
aside section ._1OhGeD · · 1517 次点击 · · 开始浏览    
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  1. [纯python和pandas速度比较]
    1. [一百万数据做测试, 六个统计量]
      1. [或许多计算几个不是放到list里再计算一遍会更快点? 算了, 反正纯python太慢都用pandas了, 不再测试了]
    2. [那么多几个统计量呢? 比如20个? 30个? 会有追平的情况么?]
    3. [是只有基本类型会这样还是所有的统计都是pandas快?]
    4. [尝试使用纯python多次循环, 单次循环与pandas对比, go 单次与多次循环对比]


有个数据分析的任务, 本来打算用pandas做, 后来想的是要遍历一个大列表(十万左右, 4000组)几十遍
尝试使用纯python做, 争取一次遍历把所有的统计项计算出来
先说结论, 不要用纯python来写数据分析, 使用pandas会的多

一百万数据做测试, 六个统计量


from pandas import DataFrame
import time
import random

def create_test_data(nums=1000*1000):
    with open("data.txt", "w") as f:
        for i in range(nums):
            f.write(f"{random.randint(1, 1000)}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("./data.txt")as f:
        data = f.readlines()
    call_times_pd = DataFrame({"call_times": data})
    call_times_pd[["call_times"]] = call_times_pd[['call_times']].astype(int)
    call_times_py = [int(i) for i in data]
    st = time.time()
    # call_times_py = [int(i) for i in data]
    lte_200_py = []
    lt_500_py = []
    eq_600_py = []
    xx = []
    yy = []
    zz = []

    for i in call_times_py:
        if i <= 200:
        if i < 500:
        if i == 600:
        if i <= 100:
        if i <= 300:
        if i > 800:
    print(len(lte_200_py), len(lt_500_py), len(eq_600_py))
    print(time.time() - st)

    stt = time.time()
    # call_times_pd = DataFrame({"call_times": data})
    # call_times_pd[["call_times"]] = call_times_pd[['call_times']].astype(int)

    lte_200_pd = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times <= 200]
    lt_500_pd = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times < 500]
    eq_600_pd = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times == 600]
    xxx = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times <= 100]
    yyy = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times <= 300]
    zzz = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times > 800]
    # xxx = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times <= 100]
    # yyy = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times <= 300]
    # zzz = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times > 800]
    # xxx = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times <= 100]
    # yyy = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times <= 300]
    # zzz = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times > 800]

    print(len(lte_200_pd), len(lt_500_pd), len(eq_600_pd))
    print(time.time() - stt)

为什么用list而不是直接用int, 因为需求中会要求获取次数, 平均值
例如, 小于200的总次数, 平均值, 中位数等等

或许多计算几个不是放到list里再计算一遍会更快点? 算了, 反正纯python太慢都用pandas了, 不再测试了

那么多几个统计量呢? 比如20个? 30个? 会有追平的情况么?

测试了10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 都是纯python慢很多
时间消耗大概都是7倍左右, 没有缩短的迹象
有可能是因为耗时的操作不是循环, 而是列表操作
将操作中的列表, 改为数字, 会少一些, 但是耗时比还是不会变动, 一直是5~6倍

def run_py_code():
    xxx, yyy, zzz, lt_500_py_int, lte_200_py_int, eq_600_py_int = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    def inner_def():
        nonlocal xxx, yyy, zzz, lt_500_py_int, lte_200_py_int, eq_600_py_int
        if i <= 200:
            # lte_200_py.append(i)
            lte_200_py_int += 0
        if i < 500:
            # lt_500_py.append(i)
            lt_500_py_int += 0
        if i == 600:
            # eq_600_py.append(i)
            eq_600_py_int += 0
        if i <= 100:
            # xx.append(i)
            xxx += 0
        if i <= 300:
            # yy.append(i)
            yyy += 0
        if i > 800:
            # zz.append(i)
            zzz += 0

这个值和使用go语言来做(分别是单循环做全部统计, 每次循环统计一个量)差不太多

TODO 是只有基本类型会这样还是所有的统计都是pandas快?

