetNodesNumEscapingArgs() int
//get the maxHeight of a bt
GetMaxHeight() int
//get a node's height
GetNodeHeight(node *BinaryNode) int
//transfer a bt to a array asc sorted
ToAscArray(rs *[]interface{}, flag *int)
//transfer a bt to an array asc escaping args
ToAscArrayEscapingArgs() []interface{}
//transfer a bt to a array desc sorted
ToDescArray(rs *[]interface{}, flag *int)
//transfer a bt to an array desc escaping args
ToDescArrayEscapingArgs() []interface{}
//Assume got a node , find its root by this function
FindRoot() *BinaryNode
//Cached a bt in global Cache
Cached() *BTreeCache
//Get a bt's cache,if not existed,throws an error
GetCache() (*BTreeCache, error)
//Get a bt's cache,if not existed,generate one then return it
MustGetCache() *BTreeCache
//transfer a bt to a linked list order asc
ToAscLinkedList() (*SortedLinkedList, error)
//transfer a bt to a LinkedList desc
ToDescLinkedList() (*SortedLinkedList, error)
//Balance a bt'copy ,no modifying to itself
BalanceCopy() *BinaryNode
//Balance a bt to avl
//Pacakge a balanced bt to the specific new struct AVL,which is extendable and now contains a root *Binary
package BTree
import (
type BinaryNode struct {
Data interface{}
Parant *BinaryNode
Left *BinaryNode
Right *BinaryNode
type SortedLinkedList struct {
Start *BinaryNode
type AVL struct {
Root *BinaryNode
type RedBlack struct {
Root *BinaryNode
//new a node
func New(data interface{}) *BinaryNode {
return &BinaryNode{data, nil, nil, nil}
//new a node with parent
func NewWithParent(data interface{}, prt *BinaryNode) *BinaryNode {
return &BinaryNode{data, prt, nil, nil}
//new a node with left child
func NewWithLeft(data interface{}, left *BinaryNode) *BinaryNode {
return &BinaryNode{data, nil, left, nil}
// balance the copy of bt to an avl
func (root *BinaryNode)BalanceCopy() *BinaryNode{
copy := *root
return copy.Balance()
//balance the bt to an avl
func (bt *BinaryNode)Balance() *BinaryNode{
if bt==nil {
return nil
if (bt.Left.GetMaxHeight() - bt.Right.GetMaxHeight())>1 {
if bt.Left.Left.GetMaxHeight()>=bt.Left.Right.GetMaxHeight() {
return bt.RotateWithLeftChild()
return bt.DoubleRotateLeftChild()
if (bt.Right.GetMaxHeight() - bt.Left.GetMaxHeight()) >1 {
if bt.Right.Right.GetMaxHeight() >=bt.Right.Left.GetMaxHeight(){
return bt.RotateWithRightChild()
return bt.DoubleRotateRightChild()
return bt
func (bt *BinaryNode) RotateWithLeftChild() *BinaryNode{
if bt.Left !=nil && bt.Left.Right!=nil{
tmp := bt.Left
bt.Left =tmp.Right
tmp.Right.Parant = bt
tmp.Right = bt
tmp.Parant = bt.Parant
if bt.Parant!=nil {
if bt.Parant.Left == bt {
bt.Parant.Left = tmp
bt.Parant.Right = tmp
bt.Parant = tmp
return tmp
return bt
func (bt *BinaryNode) DoubleRotateLeftChild()*BinaryNode{
if bt.Left!=nil{
bt.Left = bt.Left.RotateWithRightChild()
return bt.RotateWithLeftChild()
return bt
func (bt *BinaryNode) DoubleRotateRightChild()*BinaryNode{
if bt.Right !=nil{
bt.Right = bt.Right.RotateWithLeftChild()
return bt.RotateWithRightChild()
return bt
func (bt *BinaryNode) RotateWithRightChild()*BinaryNode {
if bt.Right!=nil &&bt.Right.Left!=nil{
bt.Right = tmp.Left
tmp.Left.Parant = bt
tmp.Left = bt
tmp.Parant = bt.Parant
if bt.Parant!=nil {
if bt.Parant.Left == bt {
bt.Parant.Left = tmp
bt.Parant.Right = tmp
bt.Parant =tmp
return tmp
return bt
//if a bt contains data
func (bt *BinaryNode) Contain(data interface{}) (bool, error) {
if data == nil {
return false, nil
