First glance in Go

moonz-wu · · 2088 次点击 · · 开始浏览    
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Because I forgot to install the Chinese input in this OS, I have to use English input.

The first problem which I ran into is "how to import the local file in Golang"

First, it may be my fault but I really didn't see any documents say that if you want to import a local file in another Go file, you should create a folder to put the imported file. Below is my case:

I created a file said "example2.go", then typed some codes:

package example2

func Add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b

I wanted to import it in another file said "example1.go"

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello Go!")

when I tried to run the example1.go file, the go runtime threw an error said "couldn't find the example2". what's the problem? Is GOPATH not set? Is example2.go not compiled? Finally, I found it is the folder structure problem. My orignal folder structure likes this

- pkg
- src
    - example1.go
    - example2.go
- bin

But Go 1.4 doesn't support import a single file as a package. So I have to put the "example2.go" in a folder said "package2"

- pkg
- src
    - example1.go
    - package2
        - example2.go
- bin

then change the code

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello Go!")

it works. So it means a package always refers to a folder in the Golang.





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