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某不知名程序员曾说过: > 我们爱golang,很大程度是因为爱它的并发。 我们来总结下golang的并发三板斧,channel、pool、context。一路看下来,套路也就那么几个。 # Concurrency is not parallelism 首先必须牢记一个重要的概念:**并发不是并行**。 并发是描述代码架构,是指在模型上可以同时处理多件事务。并行是描述执行状态,除了代码限制外,如果没有多CPU多核心,谈何并行呢?对于单CPU单核心的硬件(当然现在基本上很少了),并发往往带来更多的进程间切换,反而会拖累效率。 那到底要不要并行?或者说什么情况下并行的收益最大?关键在于我们的模型是CPU密集型还是IO密集型的,一般来讲前者更适用于并行。听起来好像有点反常识,这么来思考一下: * CPU密集型不会主动释放系统线程,人为释放的话会有时间成本。利用并行的话,可以尽量让CPU密集型的任务独占一个系统线程。 * IO密集型本身遇到系统调用或者网络阻塞就会释放系统线程,所以单纯的并发模型就能满足需要了,可以有效利用单一的系统线程。 本系列文章只谈golang的代码模型,因此取`并发`二字。下图很直观的区分了并发和并行: ![](http://image99.renyit.com/image/2019-02-17-1.png) # goroutine 这大概是golang中最吸引人的地方了。 ![](https://talks.golang.org/2013/advconc/gopherswim.jpg) ## 启动goroutine 关键字`go`启动一个goroutine,新手容易犯以下的错误,使得goroutine没有真正运行: ```go func testBoring(msg string) { for i := 0; ; i++ { log.Printf("%s %d", msg, i) time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(1e3)) * time.Millisecond) } } func TestBasicGo(t *testing.T) { go testBoring("boring!") } ``` 主进程在启动的goroutine并没有运行到就退出了,因此没有效果,不会有打印。 ## 等待goroutine执行 ```go func testBoring(msg string) { for i := 0; ; i++ { log.Printf("%s %d", msg, i) time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(1e3)) * time.Millisecond) } } func TestGoAndWait(t *testing.T) { go testBoring("boring!") log.Printf("I'm listening.") time.Sleep(time.Second) log.Printf("I'm leaving.") } ``` 如此,手动用`time.Sleep`阻塞主进程,使得启动的goroutine能开始执行: 2019/02/17 17:55:33 I'm listening. 2019/02/17 17:55:33 boring! 0 2019/02/17 17:55:34 boring! 1 2019/02/17 17:55:34 boring! 2 2019/02/17 17:55:34 I'm leaving. Process finished with exit code 0 ## goroutine执行时机 那么`go`出去的goroutine到底什么时候能执行到呢?golang的调度器是非抢占式的,在`GPM`的架构里,`Waiting`态的goroutine(在LRQ或者GRQ中等待执行)必须要等`Executing`态的goroutine主动退出执行,才能绑定到`M`上执行。主动退出的方式有很多,比如`time.Sleep()`,比如`runtime.Gosched()`。*GPM架构可以参考很多资料比如[这篇](https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000016611742)。* 因此单核心或者多核心在调度goroutine的时候可能会有很大差异,如下示例: ```go func TestGoFuncParam(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { go func() { log.Println(i) }() } time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) log.Print("xxxxxxxxxxxxxx") for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { go func(n *int) { log.Println(*n) }(&i) } time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } ``` 代码在单核心运行时(注意`-cpu 1`),结果是确定的,所有启动的goroutine都是等主进程sleep的时候才能切换执行: C02S259EFVH3:go_concurrency baixiao$ go test -cpu 1 -run TestGoFuncParam 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 2019/02/17 18:20:10 10 PASS ok _/Users/baixiao/Go/src/github.com/baixiaoustc/go_concurrency 0.214s 在多核心时则不同,for循环里的第一个goroutine可能在主进程走完for代码之前就执行到(每次运行可能结果不同): C02S259EFVH3:go_concurrency baixiao$ go test -cpu 8 -run TestGoFuncParam 2019/02/17 18:20:24 7 2019/02/17 18:20:24 10 2019/02/17 18:20:24 10 2019/02/17 18:20:24 10 2019/02/17 18:20:24 10 2019/02/17 18:20:24 10 2019/02/17 18:20:24 10 2019/02/17 18:20:24 10 2019/02/17 18:20:24 10 2019/02/17 18:20:24 10 2019/02/17 18:20:25 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2019/02/17 18:20:25 1 2019/02/17 18:20:25 10 2019/02/17 18:20:25 10 2019/02/17 18:20:25 10 2019/02/17 18:20:25 10 2019/02/17 18:20:25 10 2019/02/17 18:20:25 10 2019/02/17 18:20:25 10 2019/02/17 18:20:25 10 2019/02/17 18:20:25 10 PASS ok _/Users/baixiao/Go/src/github.com/baixiaoustc/go_concurrency 0.219s # channel:goroutine间的通信 搞并发编程,怎么能没有进程间(线程间/协程间)通信呢? ## goroutine需要通信 在上例`TestGoAndWait`中,我们假装主goroutine听到了子goroutine的话(**注意这里的子goroutine仅用于方便描述,并不像多进程里面有父子关系,下同**)。实则不然。要这两个goroutine通信,我们需要channel。