rs, err := Compare(bt.Data, data)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if rs == 0 {
return true, nil
if rs == 1 {
return bt.Left.Contain(data)
if rs == -1 {
return bt.Right.Contain(data)
return false, nil
//get the node which has max data
func (bt *BinaryNode) FindMax() (*BinaryNode, error) {
if bt.Right != nil {
return bt.Right.FindMax()
} else {
return bt, nil
//get the node which has min data
func (bt *BinaryNode) FindMin() (*BinaryNode, error) {
if bt.Left != nil {
return bt.Left.FindMin()
} else {
return bt, nil
//insert a data
func (bt *BinaryNode) Insert(x interface{}) (*BinaryNode, error) {
rs, err := Compare(bt.Data, x)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if rs == 1 {
if bt.Left != nil {
return bt.Left.Insert(x)
} else {
bt.Left = NewWithParent(x, bt)
return bt.Left, nil
} else {
if bt.Right != nil {
return bt.Right.Insert(x)
} else {
bt.Right = NewWithParent(x, bt)
return bt.Right, nil
return nil, nil
//delete a node which's data is x,if several nodes' data are all x,only delete one of them
func (bt *BinaryNode) Remove(x interface{}) (*BinaryNode, error) {
if bt == nil {
return nil, nil
rs, er := Compare(bt.Data, x)
if er != nil {
return nil, er
if rs == -1 {
bt.Right, er = bt.Right.Remove(x)
if er != nil {
return nil, er
} else if rs == 1 {
bt.Left, er = bt.Left.Remove(x)
if er != nil {
return nil, er
} else if bt.Left != nil && bt.Right != nil {
tmp, _ := bt.Right.FindMin()
if bt.Parant.Right ==bt && bt.Parant!=nil{
bt.Parant.Right = tmp
tmp.Parant = bt.Parant
tmp.Left = bt.Left
bt.Left.Parant = tmp
if bt.Right!= tmp{
tmp.Right = bt.Right
bt.Right.Parant = tmp
return tmp,nil
}else if bt.Parant.Left ==bt && bt.Parant!=nil{
bt.Parant.Left = tmp
tmp.Parant = bt.Parant
tmp.Left = bt.Left
bt.Left.Parant = tmp
if bt.Right!= tmp{
tmp.Right = bt.Right
bt.Right.Parant = tmp
return tmp,nil
//bt.Right, _ = bt.Right.Remove(tmp.Data)
} else {
if bt.Left != nil {
bt = bt.Left
} else {
bt = bt.Right
return bt, nil
//get a node 's depth in a bt
func (bt *BinaryNode) GetDepth(node *BinaryNode) (int, error) {
rs, er := Compare(node.Data, bt.Data)
if er != nil {
return -1, er
if rs == -1 {
tmpLeft, _ := bt.Left.GetDepth(node)
return tmpLeft + 1, nil
} else if rs == 0 {
return 0, nil
} else {
tmpRight, _ := bt.Right.GetDepth(node)
return tmpRight + 1, nil
//Get the nearest ancestor of two node
func (bt *BinaryNode) GetAncestor(node1, node2 *BinaryNode) (*BinaryNode, error) {
rs1, er := Compare(node1.Data, bt.Data)
if er != nil {
return nil, er
rs2, er := Compare(node2.Data, bt.Data)
if er != nil {
return nil, er
if rs1 == 1 && rs2 == 1 {
return bt.Right.GetAncestor(node1, node2)
} else if rs1 == -1 && rs2 == -1 {
return bt.Left.GetAncestor(node1, node2)
} else {
return bt, nil
//Assume node1 and node2 is contained,get the nearest distance of two node,however,it didn't support compare two nodes which have the same data,New(11) and new(11) is uncomparable
//if node1 or node2 isn't included,nil pointer error occurred
func (bt *BinaryNode) GetDistance(node1, node2 *BinaryNode) (int, error) {
ancestor, er := bt.GetAncestor(node1, node2)
if er != nil {
return -1, er
tmp1, er := ancestor.GetDepth(node1)
if er != nil {
return -1, er
tmp2, er := ancestor.GetDepth(node2)
if er != nil {
return -1, er
return tmp1 + tmp2, nil
//get max depth of a bt, returns maxDepth,leftMaxDepth,rightMaxDepth,error
func (bt *BinaryNode) GetMaxDepth() (int, int, int, error) {
if bt == nil {
return 0, 0, 0, nil
