,我一直是使用python进行爬虫的, 学习golang的使用, 用go
架构写了一个爬虫的框架demo。我一直以为go不适合做爬虫, go的领域是后端服务。然后去搜索了一下colly
, 发现还是很流行。 我个人还是比较喜欢爬虫, 网络上的数据就是公开的API, 所以, 爬虫去请求接口获取数据。当然我是遵循君子协议的。
好, 下面进入正题,介绍colly
Lightning Fast and Elegant Scraping Framework for Gophers
Colly provides a clean interface to write any kind of crawler/scraper/spider.
go get -u github.com/gocolly/colly/...
import "github.com/gocolly/colly"
- 构建请求
- 发送请求
- 获取文档或数据
- 解析文档或清洗数据
- 数据处理或持久化
scrapy的设计理念是将上面的每一个步骤抽离出来,然后做出组件的形式, 最后通过调度组成流水线的工作形式。
我们看一下scrapy的架构图, 这里只是简单的介绍下, 后面有时间,我深入介绍scrapy

中写具体解析文档的逻辑,item PipeLine
数据最后处理, 中间有一些中间件,可以一些功能的装饰。比如,代理,请求频率等。
colly的逻辑更像是面向过程编程的, colly的逻辑就是按上面生命周期的顺序管道处理, 只是在不同阶段,加上回调函数进行过滤的时候进行处理。

package main
import (
func main() {
// Instantiate default collector
c := colly.NewCollector(
// Visit only domains: hackerspaces.org, wiki.hackerspaces.org
colly.AllowedDomains("hackerspaces.org", "wiki.hackerspaces.org"),
// On every a element which has href attribute call callback
c.OnHTML("a[href]", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
link := e.Attr("href")
// Print link
fmt.Printf("Link found: %q -> %s\n", e.Text, link)
// Visit link found on page
// Only those links are visited which are in AllowedDomains
// Before making a request print "Visiting ..."
c.OnRequest(func(r *colly.Request) {
fmt.Println("Visiting", r.URL.String())
// Start scraping on https://hackerspaces.org
这是官方给的示例, 可以看到colly.NewCollector
, colly的所有处理逻辑都是以Collector
我们看一下 Collector
// Collector provides the scraper instance for a scraping job
type Collector struct {
// UserAgent is the User-Agent string used by HTTP requests
UserAgent string
// MaxDepth limits the recursion depth of visited URLs.
// Set it to 0 for infinite recursion (default).
MaxDepth int
// AllowedDomains is a domain whitelist.
// Leave it blank to allow any domains to be visited
AllowedDomains []string
// DisallowedDomains is a domain blacklist.
DisallowedDomains []string
// DisallowedURLFilters is a list of regular expressions which restricts
// visiting URLs. If any of the rules matches to a URL the
// request will be stopped. DisallowedURLFilters will
// be evaluated before URLFilters
// Leave it blank to allow any URLs to be visited
DisallowedURLFilters []*regexp.Regexp
// URLFilters is a list of regular expressions which restricts
// visiting URLs. If any of the rules matches to a URL the
// request won't be stopped. DisallowedURLFilters will
// be evaluated before URLFilters
// Leave it blank to allow any URLs to be visited
URLFilters []*regexp.Regexp
// AllowURLRevisit allows multiple downloads of the same URL
AllowURLRevisit bool
// MaxBodySize is the limit of the retrieved response body in bytes.
// 0 means unlimited.
// The default value for MaxBodySize is 10MB (10 * 1024 * 1024 bytes).
MaxBodySize int
// CacheDir specifies a location where GET requests are cached as files.
// When it's not defined, caching is disabled.
CacheDir string
// IgnoreRobotsTxt allows the Collector to ignore any restrictions set by
// the target host's robots.txt file. See http://www.robotstxt.org/ for more
// information.
IgnoreRobotsTxt bool
// Async turns on asynchronous network communication. Use Collector.Wait() to
// be sure all requests have been finished.
Async bool
// ParseHTTPErrorResponse allows parsing HTTP responses with non 2xx status codes.
// By default, Colly parses only successful HTTP responses. Set ParseHTTPErrorResponse
// to true to enable it.
