import "net/url"
// Note that the Path field is stored in decoded form: /%47%6f%2f becomes /Go/.
// A consequence is that it is impossible to tell which slashes in the Path were
// slashes in the raw URL and which were %2f. This distinction is rarely important,
// but when it is, code must not use Path directly.
// The Parse function sets both Path and RawPath in the URL it returns,
// and URL's String method uses RawPath if it is a valid encoding of Path,
// by calling the EscapedPath method.
type URL struct {
Scheme string
Opaque string // encoded opaque data
User *Userinfo // username and password information
Host string // host or host:port
Path string // path (relative paths may omit leading slash)
RawPath string // encoded path hint (see EscapedPath method)
ForceQuery bool // append a query ('?') even if RawQuery is empty
RawQuery string // encoded query values, without '?'
Fragment string // fragment for references, without '#'
func Parse(rawurl string) (*URL, error)
package main
import (
func main() {
u, err := url.Parse("http://www.baidu.com/search?q=dotnet")
if err != nil {
u.Scheme = "https"
u.Host = "google.com"
q := u.Query()
q.Set("q", "golang")
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()