php 发送消息,golang接收消息

flanchegong · · 856 次点击 · · 开始浏览    
这是一个创建于 的文章,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

<?php use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection; use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage; class RabbitMQ_InventoryBatch { protected $_conn; public function __construct() { $mq_config = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../application/configs/mq.ini', 'production',true); $this->host = $mq_config->mq->host; $this->port = $mq_config->mq->port; $this->user = $mq_config->mq->user; $this->pass = $mq_config->mq->pass; //获得连接 $this->_conn = new AMQPStreamConnection($this->host, $this->port, $this->user, $this->pass); } public function pusher($msg_body){ $exchange = 'exchange1'; $queue = 'Inventory'; //建立mq通道 $channel = $this->_conn->channel(); /* * 声明通道 name: $queue passive: false durable: true // the queue will survive server restarts exclusive: false // the queue can be accessed in other channels auto_delete: false //the queue won't be deleted once the channel is closed. */ $channel->queue_declare($queue, false, false, false, false); /* * name: $exchange type: direct passive: false durable: true // the exchange will survive server restarts auto_delete: false //the exchange won't be deleted once the channel is closed. */ //fanout $channel->exchange_declare($exchange, 'direct', false, true, false); //绑定exchange $channel->queue_bind($queue, $exchange); if(empty($msg_body)) $msg_body = "Hello World!"; if(is_array($msg_body)){ $msg_body=serialize($msg_body); } $msg = new AMQPMessage($msg_body, array('content_type' => 'text/plain', 'delivery-mode' => 2)); $channel->basic_publish($msg, $exchange); $channel->close(); $this->_conn->close(); } } ![微信图片_20190731145511.png](


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