来一个最简单的示例,当然这是一个死循环: ```go func testBoringWithChannel(msg string, c chan string) { for i := 0; ; i++ { c <- fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", msg, i) time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(1e3)) * time.Millisecond) } } func TestGoWithChannel(t *testing.T) { ch := make(chan string) go testBoringWithChannel("boring!", ch) for c := range ch { log.Printf("You say: %s", c) } } ``` ## 关闭channel 抛开死循环,怎么在子goroutine结束时告知主goroutine呢?直接退出是会造成死锁的! > fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock! 此时需要在写端关闭channel: ```go func testBoringWithChannelClose(msg string, c chan string) { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { c <- fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", msg, i) time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(1e3)) * time.Millisecond) } close(c) } func TestGoWithChannelClose(t *testing.T) { ch := make(chan string) go testBoringWithChannelClose("boring!", ch) for c := range ch { log.Printf("You say: %s", c) } } ``` 2019/02/19 21:35:23 You say: boring! 0 2019/02/19 21:35:23 You say: boring! 1 2019/02/19 21:35:24 You say: boring! 2 2019/02/19 21:35:24 You say: boring! 3 2019/02/19 21:35:24 You say: boring! 4 Process finished with exit code 0 `for range`可以自动监测到channel关闭,然后自动退出。但是需要强调的是关闭后的channel不能再写入,如下是个反例: ```go func TestGoWithChannelCloseThenWrite(t *testing.T) { ch := make(chan string) go testBoringWithChannelClose("boring!", ch) for c := range ch { log.Printf("You say: %s", c) } ch <- "after close" } ``` 2019/02/18 23:12:31 receive boring! 0 2019/02/18 23:12:31 receive boring! 1 2019/02/18 23:12:32 receive boring! 2 2019/02/18 23:12:32 receive boring! 3 2019/02/18 23:12:32 receive boring! 4 panic: send on closed channel [recovered] panic: send on closed channel goroutine 5 [running]: testing.tRunner.func1(0xc4200aa0f0) /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:711 +0x2d2 panic(0x1114e40, 0x1151930) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:491 +0x283 github.com/baixiaoustc/go_concurrency.TestGoWithChannelCloseThenWrite(0xc4200aa0f0) /Users/baixiao/Go/src/github.com/baixiaoustc/go_concurrency/first_post_test.go:80 +0x167 testing.tRunner(0xc4200aa0f0, 0x1141a58) /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:746 +0xd0 created by testing.(*T).Run /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:789 +0x2de Process finished with exit code 2 **还需要记住一点,关闭后的channel不能再写入,但是可以继续读,读出来都是定义类型的空值。** ## 只读channel 如何简单地避免上述误操作呢?可以用只读channel,生产者和消费者严格定义好,生产者只写channel,消费者只读channel,如果消费者有写入操作的话在编译时就会报错。但是只读channel的写法有一点技巧,如下的写法就不行,直接编译失败: ```go func TestReceiveChannelWrong(t *testing.T) { ch := make(<-chan int) go func() { ch <- 1 }() a := <-ch log.Println(a) } ``` ./first_post_test.go:86:6: invalid operation: ch <- 1 (send to receive-only type <-chan int) Process finished with exit code 2 正确的写法如下,通过函数的返回值限定「只读属性」: ```go func TestReceiveChannelRight(t *testing.T) { ch := func() <-chan int { ch := make(chan int) go func() { ch <- 2 }() return ch }() a := <-ch log.Println(a) } ``` ## channel with select 那么当主goroutine要启动多个子goroutine干不同的事呢?主goroutine不可能依次阻塞到不同的channel上,串行地等待子goroutine依次完工,这样太丑了: ```go func TestMultiChannelsSerial(t *testing.T) { ch1 := make(chan string) go testBoringWithChannelClose("boring!", ch1) ch2 := make(chan string) go testBoringWithChannelClose("funning!", ch2) for b := range ch1 { log.Printf("You say: %s", b) } for b := range ch2 { log.Printf("You say: %s", b) } } ``` golang提供了`select`关键字,提供了多路复用的能力,同时处理多个channel。