go func...会被编译成newproc方法,我们可以随便写一个测试文件编译后用gdb打开
(gdb) b runtime.newproc
Breakpoint 5 at 0x10303c0: file /usr/local/homebrew/Cellar/go@1.9/1.9.6/libexec/src/runtime/proc.go, line 2929.
func newproc(siz int32, fn *funcval) {
argp := add(unsafe.Pointer(&fn), sys.PtrSize)
pc := getcallerpc(unsafe.Pointer(&siz))
systemstack(func() {
newproc1(fn, (*uint8)(argp), siz, 0, pc)
type funcval struct {
fn uintptr
// variable-size, fn-specific data here
golang的参数调用方式和C差不多,都是按参数从右到左入栈,所以siz是第一个参数,fn是变长参数,它的长度由siz确定,所以从我们的代码 go func...最终会被编译器call newproc,并且会把参数拷贝到调用栈上,fn中包含了所有g执行的上下文(方法指针[IP]和方法参数)
// 返回值忽略了,因为goroutine从不返回
func newproc1(fn *funcval, argp *uint8, narg int32, nret int32, callerpc uintptr) *g {
_g_ := getg()
if fn == nil {
_g_.m.throwing = -1 // do not dump full stacks
throw("go of nil func value")
_g_.m.locks++ // disable preemption because it can be holding p in a local var
// 对其内存
siz := narg + nret
siz = (siz + 7) &^ 7
// We could allocate a larger initial stack if necessary.
// Not worth it: this is almost always an error.
// 4*sizeof(uintreg): extra space added below
// sizeof(uintreg): caller's LR (arm) or return address (x86, in gostartcall).
if siz >= _StackMin-4*sys.RegSize-sys.RegSize {
throw("newproc: function arguments too large for new goroutine")
// 从P获取一个G如果没有就new一个
_p_ := _g_.m.p.ptr()
newg := gfget(_p_)
if newg == nil {
newg = malg(_StackMin)
casgstatus(newg, _Gidle, _Gdead)
allgadd(newg) // publishes with a g->status of Gdead so GC scanner doesn't look at uninitialized stack.
if newg.stack.hi == 0 {
throw("newproc1: newg missing stack")
if readgstatus(newg) != _Gdead {
throw("newproc1: new g is not Gdead")
totalSize := 4*sys.RegSize + uintptr(siz) + sys.MinFrameSize // extra space in case of reads slightly beyond frame
totalSize += -totalSize & (sys.SpAlign - 1) // align to spAlign
sp := newg.stack.hi - totalSize
spArg := sp
if usesLR {
// caller's LR
*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = 0
spArg += sys.MinFrameSize
if narg > 0 {
// 把参数copy到G的栈中
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(spArg), unsafe.Pointer(argp), uintptr(narg))
// This is a stack-to-stack copy. If write barriers
// are enabled and the source stack is grey (the
// destination is always black), then perform a
// barrier copy. We do this *after* the memmove
// because the destination stack may have garbage on
// it.
if writeBarrier.needed && !_g_.m.curg.gcscandone {
f := findfunc(fn.fn)
stkmap := (*stackmap)(funcdata(f, _FUNCDATA_ArgsPointerMaps))
// We're in the prologue, so it's always stack map index 0.
bv := stackmapdata(stkmap, 0)
bulkBarrierBitmap(spArg, spArg, uintptr(narg), 0, bv.bytedata)
memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(&newg.sched), unsafe.Sizeof(newg.sched))
newg.sched.sp = sp
newg.stktopsp = sp
newg.sched.pc = funcPC(goexit) + sys.PCQuantum // +PCQuantum so that previous instruction is in same function
newg.sched.g = guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newg))
// 该方法会把pc换成fn.fn也就是方法执行的地址,而把老pc放入lr,但我不太懂为什么要这么写
gostartcallfn(&newg.sched, fn)
newg.gopc = callerpc
newg.startpc = fn.fn
if _g_.m.curg != nil {
newg.labels = _g_.m.curg.labels
if isSystemGoroutine(newg) {
atomic.Xadd(&sched.ngsys, +1)
newg.gcscanvalid = false
casgstatus(newg, _Gdead, _Grunnable)
if _p_.goidcache == _p_.goidcacheend {
// Sched.goidgen is the last allocated id,
// this batch must be [sched.goidgen+1, sched.goidgen+GoidCacheBatch].
// At startup sched.goidgen=0, so main goroutine receives goid=1.
_p_.goidcache = atomic.Xadd64(&sched.goidgen, _GoidCacheBatch)
_p_.goidcache -= _GoidCacheBatch - 1
_p_.goidcacheend = _p_.goidcache + _GoidCacheBatch
newg.goid = int64(_p_.goidcache)
if raceenabled {
newg.racectx = racegostart(callerpc)
if trace.enabled {
traceGoCreate(newg, newg.startpc)
// 好了G的创建完成了,放入到P的run队列中
runqput(_p_, newg, true)
// 如果有空闲P就尝试唤醒一个M
if atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) != 0 && atomic.Load(&sched.nmspinning) == 0 && mainStarted {
if _g_.m.locks == 0 && _g_.preempt { // restore the preemption request in case we've cleared it in newstack
_g_.stackguard0 = stackPreempt
return newg
// 这就是上面说的把pc替换成真正的fn.fn的地方,不懂为什么要这么写
func gostartcallfn(gobuf *gobuf, fv *funcval) {
var fn unsafe.Pointer
if fv != nil {
fn = unsafe.Pointer(fv.fn)
} else {
fn = unsafe.Pointer(funcPC(nilfunc))
gostartcall(gobuf, fn, unsafe.Pointer(fv))
func gostartcall(buf *gobuf, fn, ctxt unsafe.Pointer) {
if buf.lr != 0 {
throw("invalid use of gostartcall")
buf.lr = buf.pc
buf.pc = uintptr(fn)
buf.ctxt = ctxt
总结下go在go func中干了啥
- 编译器会转成newproc
- newproc中从调用栈中取出执行方法地址,调用参数,调用者pc
- 然后从P中取一个空闲G没有就创建一个newG
- 对newG赋值,主要是赋值G的sched,它保存了G的调用上下文,有方法地址,参数,栈地址,下次M从P中取到这个G的时候运行就会从上下文中恢复到寄存器中从而完成用户态进程的切换
- 最后结束的时候会尝试唤醒M