ParseHTTPErrorResponse bool
// ID is the unique identifier of a collector
ID uint32
// DetectCharset can enable character encoding detection for non-utf8 response bodies
// without explicit charset declaration. This feature uses https://github.com/saintfish/chardet
DetectCharset bool
// RedirectHandler allows control on how a redirect will be managed
RedirectHandler func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error
// CheckHead performs a HEAD request before every GET to pre-validate the response
CheckHead bool
store storage.Storage
debugger debug.Debugger
robotsMap map[string]*robotstxt.RobotsData
htmlCallbacks []*htmlCallbackContainer
xmlCallbacks []*xmlCallbackContainer
requestCallbacks []RequestCallback
responseCallbacks []ResponseCallback
errorCallbacks []ErrorCallback
scrapedCallbacks []ScrapedCallback
requestCount uint32
responseCount uint32
backend *httpBackend
wg *sync.WaitGroup
lock *sync.RWMutex
上面的具体属性我就不介绍了, 看看注释也就懂了。
// 创建一个 Collector对象
c := colly.NewCollector(
// Visit only domains: hackerspaces.org, wiki.hackerspaces.org
colly.AllowedDomains("hackerspaces.org", "wiki.hackerspaces.org"),
// 添加一个HTML的回调函数
c.OnHTML("a[href]", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
link := e.Attr("href")
// Print link
fmt.Printf("Link found: %q -> %s\n", e.Text, link)
// Visit link found on page
// Only those links are visited which are in AllowedDomains
// 添加一个 Requset回调函数
c.OnRequest(func(r *colly.Request) {
fmt.Println("Visiting", r.URL.String())
// 开始爬取
回调函数如何用? 什么作用? 先卖个关子, c.Visit("https://hackerspaces.org/")
是入口, 那就先分析它,
// Visit starts Collector's collecting job by creating a
// request to the URL specified in parameter.
// Visit also calls the previously provided callbacks
func (c *Collector) Visit(URL string) error {
if c.CheckHead {
if check := c.scrape(URL, "HEAD", 1, nil, nil, nil, true); check != nil {
return check
return c.scrape(URL, "GET", 1, nil, nil, nil, true)
func (c *Collector) scrape(u, method string, depth int, requestData io.Reader, ctx *Context, hdr http.Header, checkRevisit bool) error {
// 检查请求是否合法
if err := c.requestCheck(u, method, depth, checkRevisit); err != nil {
return err
// 解析url,
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(u)
if err != nil {
return err
if parsedURL.Scheme == "" {
parsedURL.Scheme = "http"
if !c.isDomainAllowed(parsedURL.Hostname()) {
return ErrForbiddenDomain
// robots协议
if method != "HEAD" && !c.IgnoreRobotsTxt {
if err = c.checkRobots(parsedURL); err != nil {
return err
// headers
if hdr == nil {
hdr = http.Header{"User-Agent": []string{c.UserAgent}}
rc, ok := requestData.(io.ReadCloser)
if !ok && requestData != nil {
rc = ioutil.NopCloser(requestData)
// The Go HTTP API ignores "Host" in the headers, preferring the client
// to use the Host field on Request.