暂时不做测试, 一般不会这么用, 需要的时候再说

尝试使用纯python多次循环, 单次循环与pandas对比, go 单次与多次循环对比

from pandas import DataFrame
import time
import random

def create_test_data(nums=1000*1000):
    with open("data.txt", "w") as f:
        for i in range(nums):
            f.write(f"{random.randint(1, 1000)}\n")

def py_code2(call_times_py, times=10):
    lte_200_py_int = 0
    lt_500_py_int = 0
    eq_600_py_int = 0
    xxx = 0
    yyy = 0
    zzz = 0

    def inner_200():
        nonlocal lte_200_py_int
        if i <= 200:
            lte_200_py_int += 1
    def inner_500():
        nonlocal lt_500_py_int
        if i < 500:
            lt_500_py_int += 1

    def inner_600():
        nonlocal eq_600_py_int
        if i == 600:
    def inner_xxx():
        nonlocal xxx
        if i<=100:
    def inner_yyy():
        nonlocal yyy
        if i<= 300:
    def inner_zzz():
        nonlocal zzz
        if i> 800:
    st = time.time()
    for i in range(times):
        for i in call_times_py:
        for i in call_times_py:
        for i in call_times_py:
        for i in call_times_py:
        for i in call_times_py:
        for i in call_times_py:
    return time.time()-st

def py_code(call_times_py, times=10):
    # call_times_py = [int(i) for i in data]
    lte_200_py = []
    lt_500_py = []
    eq_600_py = []
    xx = []
    yy = []
    zz = []
    lte_200_py_int = 0
    lt_500_py_int = 0
    eq_600_py_int = 0
    xxx = 0
    yyy = 0
    zzz = 0

    def inner_def():
        nonlocal xxx, yyy, zzz, lt_500_py_int, lte_200_py_int, eq_600_py_int
        if i <= 200:
            # lte_200_py_int += 0
        if i < 500:
            # lt_500_py_int += 0
        if i == 600:
            # eq_600_py_int += 0
        if i <= 100:
            # xxx += 0
        if i <= 300:
            # yyy += 0
        if i > 800:
            # zzz += 0
    st = time.time()
    for i in call_times_py:
        for j in range(times):
            lte_200_py = []
            lt_500_py = []
            eq_600_py = []
            xx = []
            yy = []
            zz = []
    # print(len(lte_200_py), len(lt_500_py), len(eq_600_py))
    py_time = time.time() - st
    return py_time

def pd_code(call_times_pd, times=10):
    stt = time.time()
    def inner_def():
        lte_200_pd = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times <= 200]
        lt_500_pd = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times < 500]
        eq_600_pd = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times == 600]
        xxx = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times <= 100]
        yyy = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times <= 300]
        zzz = call_times_pd[call_times_pd.call_times > 800]
    for i in range(times):
    pd_time = time.time() - stt
    return pd_time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("./data.txt")as f:
        data = f.readlines()
    call_times_pd = DataFrame({"call_times": data})
    call_times_pd[["call_times"]] = call_times_pd[['call_times']].astype(int)
    call_times_py = [int(i) for i in data]
    for i in [10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500]:
        for j in range(1, 4):
            py_time = py_code(call_times_py, i)
            pd_time = pd_code(call_times_pd, i)
            py_time2 = py_code2(call_times_py, i)
            print(f"统计量:{i} 次数:{j} 时间比: {py_time/pd_time} 详细时长: py: {py_time} pd: {pd_time} py2: {py_time2}")