var leftMax, rightMax int
var er error
if bt.Left != nil {
leftMax, _, _, er = bt.Left.GetMaxDepth()
if er != nil {
return -1, -1, -1, er
if bt.Right != nil {
rightMax, _, _, er = bt.Right.GetMaxDepth()
if er != nil {
return -1, -1, -1, er
if leftMax > rightMax {
return leftMax, leftMax, rightMax, nil
return rightMax, leftMax, rightMax, nil
//get max two node distance of a bt
func (bt *BinaryNode) GetMaxDistance() (int, error) {
if bt == nil {
return 0, nil
var lMax1 = 0
var rMax1 = 0
var lMax2 = 0
var rMax2 = 0
var er error
_, lMax1, rMax1, er = bt.GetMaxDepth()
if bt.Left != nil {
lMax2, er = bt.Left.GetMaxDistance()
if er != nil {
return -1, er
if bt.Right != nil {
if bt.Right != nil {
rMax2, er = bt.Right.GetMaxDistance()
if er != nil {
return -1, er
if bt.Left != nil {
return max((lMax1 + rMax1), lMax2, rMax2), nil
//get a bt's node number
func (bt *BinaryNode) GetNodesNum(sum *int) {
if bt != nil {
*sum += 1
if bt.Right != nil {
if bt.Left != nil {
//get a bt's node number escaping arg
func (bt *BinaryNode) GetNodesNumEscapingArgs() int {
var sum int
return sum
//get the maxHeight of a bt
func (bt *BinaryNode) GetMaxHeight() int {
if bt == nil {
return 0
tmp, _, _, _ := bt.GetMaxDepth()
return tmp
//get a node's height
func (bt *BinaryNode) GetNodeHeight(node *BinaryNode) int {
total, _, _, _ := bt.GetMaxDepth()
tmp, _ := bt.GetDepth(node)
return total - tmp
//transfer a bt to a array asc sorted
func (bt *BinaryNode) ToAscArray(rs *[]interface{}, flag *int) {
if bt.Left != nil {
bt.Left.ToAscArray(rs, flag)
(*rs)[*flag] = bt.Data
if bt.Right != nil {
bt.Right.ToAscArray(rs, flag)
//transfer a bt to an array asc escaping args
func (bt *BinaryNode) ToAscArrayEscapingArgs() []interface{} {
var sum int
var rs []interface{}
var flag int
rs = make([]interface{}, sum)
bt.ToAscArray(&rs, &flag)
return rs
//transfer a bt to a array desc sorted
func (bt *BinaryNode) ToDescArray(rs *[]interface{}, flag *int) {
if bt.Right != nil {
bt.Right.ToDescArray(rs, flag)
(*rs)[*flag] = bt.Data
if bt.Left != nil {
bt.Left.ToDescArray(rs, flag)
//transfer a bt to an array desc escaping args
func (bt *BinaryNode) ToDescArrayEscapingArgs() []interface{} {
var sum int
var rs []interface{}
var flag int
rs = make([]interface{}, sum)
bt.ToDescArray(&rs, &flag)
return rs
//Assume got a node , find its root by this function
func (bt *BinaryNode) FindRoot() *BinaryNode {
if bt.Parant != nil {
return bt.Parant.FindRoot()
} else {
return bt
//Cached a bt in global Cache
func (bt *BinaryNode) Cached() *BTreeCache {
rootTmp := bt.FindRoot()
for k := range Cache {
if Cache[k].Root == bt.FindRoot() {
return Cache[k]
Cache[rootTmp] = &BTreeCache{Root: bt.FindRoot()}
return Cache[rootTmp]
//Get a bt's cache,if not existed,throws an error
func (bt *BinaryNode) GetCache() (*BTreeCache, error) {
for k, _ := range Cache {
if k == bt.FindRoot() {
return Cache[k], nil
return nil, errors.New("this binary tree has not been cached yet,use bt.Cached() first,or use bt.MustGetCache()")
//Get a bt's cache,if not existed,generate one then return it
func (bt *BinaryNode) MustGetCache() *BTreeCache {
for k := range Cache {
if k == bt.FindRoot() {
return Cache[k]
return bt.Cached()
//transfer a bt to a redBlack pattern
//what is a red-black tree,refer to www.baidu.com, www.google.com
func (bt *BinaryNode)ToRedBlack() error {
return nil
//transfer a bt to an avl parttern
//what is an avl tree,refer to www.baidu.com,www.google.com