host := parsedURL.Host
if hostHeader := hdr.Get("Host"); hostHeader != "" {
host = hostHeader
// 构造http.Request
req := &http.Request{
Method: method,
URL: parsedURL,
Proto: "HTTP/1.1",
ProtoMajor: 1,
ProtoMinor: 1,
Header: hdr,
Body: rc,
Host: host,
// 请求的数据(requestData)转换成io.ReadCloser接口数据
setRequestBody(req, requestData)
u = parsedURL.String()
// 异步方式
if c.Async {
go c.fetch(u, method, depth, requestData, ctx, hdr, req)
return nil
return c.fetch(u, method, depth, requestData, ctx, hdr, req)
上面很大篇幅都是检查, 现在还在 request
的阶段, 还没有response,看c.fetch
func (c *Collector) fetch(u, method string, depth int, requestData io.Reader, ctx *Context, hdr http.Header, req *http.Request) error {
defer c.wg.Done()
if ctx == nil {
ctx = NewContext()
request := &Request{
URL: req.URL,
Headers: &req.Header,
Ctx: ctx,
Depth: depth,
Method: method,
Body: requestData,
collector: c, // 这里将Collector放到request中,这个可以对请求继续处理
ID: atomic.AddUint32(&c.requestCount, 1),
// 回调函数处理 request
if request.abort {
return nil
if method == "POST" && req.Header.Get("Content-Type") == "" {
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
if req.Header.Get("Accept") == "" {
req.Header.Set("Accept", "*/*")
origURL := req.URL
// 这里是 去请求网络, 是调用了 `http.Client.Do`方法请求的
response, err := c.backend.Cache(req, c.MaxBodySize, c.CacheDir)
if proxyURL, ok := req.Context().Value(ProxyURLKey).(string); ok {
request.ProxyURL = proxyURL
// 回调函数,处理error
if err := c.handleOnError(response, err, request, ctx); err != nil {
return err
if req.URL != origURL {
request.URL = req.URL
request.Headers = &req.Header
atomic.AddUint32(&c.responseCount, 1)
response.Ctx = ctx
response.Request = request
err = response.fixCharset(c.DetectCharset, request.ResponseCharacterEncoding)
if err != nil {
return err
// 回调函数 处理Response
// 回调函数 HTML
err = c.handleOnHTML(response)
if err != nil {
c.handleOnError(response, err, request, ctx)
// 回调函数XML
err = c.handleOnXML(response)
if err != nil {
c.handleOnError(response, err, request, ctx)
// 回调函数 Scraped
return err
看到了, 这就是一个完整的流程。 好, 我们看一下回调函数做了什么?
func (c *Collector) handleOnRequest(r *Request) {
if c.debugger != nil {
c.debugger.Event(createEvent("request", r.ID, c.ID, map[string]string{
"url": r.URL.String(),
for _, f := range c.requestCallbacks {
核心就 for _, f := range c.requestCallbacks { f(r) }
1. OnRequest
// OnRequest registers a function. Function will be executed on every
// request made by the Collector
// 这里是注册回调函数到 requestCallbacks
func (c *Collector) OnRequest(f RequestCallback) {
if c.requestCallbacks == nil {
c.requestCallbacks = make([]RequestCallback, 0, 4)
c.requestCallbacks = append(c.requestCallbacks, f)
// 在fetch中调用最早调用的
func (c *Collector) handleOnRequest(r *Request) {
if c.debugger != nil {
c.debugger.Event(createEvent("request", r.ID, c.ID, map[string]string{
"url": r.URL.String(),
for _, f := range c.requestCallbacks {
2. OnResponse & handleOnResponse
// OnResponse registers a function. Function will be executed on every response
func (c *Collector) OnResponse(f ResponseCallback) {
if c.responseCallbacks == nil {
c.responseCallbacks = make([]ResponseCallback, 0, 4)
c.responseCallbacks = append(c.responseCallbacks, f)
func (c *Collector) handleOnResponse(r *Response) {
if c.debugger != nil {
c.debugger.Event(createEvent("response", r.Request.ID, c.ID, map[string]string{
"url": r.Request.URL.String(),
"status": http.StatusText(r.StatusCode),
for _, f := range c.responseCallbacks {
3. OnHTML & handleOnHTML
// OnHTML registers a function. Function will be executed on every HTML
// element matched by the GoQuery Selector parameter.
// GoQuery Selector is a selector used by https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery
func (c *Collector) OnHTML(goquerySelector string, f HTMLCallback) {
if c.htmlCallbacks == nil {
c.htmlCallbacks = make([]*htmlCallbackContainer, 0, 4)
c.htmlCallbacks = append(c.htmlCallbacks, &htmlCallbackContainer{
Selector: goquerySelector,
Function: f,
// 这个解析html的逻辑比较多一些
func (c *Collector) handleOnHTML(resp *Response) error {
if len(c.htmlCallbacks) == 0 || !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(resp.Headers.Get("Content-Type")), "html") {
return nil
doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(bytes.NewBuffer(resp.Body))
if err != nil {
return err
if href, found := doc.Find("base[href]").Attr("href"); found {
resp.Request.baseURL, _ = url.Parse(href)
for _, cc := range c.htmlCallbacks {
i := 0
doc.Find(cc.Selector).Each(func(_ int, s *goquery.Selection) {
for _, n := range s.Nodes {
e := NewHTMLElementFromSelectionNode(resp, s, n, i)
if c.debugger != nil {
c.debugger.Event(createEvent("html", resp.Request.ID, c.ID, map[string]string{
"selector": cc.Selector,
"url": resp.Request.URL.String(),
return nil
4. OnXML & handleOnXML
// OnXML registers a function. Function will be executed on every XML
// element matched by the xpath Query parameter.