统计量:10 次数:1 时间比: 8.446309077857356 详细时长: py: 5.8574230670928955 pd: 0.6934890747070312 py2: 10.970935583114624
统计量:10 次数:2 时间比: 8.19909197864528 详细时长: py: 5.218891143798828 pd: 0.6365206241607666 py2: 9.700028657913208
统计量:10 次数:3 时间比: 8.45852420498877 详细时长: py: 5.458881855010986 pd: 0.6453704833984375 py2: 10.23711371421814
统计量:20 次数:1 时间比: 7.564866761185951 详细时长: py: 9.94292688369751 pd: 1.3143558502197266 py2: 19.783536195755005
统计量:20 次数:2 时间比: 7.360162732624824 详细时长: py: 9.758050680160522 pd: 1.3257927894592285 py2: 19.761258363723755
统计量:20 次数:3 时间比: 7.508303230230394 详细时长: py: 9.933343410491943 pd: 1.3229811191558838 py2: 19.530989408493042
统计量:30 次数:1 时间比: 7.833986134979155 详细时长: py: 14.523708581924438 pd: 1.853935956954956 py2: 32.46154570579529
统计量:30 次数:2 时间比: 7.621607390748258 详细时长: py: 14.912060499191284 pd: 1.9565505981445312 py2: 29.734895944595337
统计量:30 次数:3 时间比: 7.275279705214964 详细时长: py: 14.678386211395264 pd: 2.0175700187683105 py2: 30.317322492599487
统计量:50 次数:1 时间比: 7.725853759509482 详细时长: py: 23.88418436050415 pd: 3.0914621353149414 py2: 50.774309158325195
统计量:50 次数:2 时间比: 7.254025451527843 详细时长: py: 23.80484104156494 pd: 3.281604290008545 py2: 54.80711579322815
统计量:50 次数:3 时间比: 8.11059675328286 详细时长: py: 26.42996597290039 pd: 3.258695602416992 py2: 49.66933298110962
统计量:100 次数:1 时间比: 7.395159931692905 详细时长: py: 47.11621284484863 pd: 6.371222972869873 py2: 100.95593667030334
统计量:100 次数:2 时间比: 7.285887516396374 详细时长: py: 47.732889890670776 pd: 6.551417350769043 py2: 100.88967823982239
统计量:100 次数:3 时间比: 7.5608031699271185 详细时长: py: 48.61383056640625 pd: 6.429717779159546 py2: 108.31028723716736
统计量:200 次数:1 时间比: 7.168724536572008 详细时长: py: 94.84511423110962 pd: 13.230402946472168 py2: 203.78652048110962
统计量:200 次数:2 时间比: 7.64953061578108 详细时长: py: 101.12934279441833 pd: 13.220333099365234 py2: 208.26342511177063
统计量:200 次数:3 时间比: 7.221915299871638 详细时长: py: 94.99437260627747 pd: 13.153625965118408 py2: 208.55407118797302
统计量:500 次数:1 时间比: 7.733304171085339 详细时长: py: 249.97211408615112 pd: 32.32410216331482 py2: 507.01753211021423
统计量:500 次数:2 时间比: 7.523341562433384 详细时长: py: 245.09230089187622 pd: 32.577585220336914 py2: 521.6754240989685
统计量:500 次数:3 时间比: 9.62083059863606 详细时长: py: 243.66297483444214 pd: 25.32660484313965 py2: 448.2097132205963