func (bt *BinaryNode)ToAVL() (*AVL){
tmp := bt.BalanceCopy()
return &AVL{Root:tmp}
//transfer a bt to a linked list order asc
func (bt *BinaryNode) ToAscLinkedList() (*SortedLinkedList, error) {
var sum int
var rs = make([]interface{}, sum)
var flag = 0
bt.ToAscArray(&rs, &flag)
head := New(rs[0])
tail := head
var tmp *BinaryNode
for i := 1; i < len(rs); i++ {
tmp = New(rs[i])
tail.Right = tmp
tmp.Left = tail
tail = tmp
return &SortedLinkedList{head}, nil
//transfer a bt to a LinkedList desc
func (bt *BinaryNode) ToDescLinkedList() (*SortedLinkedList, error) {
var sum int
var rs = make([]interface{}, sum)
var flag = 0
bt.ToDescArray(&rs, &flag)
head := New(rs[0])
tail := head
var tmp *BinaryNode
for i := 1; i < len(rs); i++ {
tmp = New(rs[i])
tail.Right = tmp
tmp.Left = tail
tail = tmp
return &SortedLinkedList{head}, nil
////rotate left
//func (av *RedBlack) LeftRotate() (*AVL, error) {
// return nil, nil
////rotate right
//func (av *RedBlack) RightRotate() (*AVL, error) {
// return nil, nil
//compare two interface{} value ,only supports for int,int64,int32,int16,int8,string,float32,float64
func Compare(v1 interface{}, v2 interface{}) (int, error) {
if reflect.TypeOf(v1).Kind().String() != reflect.TypeOf(v2).Kind().String() {
return -1, errors.New("二者类型不匹配,对一个bt树链来说,不推荐存放不同数据类型的对象")
switch v1.(type) {
case int:
v1tmp := v1.(int)
v2tmp := v2.(int)
if v1tmp > v2tmp {
return 1, nil
} else if v1tmp == v2tmp {
return 0, nil
} else {
return -1, nil
case int64:
v1tmp := v1.(int64)
v2tmp := v2.(int64)
if v1tmp > v2tmp {
return 1, nil
} else if v1tmp == v2tmp {
return 0, nil
} else {
return -1, nil
case int32:
v1tmp := v1.(int32)
v2tmp := v2.(int32)
if v1tmp > v2tmp {
return 1, nil
} else if v1tmp == v2tmp {
return 0, nil
} else {
return -1, nil
case int16:
v1tmp := v1.(int16)
v2tmp := v2.(int16)
if v1tmp > v2tmp {
return 1, nil
} else if v1tmp == v2tmp {
return 0, nil
} else {
return -1, nil
case int8:
v1tmp := v1.(int8)
v2tmp := v2.(int8)
if v1tmp > v2tmp {
return 1, nil
} else if v1tmp == v2tmp {
return 0, nil
} else {
return -1, nil
case string:
v1tmp := v1.(string)
v2tmp := v2.(string)
if v1tmp > v2tmp {
return 1, nil
} else if v1tmp == v2tmp {
return 0, nil
} else {
return -1, nil
case float32:
v1tmp := v1.(float32)
v2tmp := v2.(float32)
if v1tmp > v2tmp {
return 1, nil
} else if v1tmp == v2tmp {
return 0, nil
} else {
return -1, nil
case float64:
v1tmp := v1.(float64)
v2tmp := v2.(float64)
if v1tmp > v2tmp {
return 1, nil
} else if v1tmp == v2tmp {
return 0, nil
} else {
return -1, nil
return -1, errors.New("only support compare int,int8,int16,int32,int64,float32,float64,string")
func max(args ... int) int {
var maxTmp = args[0]
for i := 0; i < len(args)-1; i++ {
for j := i + 1; j < len(args); j++ {
if maxTmp < args[j] {
maxTmp = args[j]
return maxTmp
func abs(arg int)int{
if arg>0 {
return arg
return -arg
func SmartPrint(i interface{}) {
var kv = make(map[string]interface{})
vValue := reflect.ValueOf(i)
vType := reflect.TypeOf(i)
for i := 0; i < vValue.NumField(); i++ {
kv[vType.Field(i).Name] = vValue.Field(i)
for k, v := range kv {
func IfZero(arg interface{}) bool {
if arg == nil {
return true
switch v := arg.(type) {
case int, float64, int32, int16, int64, float32:
if v == 0 {
return true
case string:
if v == "" || v == "%%" || v == "%" {
return true
case *string, *int, *int64, *int32, *int16, *int8, *float32, *float64:
if v == nil {
return true
return false
return false