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一直觉得golang 处理 异常的方式过于繁琐,有时优雅的链式写法,由于返回multiple-values, 不得不中断, 有了try-catch模块后,在try-catch模块中写代码就不必 因为每个链条上都要处理异常而中断了,可以在 catch函数里统一处理, 这是实现try-catch的初衷之一,例子稍后补上。下午突发奇想,借着一股冲劲把它写完了,欢迎大家拍砖或提出宝贵意见。 废话少说,直接上代码。 #Try description: A Go language implementation of try catch. Prerequisite: install golang 1.13 or later ## Installation Use `go get` to install SDK ```shell $ go get -u github.com/guoapeng/try ``` examples ```go package try_test import ( "fmt" . "github.com/guoapeng/try" ) func ExampleRuntimeError() { Try{ func(a, b, c int) (int,error) { return a/b, nil }}.Catch(func (ex error){ fmt.Println("error happens", ex) }).Go(4, 0, 3) // Output: // error happens runtime error: integer divide by zero } func ExampleCheckError() { Try{ func(a, b, c int) (int,error) { if a % b != 0 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("%d is not aliquot by %d", a, b) } return a/b, nil }}.Catch(func (ex error){ fmt.Println("error happens", ex) }).Go(5, 2, 3) // Output: // error happens 5 is not aliquot by 2 } func ExampleUpdateLocalVariable() { local := 100 Try{ func(a, b, c int) { local = a*b*c }}.Catch(func (ex error){ fmt.Println("error happens", ex) }).Go(5, 5, 5) fmt.Println(local) // Output: // 125 } func ExampleCheckHandlePanic() { Try{ func(a, b int) (int,error) { panic("mandatory service down") return a/b, nil }}.Catch(func (ex error){ fmt.Println("error happens", ex) }).Go(5, 2) // Output: // error happens mandatory service down } func ExampleHandleMultipleDatType() { Try{ func(a string , b, c int) { fmt.Println(a, b/c) }}.Catch(func (ex error){ fmt.Println("error happens", ex) }).Go("b/c =", 8, 2) // Output: // b/c = 4 } func ExampleHowToReturnValue() { r := divide(8, 4) fmt.Println("8/4 =", r) //Output: // 8/4 = 2 } func ExampleHowToThrowException() { Try{func() { r := divideThrowsRuntimeExption(8, 0) fmt.Println("8/4 =", r) }} .Catch(func(ex error) { fmt.Println("error handled at point B:", ex) }).Go() //Output: // error handled at point B: it can't be handle at point A - runtime error: integer divide by zero } func divideThrowsRuntimeExption(x, y int) (z int) { Try{func(a, b int) { z = a / b return }}.Catch(func(ex error) { if err, ok := ex.(error); ok { panic(fmt.Errorf("it can't be handle at point A - %s", err)) } fmt.Println("error happens", ex) }).Go(x, y) return } func divide(x, y int) (z int) { Try{func(a, b int) { z = a / b return }}.Catch(func(ex error) { fmt.Println("error happens", ex) }).Go(x, y) return } ```


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