package main

import (

func once_run(new_files * [1000000]int, times int) float64 {
  st := time.Now()
  lte_200 := []int{}
  lt_500 := []int{}
  eq_600 := []int{}
  xx := []int{}
  yy := []int{}
  zz := []int{}
  for i:=0;i<times;i++{
    // for index:=0;index<len(new_files);index++{
      // int_v := new_files[index]
    for _, int_v := range new_files {
      if int_v <= 200 {
        lte_200 = append(lte_200, int_v)
      if int_v < 500 {
        lt_500 = append(lt_500, int_v)
      if int_v == 600 {
        eq_600 = append(eq_600, int_v)
      if int_v <= 100 {
        xx = append(xx, int_v)
      if int_v <= 300 {
        yy = append(yy, int_v)
      if int_v > 800 {
        zz = append(zz, int_v)
    lte_200 = []int{}
    lt_500 = []int{}
    eq_600 = []int{}
    xx = []int{}
    yy = []int{}
    zz = []int{}
  // fmt.Println(len(lte_200), len(lt_500), len(eq_600), len(xx), len(yy), len(zz))
  // fmt.Println(len(lte_200), len(lt_500), len(eq_600))
  et := time.Now()
  return et.Sub(st).Seconds()
func many_run(new_files * [1000000]int, times int)float64{
  st := time.Now()
  lte_200 := []int{}
  lt_500 := []int{}
  eq_600 := []int{}
  xx := []int{}
  yy := []int{}
  zz := []int{}
  for i:=0;i<times;i++{
    for _, int_v := range new_files{
      if int_v <= 200{
        lte_200 = append(lte_200, int_v)
    for _, int_v := range new_files{
      if int_v < 500{
        lt_500 = append(lt_500, int_v)
    for _, int_v := range new_files{
      if int_v == 600{
        eq_600 = append(eq_600, int_v)
    for _, int_v := range new_files{
      if int_v <= 100{
        xx = append(xx, int_v)
    for _, int_v := range new_files{
      if int_v <= 300{
        yy = append(yy, int_v)
    for _, int_v := range new_files{
      if int_v > 800{
        zz = append(zz, int_v)
    lte_200 = []int{}
    lt_500 = []int{}
    eq_600 = []int{}
    xx = []int{}
    yy = []int{}
    zz = []int{}
  // fmt.Println(len(lte_200), len(lt_500), len(eq_600))
  et := time.Now()
  return et.Sub(st).Seconds()
func main() {
  filepath := "./data.txt"
  file, err := os.OpenFile(filepath, os.O_RDONLY, 0777)
  if err != nil {
  defer file.Close()
  buf := bufio.NewReader(file)
  file_lines := []string{}
  for {
    line, err := buf.ReadString('\n')
    if err != nil {
      if err == io.EOF {
      } else {
    line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
    file_lines = append(file_lines, line)
  var new_files [1000000]int
  for i := 0; i < len(file_lines); i++ {
    int_v, _ := strconv.Atoi(file_lines[i])
    new_files[i] = int_v
    for _, ii := range []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} {
      fmt.Println(ii, "--")
      for _, int_v := range new_files {
        if int_v <= 200 {
          lte_200 = append(lte_200, int_v)

  for _, i := range []int{10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500}{
  // for _, i := range []int{500}{
    for j:=0;j<4;j++{
      time_used_once := once_run(&new_files, i)
      time_used_many := many_run(&new_files, i)
      fmt.Println(i,"  ", j,":--> ", "once" ,time_used_once, "many", time_used_many)


可以看到, golang的单次循环和多次循环的差距没有那么大, 所以除了特殊情况, 最主要的还是循环体里的内容
10 0 :–> once 0.270043332 many 0.363176675
10 1 :–> once 0.276643586 many 0.352971341
10 2 :–> once 0.25890732 many 0.35560765
10 3 :–> once 0.245769677 many 0.370233654
20 0 :–> once 0.589726051 many 0.769544436
20 1 :–> once 0.580975835 many 0.753842546
20 2 :–> once 0.600672759 many 0.721600799
20 3 :–> once 0.596183651 many 0.766575763
30 0 :–> once 0.882573551 many 1.113109061
30 1 :–> once 0.880121284 many 1.160065195
30 2 :–> once 0.867385259 many 1.133052454
30 3 :–> once 0.889980355 many 1.136251198
50 0 :–> once 1.427478098 many 1.850872163
50 1 :–> once 1.501920479 many 1.898363955
50 2 :–> once 1.502236307 many 1.8533934570000001
50 3 :–> once 1.5080970219999998 many 1.884553839
100 0 :–> once 2.934879984 many 3.7428952300000002
100 1 :–> once 2.949133964 many 3.768129714
100 2 :–> once 2.879401105 many 3.774616441
100 3 :–> once 2.908388572 many 3.75524067
200 0 :–> once 5.265939245 many 7.3770994420000005
200 1 :–> once 5.676770116 many 7.516143486
200 2 :–> once 5.835790768 many 7.420399405
200 3 :–> once 5.757892503 many 7.498774821
500 0 :–> once 13.946337923 many 18.661140954
500 1 :–> once 13.558824813 many 18.278247642
500 2 :–> once 13.671900874 many 18.228428328
500 3 :–> once 12.964145702 many 18.017974093



感谢作者:aside section ._1OhGeD


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