// xpath Query is used by https://github.com/antchfx/xmlquery
func (c *Collector) OnXML(xpathQuery string, f XMLCallback) {
if c.xmlCallbacks == nil {
c.xmlCallbacks = make([]*xmlCallbackContainer, 0, 4)
c.xmlCallbacks = append(c.xmlCallbacks, &xmlCallbackContainer{
Query: xpathQuery,
Function: f,
func (c *Collector) handleOnXML(resp *Response) error {
if len(c.xmlCallbacks) == 0 {
return nil
contentType := strings.ToLower(resp.Headers.Get("Content-Type"))
isXMLFile := strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(resp.Request.URL.Path), ".xml") || strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(resp.Request.URL.Path), ".xml.gz")
if !strings.Contains(contentType, "html") && (!strings.Contains(contentType, "xml") && !isXMLFile) {
return nil
if strings.Contains(contentType, "html") {
doc, err := htmlquery.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(resp.Body))
if err != nil {
return err
if e := htmlquery.FindOne(doc, "//base"); e != nil {
for _, a := range e.Attr {
if a.Key == "href" {
resp.Request.baseURL, _ = url.Parse(a.Val)
for _, cc := range c.xmlCallbacks {
for _, n := range htmlquery.Find(doc, cc.Query) {
e := NewXMLElementFromHTMLNode(resp, n)
if c.debugger != nil {
c.debugger.Event(createEvent("xml", resp.Request.ID, c.ID, map[string]string{
"selector": cc.Query,
"url": resp.Request.URL.String(),
} else if strings.Contains(contentType, "xml") || isXMLFile {
doc, err := xmlquery.Parse(bytes.NewBuffer(resp.Body))
if err != nil {
return err
for _, cc := range c.xmlCallbacks {
xmlquery.FindEach(doc, cc.Query, func(i int, n *xmlquery.Node) {
e := NewXMLElementFromXMLNode(resp, n)
if c.debugger != nil {
c.debugger.Event(createEvent("xml", resp.Request.ID, c.ID, map[string]string{
"selector": cc.Query,
"url": resp.Request.URL.String(),
return nil
5. OnError & handleOnError
这个会多次调用, 如果 err != nil情况下调用比较多
, 爬虫异常的情况下,会调用
// OnError registers a function. Function will be executed if an error
// occurs during the HTTP request.
func (c *Collector) OnError(f ErrorCallback) {
if c.errorCallbacks == nil {
c.errorCallbacks = make([]ErrorCallback, 0, 4)
c.errorCallbacks = append(c.errorCallbacks, f)
func (c *Collector) handleOnError(response *Response, err error, request *Request, ctx *Context) error {
if err == nil && (c.ParseHTTPErrorResponse || response.StatusCode < 203) {
return nil
if err == nil && response.StatusCode >= 203 {
err = errors.New(http.StatusText(response.StatusCode))
if response == nil {
response = &Response{
Request: request,
Ctx: ctx,
if c.debugger != nil {
c.debugger.Event(createEvent("error", request.ID, c.ID, map[string]string{
"url": request.URL.String(),
"status": http.StatusText(response.StatusCode),
if response.Request == nil {
response.Request = request
if response.Ctx == nil {
response.Ctx = request.Ctx
for _, f := range c.errorCallbacks {
f(response, err)
return err
6. OnScraped & handleOnScraped
// OnScraped registers a function. Function will be executed after
// OnHTML, as a final part of the scraping.
func (c *Collector) OnScraped(f ScrapedCallback) {
if c.scrapedCallbacks == nil {
c.scrapedCallbacks = make([]ScrapedCallback, 0, 4)
c.scrapedCallbacks = append(c.scrapedCallbacks, f)
func (c *Collector) handleOnScraped(r *Response) {
if c.debugger != nil {
c.debugger.Event(createEvent("scraped", r.Request.ID, c.ID, map[string]string{
"url": r.Request.URL.String(),
for _, f := range c.scrapedCallbacks {
上面介绍完了, 再回头看????
