工作可以适当放弃,996 是一种幸福实在不认同,家庭永远比工作来的重要。自己还是缺少对于生活的智慧,要呵护好家人和自己,其他都是浮云。
最近几周 leetcode 都拉下了(目标每周做个 1~2 道 easy - medium 难度的题目,联系 golang 编程),接下来要找时间补上。
istio 庖丁解牛(三) galley
最近在尝试通过 MCP 集成 Istio 和 Dubbo,本文解释了 Galley 这个组件。(钟华的博客不错,他的文章都可以看看。)
这个代码库:https://github.com/costinm/istio-consul 是一种示例,把 Consul service registry adapter 转为 MCP 实现。
Learn to Deploy Production Ready Kubernetes in a Day
如何组织一个部署生产可用的 K8s 的研讨会,文中提到的一个议程可以作为参考。
A typical agenda:
- Welcome & introduction
- Getting started with your environment
- What is “Production Ready” (cluster & app checklist)
- Monitoring a production cluster (Prometheus & Observability)
- Building for observability (HPA, Istio Canary, FluentD & Prometheus)
- Declarative infrastructure in practice (GitOps model, Infra as code)
- DevOps and GitOps in practice (CI/CD pipelines, compliance tracking)
- Advanced Deployment Patterns (Canary, Blue/Green, A/B testing)
- Security best practices (RBAC, Kubernetes security groups, network policies)
- Node management and Kubernetes upgrade
- Light breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be provided.