
aside section ._1OhGeD · · 899 次点击 · · 开始浏览    
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package decorator

import (

type IngredientAdder interface {
    AddIngredient() (string, error)

type PizzaDecorator struct {
    Ingredient IngredientAdder

func (p *PizzaDecorator) AddIngredient() (string, error) {
    return "Pizza with the following ingredients:", nil

type Meat struct {
    Ingredient IngredientAdder

func (m *Meat) AddIngredient() (string, error) {
    if m.Ingredient == nil {
        return "", errors.New("An IngredientAdder is needed on the Ingredient field of the Meat") 

    s, err := m.Ingredient.AddIngredient()
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", s, "meat"), nil

type Onion struct {
    Ingredient IngredientAdder

func (o *Onion) AddIngredient() (string, error) {
    if o.Ingredient == nil {
        return "", errors.New("An IngredientAdder is needed on the Ingredient field of the Onion")

    s, err := o.Ingredient.AddIngredient()
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", s, "onion"), nil


package decorator
import (

func TestPizzaDecorator_AddIngredient(t *testing.T) {
    pizza := &PizzaDecorator{}
    pizzaResult, err := pizza.AddIngredient()
    if err != nil {

    expectedText := "Pizza with the following ingredients:"

    if !strings.Contains(pizzaResult, expectedText) {
        t.Errorf("When calling the add ingredient of the pizza decorator it "+ 
        "must return the text %s, not '%s'", expectedText, pizzaResult)

func TestOnion_AddIngredient(t *testing.T) {
    onion := &Onion{}
    onionResult, err := onion.AddIngredient()
    if err == nil {
        t.Errorf("When calling AddIngredient on the onion decorator without "+
                 "an IngredientAdder on its Ingredient field it must return an error, "+
                 "not a string with '%s'", onionResult)

    onion = &Onion{&PizzaDecorator{}}
    onionResult, err = onion.AddIngredient()
    if err != nil {

    if !strings.Contains(onionResult, "onion") {
        t.Errorf("When calling the add ingredient of the onion decorator it "+
                 "must return a text with the word 'onion', not '%s'", onionResult)

func TestMeat_AddIngredient(t *testing.T) {
    meat := &Meat{}
    meatResult, err := meat.AddIngredient()
    if err == nil {
        t.Errorf("When calling AddIngredient on the meat decorator without " +
                "an IngredientAdder on its Ingredient field must return an error, " +
                "not a string with '%s'", meatResult)

    meat = &Meat{&PizzaDecorator{}}
    meatResult, err = meat.AddIngredient()
    if err != nil {
    if !strings.Contains(meatResult, "meat") {
        t.Errorf("When calling the AddIngredient of the meat decorator it "+
                 "must return a text with the word 'meat', not '%s'", meatResult)

func TestPizzaDecorator_FullStack(t *testing.T) {
    pizza := &Onion{&Meat{&PizzaDecorator{}}}
    pizzaResult, err := pizza.AddIngredient()
    if err != nil {

    expectedText := "Pizza with the following ingredients: meat onion"
    if !strings.Contains(pizzaResult, expectedText) {
        t.Errorf("When asking for a pizza with onion and meat the returned "+
                "string must contain the text '%s' but '%s' didn't have it", expectedText,




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