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新的库名叫go.mobile,包含了Go for Android的库的工具


  1. 首先需要Android SDK,和NDK。
  2. 然后需要添加一个环境变量:NDK_ROOT=$HOME/android/ndk-toolchain
  3. 配置NDK工具ndk/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh -platform=android-9 --install-dir=$NDK_ROOT
  4. 安装Go cross-compiler
    1. hg clone https://code.google.com/p/go
    2. cd go/src
    3. CC_FOR_TARGET=$NDK_CC GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 ./make.bash
  5. 如果之前有安装过GO,那默认情况下是for电脑平台的,所以这里要构建ARM的。大概是这个意思。
  6. 将go/bin添加到path环境变量中
利用Go,可以开发两种项目,一种是android JAVA代码调用到go,另一种就是纯Go写的APP,第二种就是提供了open gl和完全的golang开发环境。

Apps are written in Java, developed using the standard Android
tools, that include a Go library for added functionality. There is an
example of such a library in go.mobile/example/libhello.

To build the shared library, use the make.bash script in the example's
directory. It requires an environment variable, ANDROID_APP, set to the
location of your Android studio project. E.g.


With this variable, make.bash builds the .so file and symlinks in the
necessary java files to the project.

Go Android apps (games)

Go Android apps are built on top of the NDK's NativeActivity. These apps
are written entirely in Go. An example of such an app, with touch events
and OpenGL, is in go.mobile/example/basic.

To build and deploy the app to the device currently attached to adb,
use the all.bash script in the example's directory. It requires
ndk-build, ant, and adb on your PATH.

APIs are currently very limited, but under active development.

To submit changes to this repository, see http://golang.org/doc/contribute.html.





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