gRPC in Golang

aside section ._1OhGeD · · 515 次点击 · · 开始浏览    
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gRPC is a new and modern framework for building scalable, modern and fast API. It is leveraged by many top tech companies such as Google, Square & Netflix and enables programmers to write micro-services in any language they want while keeping the ability to easily create communications between these services. It relies on Protocol Buffers for the transport mechanism and Service Definition language.

Better than REST API! Build a fast scalable HTTP/2 API for a Golang micro service with gRPC, Protocol Buffers (protobuf)

HTTP2 和 HTTP1.1 比较


go get -u
go get -u



Unary RPC calls are the basic Request/Response
The client will send one message to the server and will receive one response from the server.

Server Streaming

The client will send one message to the server and will receive many response from the server.

server streaming are well suited for

  • when the server needs to send a lot of data (big data)
  • when the server needs to "PUSH" data to the client without having the client request for more (think live feed, chat etc)
Client Streaming

The client will send many message to the server and will receive one response from the server.
client streaming are well suited for

  • when the client needs to send a lot of data (big data)
  • when the server processing is expensive and should happen as the client sends data
  • when the client needs to "PUSH" data to the server without really expecting a response
Bi Directional Streaming

The client will send many message to the server and will receive many response from the server.

the number of requests and responses does not have to match.

Bi Directional Streaming are well suited for

  • when the client and the server needs to send a lot of data asynchronously
  • "Chat" protocol
  • Long running connections



感谢作者:aside section ._1OhGeD

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