Go 语言的 net 库里有下面这样的一段代码,这段代码是用来发起一个 tcp 连接的,仔细阅读这段代码可以发现代码里处理了一种很不常见的特殊情形,也就是 tcp self-connection。代码中的注释解释得很详细了。
func dialTCP(net string, laddr, raddr *TCPAddr, deadline time.Time) (*TCPConn, error) {
fd, err := internetSocket(net, laddr, raddr, deadline, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, 0, "dial", sockaddrToTCP)
// TCP has a rarely used mechanism called a 'simultaneous connection' in
// which Dial("tcp", addr1, addr2) run on the machine at addr1 can
// connect to a simultaneous Dial("tcp", addr2, addr1) run on the machine
// at addr2, without either machine executing Listen. If laddr == nil,
// it means we want the kernel to pick an appropriate originating local
// address. Some Linux kernels cycle blindly through a fixed range of
// local ports, regardless of destination port. If a kernel happens to
// pick local port 50001 as the source for a Dial("tcp", "", "localhost:50001"),
// then the Dial will succeed, having simultaneously connected to itself.
// This can only happen when we are letting the kernel pick a port (laddr == nil)
// and when there is no listener for the destination address.
// It's hard to argue this is anything other than a kernel bug. If we
// see this happen, rather than expose the buggy effect to users, we
// close the fd and try again. If it happens twice more, we relent and
// use the result. See also:
// http://golang.org/issue/2690
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4949858/
// The opposite can also happen: if we ask the kernel to pick an appropriate
// originating local address, sometimes it picks one that is already in use.
// So if the error is EADDRNOTAVAIL, we have to try again too, just for
// a different reason.
// The kernel socket code is no doubt enjoying watching us squirm.
for i := 0; i < 2 && (laddr == nil || laddr.Port == 0) && (selfConnect(fd, err) || spuriousENOTAVAIL(err)); i++ {
if err == nil {
fd, err = internetSocket(net, laddr, raddr, deadline, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, 0, "dial", sockaddrToTCP)
if err != nil {
return nil, &OpError{Op: "dial", Net: net, Addr: raddr, Err: err}
return newTCPConn(fd), nil
func selfConnect(fd *netFD, err error) bool {
// If the connect failed, we clearly didn't connect to ourselves.
if err != nil {
return false
// The socket constructor can return an fd with raddr nil under certain
// unknown conditions. The errors in the calls there to Getpeername
// are discarded, but we can't catch the problem there because those
// calls are sometimes legally erroneous with a "socket not connected".
// Since this code (selfConnect) is already trying to work around
// a problem, we make sure if this happens we recognize trouble and
// ask the DialTCP routine to try again.
// TODO: try to understand what's really going on.
if fd.laddr == nil || fd.raddr == nil {
return true
l := fd.laddr.(*TCPAddr)
r := fd.raddr.(*TCPAddr)
return l.Port == r.Port && l.IP.Equal(r.IP)
tcp 这个不常显的自连接现象,可以用如下的一段脚本程序来复现:
while true
telnet 40000
本地机器并没有启动一个监听在40000端口的服务器程序,但是执行这段脚本一段时间,就会发现 telnet 程序连接上了,通过 netstat 看到的现象还是连接到自己,不是别的服务。
> cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
32768 61000
为什么会出现自连接的情况,可以自行 Google,已经有很多文章基于 tcp 状态机做了详细解释。我个人认为:你可以把这个情况看做是 Linux 协议栈的一个 Bug,也可以看作是协议栈的一个特性,这都无关紧要;重要的是要清楚——“我们在写网络程序的时候,连接断开后,不断做建连重试就有小概率的情况会发生自连接”。
所以,在写网络程序的时候,我们应该主动的去处理自连接的情况,就像上面 Go 语言的处理方式就可以;另外,我们在选择服务器端口的时候,也可以稍加考虑,避免选择 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range 这个文件中描述的端口范围。