基于 golang的高性能MQTT Broker

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Free and High Performance MQTT Broker ============ ## About Golang MQTT Broker, Version 3.1.1, and Compatible for [eclipse paho client](https://github.com/eclipse?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=mqtt&type=&language=) and mosquitto-client Download: [click here](https://github.com/fhmq/hmq/releases) ## RUNNING ```bash $ go get github.com/fhmq/hmq $ cd $GOPATH/github.com/fhmq/hmq $ go run main.go ``` ## Usage of hmq: ~~~ Usage: hmq [options] Broker Options: -w, --worker <number> Worker num to process message, perfer (client num)/10. (default 1024) -p, --port <port> Use port for clients (default: 1883) --host <host> Network host to listen on. (default "") -ws, --wsport <port> Use port for websocket monitoring -wsp,--wspath <path> Use path for websocket monitoring -c, --config <file> Configuration file Logging Options: -d, --debug <bool> Enable debugging output (default false) -D Debug enabled Cluster Options: -r, --router <rurl> Router who maintenance cluster info -cp, --clusterport <cluster-port> Cluster listen port for others Common Options: -h, --help Show this message ~~~ ### hmq.config ~~~ { "workerNum": 4096, "port": "1883", "host": "", "cluster": { "host": "", "port": "1993" }, "router": "", "wsPort": "1888", "wsPath": "/ws", "wsTLS": true, "tlsPort": "8883", "tlsHost": "", "tlsInfo": { "verify": true, "caFile": "tls/ca/cacert.pem", "certFile": "tls/server/cert.pem", "keyFile": "tls/server/key.pem" }, "acl":true, "aclConf":"conf/acl.conf" } ~~~ ### Features and Future * Supports QOS 0 and 1 * Cluster Support * Containerization * Supports retained messages * Supports will messages * Websocket Support * TLS/SSL Support * Flexible ACL ### Cluster ```bash 1, start router for hmq (https://github.com/fhmq/router.git) $ go get github.com/fhmq/router $ cd $GOPATH/github.com/fhmq/router $ go run main.go 2, config router in hmq.config ("router": "") ``` ### ACL Configure #### The ACL rules define: ~~~ Allow | type | value | pubsub | Topics ~~~ #### ACL Config ~~~ ## type clientid , username, ipaddr ##pub 1 , sub 2, pubsub 3 ## %c is clientid , %u is username allow ip 2 $SYS/# allow clientid 0001 3 # allow username admin 3 # allow username joy 3 /test,hello/world allow clientid * 1 toCloud/%c allow username * 1 toCloud/%u deny clientid * 3 # ~~~ ~~~ #allow local sub $SYS topic allow ip 2 $SYS/# ~~~ ~~~ #allow client who's id with 0001 or username with admin pub sub all topic allow clientid 0001 3 # allow username admin 3 # ~~~ ~~~ #allow client with the username joy can pub sub topic '/test' and 'hello/world' allow username joy 3 /test,hello/world ~~~ ~~~ #allow all client pub the topic toCloud/{clientid/username} allow clientid * 1 toCloud/%c allow username * 1 toCloud/%u ~~~ ~~~ #deny all client pub sub all topic deny clientid * 3 # ~~~ Client match acl rule one by one ~~~ --------- --------- --------- Client -> | Rule1 | --nomatch--> | Rule2 | --nomatch--> | Rule3 | --> --------- --------- --------- | | | match match match \|/ \|/ \|/ allow | deny allow | deny allow | deny ~~~ ### Online/Offline Notification ```bash topic: $SYS/broker/connection/clients/<clientID> payload: {"clientID":"client001","online":true/false,"timestamp":"2018-10-25T09:32:32Z"} ``` ## Performance * High throughput * High concurrency * Low memory and CPU ## License * Apache License Version 2.0 ## Reference * Surgermq.(https://github.com/surgemq/surgemq)


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