为了让主goroutine不是一直死循环等,而是在其多个子goroutine完工后继续往下走,这里用到了两个重要特性: * 使用_,ok判断channel是否关闭 * 当通道为nil时,对应的case永远为阻塞 ```go func TestMultiChannelsConcurrently(t *testing.T) { ch1 := make(chan string) go testBoringWithChannelClose("boring!", ch1) ch2 := make(chan string) go testBoringWithChannelClose("funning!", ch2) for { select { case c1, ok := <-ch1: if !ok { ch1 = nil log.Print("close ch1") continue } log.Printf("You say: %s", c1) case c2, ok := <-ch2: if !ok { ch2 = nil log.Print("close ch2") continue } log.Printf("You say: %s", c2) default: break } if ch1 == nil && ch2 == nil { break } } log.Print("go on") } ``` 2019/02/19 21:32:18 You say: funning! 0 2019/02/19 21:32:18 You say: boring! 0 2019/02/19 21:32:18 You say: funning! 1 2019/02/19 21:32:19 You say: boring! 1 2019/02/19 21:32:19 You say: funning! 2 2019/02/19 21:32:19 You say: boring! 2 2019/02/19 21:32:19 You say: funning! 3 2019/02/19 21:32:19 You say: boring! 3 2019/02/19 21:32:19 You say: funning! 4 2019/02/19 21:32:20 You say: boring! 4 2019/02/19 21:32:20 close ch2 2019/02/19 21:32:20 close ch1 2019/02/19 21:32:20 go on 这里值得一提的是,funning和boring肯定是交替出现的,但是第一个是funning还是boring是随机的,因为`select`还有一个特征是,当多个`case`同时满足的时候,随机地选一个执行。 ## 构造定时器 channel + select 的另一个经典运用是超时管理: ```go func TestTimeOutEach(t *testing.T) { ch := make(chan string) go testBoringWithChannel("boring!", ch) for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { select { case c := <-ch: log.Printf("You say: %s", c) case <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond): log.Println("You talk too slow.") } } } ``` 2019/02/19 21:08:14 You say: boring! 0 2019/02/19 21:08:14 You say: boring! 1 2019/02/19 21:08:15 You talk too slow. 2019/02/19 21:08:15 You say: boring! 2 2019/02/19 21:08:15 You talk too slow. Process finished with exit code 0 上述是针对每次循环内部的超时,如果要对整个会话进行管理: ```go func TestTimeOutWhole(t *testing.T) { ch := make(chan string) timeout := time.After(1 * time.Second) go testBoringWithChannel("boring!", ch) for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { select { case c := <-ch: log.Printf("You say: %s", c) case <-timeout: log.Println("You talk too much.") return } } } ``` ## channel生成器 还有一个比较常用的方法在上面的只读channel也提到了,雅称channel生成器: ```go func TestChannelGenerator(t *testing.T) { ch := testBoringWithChannelGenerate("boring!") for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { log.Printf("You say: %q\n", <-ch) } log.Println("I'm leaving.") } ``` 2019/02/19 21:20:40 You say: "boring! 0" 2019/02/19 21:20:40 You say: "boring! 1" 2019/02/19 21:20:41 You say: "boring! 2" 2019/02/19 21:20:41 You say: "boring! 3" 2019/02/19 21:20:42 You say: "boring! 4" 2019/02/19 21:20:42 I'm leaving. ## channel用于退出 扩展上个示例,如果想在主goroutine退出之前告知子goroutine也退出呢?还是利用channel,只不过发送者和接受者对调了: ```go func testBoringWithChannelQuit(msg string, quit chan bool) <-chan string { c := make(chan string) go func() { for i := 0; ; i++ { select { case c <- fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", msg, i): time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(1e3)) * time.Millisecond) case <-quit: return } } }() return c } func TestChannelQuit(t *testing.T) { quit := make(chan bool) c := testBoringWithChannelQuit("boring!", quit) for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { log.Printf("You say: %q\n", <-c) } log.Println("I'm leaving.") quit <- true } ``` # 通信和同步 上面提到的channel都是没有buffer的,很大程度上起了「同步」的作用。发送者和接受者都必须等双方都准备好才能通信,实际上是一个同步模型。 后面会再提带buffer的channel。 --- 本篇的模型可以类比为你现在是个师傅,带了个小学徒一起做事情。一开始双方没有通信,各搞各的,指挥学徒很麻烦。后面用上了channel,师傅能从学徒那里收到回馈了,也能定时触发一些事情了,也能由师傅指定学徒该下班了。小作坊就越开越顺了。 --- 所有代码都在[https://github.com/baixiaoustc/go_concurrency/blob/master/first_post_test.go](https://github.com/baixiaoustc/go_concurrency/blob/master/first_post_test.go)中能找到。


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