golang 捕鱼 h5游戏

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项目地址: **https://github.com/dwg255/fish** 说明:go语言 游戏,go捕鱼,高性能游戏服务端 golang开发的服务端编程简单,执行高效,有效利用多核资源,游戏server端为golang典型的应用场景之一。项目大量使用goroutine及channel,命名及注释清晰。 主要依赖包: - github.com/astaxie/beego 主要用到其logs包,监听http端口及处理请求使用golang自带的包 net/http - github.com/gorilla/websocket websocket连接及收发消息 项目目录说明: - common 公共包,*包含全局配置、生成全部牌型的方法、计算牌型以及客户端协议常量* - api/thrift 定义游戏服务器和账号服务器rpc通讯协议 - conf 定义账号、大厅、游戏服务器的redis等配置,以及出鱼的路劲配置文件`*监听的端口、日志级别、日志路径、存储路径等*` - tools 公共工具,包括aes加密算法,thrift rpc调用工具,snowflake生成工具 - account `*账号中心服务*` 通过thrift rpc 提供账号注册,认证等服务 - main 入口目录 - common - service - client 捕鱼客户端静态资源目录 - hall 捕鱼大厅 - main 入口目录 - common - controllers 控制器目录 - router 路由目录 - game * `*处理游戏逻辑*` - main 入口目录 - common - controllers 控制器目录 - router 路由目录 - service 逻辑目录 ```go func init() { //生成pid文件,保存pid pidFileName := "pid" fileInfo, err := os.Stat(pidFileName) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { err = os.Mkdir(pidFileName, os.ModePerm) fileInfo, _ = os.Stat(pidFileName) } } if fileInfo.IsDir() { pid := os.Getpid() pidFile, err := os.OpenFile(pidFileName+"/landlord.pid", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0766) if err != nil { logs.Error("open pidFile [%s] error :%v", pidFileName, err) return } err = pidFile.Truncate(0) //清空数据 _, err = io.WriteString(pidFile, strconv.Itoa(pid)) if err != nil { logs.Error("write pid error :%v", err) } err = pidFile.Close() if err != nil { logs.Error("close pid file err: %v", err) } } else { logs.Error("pidFile [%s] is exists and not dir", pidFileName) } } ``` *更多代码详见 GitHub* -service -room.go 文件内包含压测代码,已通过压测并稳定运行半年左右。 运行步骤: 1.下载源码: ``` git clone https://github.com/dwg255/fish ``` 2.编译: ``` cd fish\ go build -o account.exe account\main\main.go account\main\init.go account\main\config.go go build -o hall.exe hall\main\main.go hall\main\init.go hall\main\config.go go build -o fish.exe game\main\main.go game\main\init.go game\main\config.go ``` 3.解压客户端: ​ tar -zxvf fish.tar.gz /var/www/html/client/fish 4.配置nginx: ``` server { listen 80; server_name fish.com; charset utf8; index index.html index.htm; location /qq { add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; proxy_set_header X-Target $request_uri; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_pass; } location / { root /var/www/html/client/fish; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; expires 7d; } } ``` ``` 配置文件位置 /common/conf 内含redis配置和qq第三方登录配置,请自行修改。 ``` 5.在线示例: ​ http://fish.blzz.shop ​ ------ License This project is released under the terms of the MIT license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information or see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. ------ 5.运行截图: ![img](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwg255/fish/master/client/1.jpg) ![img](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwg255/fish/master/client/2.jpg) ![img](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwg255/fish/master/client/3.jpg) ![img](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwg255/fish/master/client/4.jpg) ![img](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwg255/fish/master/client/5.jpg) ![img](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwg255/fish/master/client/6.jpg) ![img](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwg255/fish/master/client/qg_副本.jpg)


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