
zhong · 2019-01-15 20:42:11 · 1054 次点击 · 预计阅读时间 2 分钟 · 大约8小时之前 开始浏览    
这是一个创建于 2019-01-15 20:42:11 的文章,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

package products

import ( "erp/models" "github.com/astaxie/beego/orm" )

type Product_Inventorys struct { Id int64 Name string Formate string Unit string Warehouse string C_name string Purchase string Price string Quantity string }

func init() { orm.RegisterModel(new(Product_Inventory)) }


func ListInvent()(num int64,err error, invent []ProductInventorys) { qb, := orm.NewQueryBuilder("mysql") qb.Select("i.id As Id", "p.name As Name", " p.format As Formate", "p.unit As Unit","w.w_name As Warehouse","c.name As C_name","p.purchase As Purchase", "p.sales As Price","i.quantity As Quantity"). From(models.TableName("product_inventory i,pms_product p,pms_product_category c,pms_product_warehouse w") ). Where("i.product=p.id and i.warehouse=w.w_id and p.c_id=c.id")

sql := qb.String()
o := orm.NewOrm()

var invents []Product_Inventorys
nums, errs := o.Raw(sql).QueryRows(&invents)
return  nums,errs,invents


[ORM]2019/01/15 20:08:17 -[Queries/default] - [ OK / db.Query / 233.0ms] - [SELECT i.id As Id, p.name As Name, p.format As Formate, p.unit As Unit, w.w_name As Warehouse, c.name As C_name, p.purchase As Purchase, p.sales As Price, i.quantity As Quantity FROM pms_product_inventory i,pms_product p,pms_product_category c,pms_product_warehouse w WHERE i.product=p.id and i.warehouse=w.w_id and p.c_id=c.id] [{0 } {0 } {0 } {0 } {0 } {0 } {0 } {0 } {0 } {0 } {0 }] 1.png 2.png


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