
jmxu11 · · 1786 次点击 · · 开始浏览    
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Type: inuse_space
Time: Apr 8, 2019 at 5:27pm (CST)
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(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 22170kB, 100% of 22170kB total
Showing top 10 nodes out of 36
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
14336.66kB 64.67% 64.67% 14848.84kB 66.98%  runtime.systemstack
 2640.83kB 11.91% 76.58%  2640.83kB 11.91%  bufio.NewWriterSize (inline)
 2626.67kB 11.85% 88.43%  2626.67kB 11.85%  bufio.NewReaderSize (inline)
  516.01kB  2.33% 90.75%   516.01kB  2.33%  bytes.makeSlice
  513.31kB  2.32% 93.07%   513.31kB  2.32%  vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2.(*Framer).WriteDataPadded
  512.19kB  2.31% 95.38%   512.19kB  2.31%  runtime.malg
  512.19kB  2.31% 97.69%  5265.69kB 23.75%  vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/transport.newHTTP2Client
  512.14kB  2.31%   100%   512.14kB  2.31%  encoding/json.(*decodeState).objectInterface
         0     0%   100%      514kB  2.32%  bufio.NewReader
         0     0%   100%   516.01kB  2.33%  bytes.(*Buffer).ReadFrom




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