包虽然是MongoDB的golang实现,其中产生唯一ID的算法是独立的,不依赖MongoDB, 提炼这部分的代码如下:
package main
import (
// objectIdCounter is atomically incremented when generating a new ObjectId
// using NewObjectId() function. It's used as a counter part of an id.
var objectIdCounter uint32 = 0
// machineId stores machine id generated once and used in subsequent calls
// to NewObjectId function.
var machineId = readMachineId()
// ObjectId is a unique ID identifying a BSON value. It must be exactly 12 bytes
// long. MongoDB objects by default have such a property set in their "_id"
// property.
type ObjectId string
func main() {
objID := NewObjectId()
// readMachineId generates machine id and puts it into the machineId global
// variable. If this function fails to get the hostname, it will cause
// a runtime error.
func readMachineId() []byte {
var sum [3]byte
id := sum[:]
hostname, err1 := os.Hostname()
if err1 != nil {
_, err2 := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, id)
if err2 != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot get hostname: %v; %v", err1, err2))
return id
hw := md5.New()
copy(id, hw.Sum(nil))
fmt.Println("readMachineId:" + string(id))
return id
// NewObjectId returns a new unique ObjectId.
// 4byte 时间,
// 3byte 机器ID
// 2byte pid
// 3byte 自增ID
func NewObjectId() ObjectId {
var b [12]byte
// Timestamp, 4 bytes, big endian
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[:], uint32(time.Now().Unix()))
// Machine, first 3 bytes of md5(hostname)
b[4] = machineId[0]
b[5] = machineId[1]
b[6] = machineId[2]
// Pid, 2 bytes, specs don't specify endianness, but we use big endian.
pid := os.Getpid()
b[7] = byte(pid >> 8)
b[8] = byte(pid)
// Increment, 3 bytes, big endian
i := atomic.AddUint32(&objectIdCounter, 1)
b[9] = byte(i >> 16)
b[10] = byte(i >> 8)
b[11] = byte(i)
return ObjectId(b[:])
// Hex returns a hex representation of the ObjectId.
// 返回16进制对应的字符串
func (id ObjectId) Hex() string {
return hex.EncodeToString([]byte(id))
Golang binary包——byte数组如何转int?