// On every a element which has href attribute call callback
c.OnHTML("a[href]", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
link := e.Attr("href")
// Print link
fmt.Printf("Link found: %q -> %s\n", e.Text, link)
// Visit link found on page
// Only those links are visited which are in AllowedDomains
// Before making a request print "Visiting ..."
c.OnRequest(func(r *colly.Request) {
fmt.Println("Visiting", r.URL.String())
一般文档解析放在html, xml 中
- 在
// On every a element which has href attribute call callback
c.OnHTML("a[href]", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
// If attribute class is this long string return from callback
// As this a is irrelevant
if e.Attr("class") == "Button_1qxkboh-o_O-primary_cv02ee-o_O-md_28awn8-o_O-primaryLink_109aggg" {
link := e.Attr("href")
// If link start with browse or includes either signup or login return from callback
if !strings.HasPrefix(link, "/browse") || strings.Index(link, "=signup") > -1 || strings.Index(link, "=login") > -1 {
// start scaping the page under the link found
上面是 HTML的回调函数,解析页面,获取了url
,使用 e.Request.Visit(link)
, 其实就是 e.Request.collector.Visit(link)
func (c *Collector) fetch(u, method string, depth int, requestData io.Reader, ctx *Context, hdr http.Header, req *http.Request) error {
defer c.wg.Done()
if ctx == nil {
ctx = NewContext()
request := &Request{
URL: req.URL,
Headers: &req.Header,
Ctx: ctx,
Depth: depth,
Method: method,
Body: requestData,
collector: c, // 这个上面有介绍
ID: atomic.AddUint32(&c.requestCount, 1),
// Visit continues Collector's collecting job by creating a
// request and preserves the Context of the previous request.
// Visit also calls the previously provided callbacks
func (r *Request) Visit(URL string) error {
return r.collector.scrape(r.AbsoluteURL(URL), "GET", r.Depth+1, nil, r.Ctx, nil, true)
- 子页面的处理逻辑
为中心, 然后各种回调函数进行处理,子页面需要不同的回调函数,所以就需要新的Collector
// Instantiate default collector
c := colly.NewCollector(
// Visit only domains: coursera.org, www.coursera.org
colly.AllowedDomains("coursera.org", "www.coursera.org"),
// Cache responses to prevent multiple download of pages
// even if the collector is restarted
// Create another collector to scrape course details
detailCollector := c.Clone()
// Before making a request print "Visiting ..."
c.OnRequest(func(r *colly.Request) {
log.Println("visiting", r.URL.String())
// On every a HTML element which has name attribute call callback
c.OnHTML(`a[name]`, func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
// Activate detailCollector if the link contains "coursera.org/learn"
courseURL := e.Request.AbsoluteURL(e.Attr("href"))
if strings.Index(courseURL, "coursera.org/learn") != -1 {
// 子页面或其他页面
对象有一个属性 store storage.Storage
比如, 我需要将数据持久化到数据库中,其实很简单, 在回调函数中处理。
c.OnHTML("#currencies-all tbody tr", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
e.ChildAttr("a.price", "data-usd"),
e.ChildAttr("a.volume", "data-usd"),
e.ChildAttr(".market-cap", "data-usd"),
e.ChildAttr(".percent-change[data-timespan=\"1h\"]", "data-percentusd"),
e.ChildAttr(".percent-change[data-timespan=\"24h\"]", "data-percentusd"),
e.ChildAttr(".percent-change[data-timespan=\"7d\"]", "data-percentusd"),
好了,介绍完了,我没有介绍如何使用,我自己也没有写任何的代码, 我只想分享给你这种软件架构的特点以及设计模式, 希望你可以借鉴应用到工作中,一般写框架都是采用这种思维。
