
yeqown · 2019-11-15 13:33:12 · 825 次点击 · 预计阅读时间 8 分钟 · 大约8小时之前 开始浏览    
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相比于使用一个中间件来“暴力”缓存接口的响应,提高接口查询速度而言,Repository缓存能更好的控制缓存粒度和更新时机 —— 鲁迅。



Tester—A:这个 getInfo 接口咋这么慢呢?查一下要5+s?QPS竟然只有10!!!!
RD-B    :这是因为getInfo要查库。。。N多库
RD-B    :好的,容我操作一波(给接口加上一个响应缓存),好了你再测试一下
RD-B    :哦哦哦,我晓得咯,再容我操作一波(缓存加有效时间,个人信息更新的时候再强删缓存),O了






  1. 查N多表,表还没有索引orz
  2. 无用数据,增加传输的Size
  3. 反复查询某些热点数据,但每次都直接打到数据库
  4. 上游服务响应缓慢
  5. 其他



序号 缓存方案 优势 劣势
1 Response缓存 简单暴力 缓存更新时机不好把控,如果面面俱到可能心态崩坏;缓存粒度太大,无法局部更新;针对查询接口有帮助,其他业务下查询数据则毫无帮助
2 Repository缓存 粒度由Repo自行掌握,可控性强;Repo复用场景下会提高应用整体的速度 需要针对各个Repo做缓存的处理;改动较多;其他orz



提到缓存就一定会提到缓存替换策略,有最常见的:LRU LFU FIFO MRU(最近频繁使用算法) LRU的多个变种算法 LIRS等。
这里选用了LRU-K(K=2)并基于golang来实现 cached-repository,更多算法的详细信息参见参考文档中的LRU和LRU-K:



// cache.go
// CacheAlgor is an interface implements different alg.
type CacheAlgor interface {
    Put(key, value interface{})
    Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)
    Update(key, value interface{})
    Delete(key interface{})

lru.Cache 在于提供 基于LRU-like算法缓存和替换能力,所以接口会更丰富一些,

// lru/types.go
// Cache is the interface for simple LRU cache.
type Cache interface {
    // Puts a value to the cache, returns true if an eviction occurred and
    // updates the "recently used"-ness of the key.
    Put(key, value interface{}) bool

    // Returns key's value from the cache and
    // updates the "recently used"-ness of the key. #value, isFound
    Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)

    // Removes a key from the cache.
    Remove(key interface{}) bool

    // Peeks a key
    // Returns key's value without updating the "recently used"-ness of the key.
    Peek(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)

    // Returns the oldest entry from the cache. #key, value, isFound
    Oldest() (interface{}, interface{}, bool)

    // Returns a slice of the keys in the cache, from oldest to newest.
    Keys() []interface{}

    // Returns the number of items in the cache.
    Len() int

    // iter all key and items in cache
    Iter(f IterFunc)

    // Clears all cache entries.




// MysqlRepo .
type MysqlRepo struct {
    db   *gorm.DB
    calg cp.CacheAlgor
    // *cp.EmbedRepo

// NewMysqlRepo .
func NewMysqlRepo(db *gorm.DB) (*MysqlRepo, error) {
    // func NewLRUK(k, size, hSize uint, onEvict EvictCallback) (*K, error)
    c, err := lru.NewLRUK(2, 10, 20, func(k, v interface{}) {
        fmt.Printf("key: %v, value: %v\n", k, v)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &MysqlRepo{
        db:   db,
        // func New(c lru.Cache) CacheAlgor
        calg: cp.New(c),
    }, nil

// GetByID .
func (repo MysqlRepo) GetByID(id uint) (*userModel, error) {
    start := time.Now()
    defer func() {
        fmt.Printf("this queryid=%d cost: %d ns\n",id, time.Now().Sub(start).Nanoseconds())

    v, ok := repo.calg.Get(id)
    if ok {
        return v.(*userModel), nil

    // actual find in DB
    m := new(userModel)
    if err := repo.db.Where("id = ?", id).First(m).Error; err != nil {
        return nil, err

    repo.calg.Put(id, m)
    return m, nil

// Update .
func (repo MysqlRepo) Update(id uint, m *userModel) error {
    if err := repo.db.Where("id = ?", id).Update(m).Error; err != nil {
        return err

    fmt.Printf("before: %v\n", m)
    m.ID = id
    if err := repo.db.First(m); err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("after: %v\n", m)

    // update cache, ifcache hit id
    repo.calg.Put(id, m)

    return nil

// Delete .
func (repo MysqlRepo) Delete(id uint) error {
    if err := repo.db.Delete(nil, "id = ?", id).Error; err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func main() {
    // ... prepare data

    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
        go func() {
            id := uint(rand.Intn(10))
            if id == 0 {
            v, err := repo.GetByID(id)
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("err: %d , %v\n", id, err)
            if v.ID != id ||
                v.Name != fmt.Sprintf("name-%d", id) ||
                v.Province != fmt.Sprintf("province-%d", id) ||
                v.City != fmt.Sprintf("city-%d", id) {
                fmt.Printf("err: not matched target with id[%d]: %v\n", v.ID, v)
➜  custom-cache-manage git:(master) ✗ go run main.go 
this queryid=9 cost: 245505 ns
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this queryid=2 cost: 174202 ns
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this queryid=3 cost: 691 ns
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this queryid=2 cost: 476 ns
this queryid=5 cost: 184098 ns
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this queryid=1 cost: 468 ns
this queryid=1 cost: 406 ns
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this queryid=7 cost: 1254 ns
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this queryid=2 cost: 999 ns
this queryid=1 cost: 419 ns
this queryid=8 cost: 658 ns
this queryid=9 cost: 1322 ns
this queryid=9 cost: 543 ns
this queryid=4 cost: 1311 ns
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this queryid=4 cost: 309 ns
this queryid=5 cost: 350 ns
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this queryid=5 cost: 336 ns
this queryid=3 cost: 567 ns
this queryid=9 cost: 293 ns
this queryid=7 cost: 338 ns
this queryid=4 cost: 499 ns
this queryid=7 cost: 318 ns
this queryid=3 cost: 330 ns
this queryid=7 cost: 322 ns
this queryid=6 cost: 339 ns
this queryid=7 cost: 1273 ns
this queryid=4 cost: 1175 ns
this queryid=6 cost: 306 ns
this queryid=2 cost: 316 ns
this queryid=5 cost: 330 ns
this queryid=5 cost: 322 ns
this queryid=6 cost: 324 ns
this queryid=8 cost: 291 ns
this queryid=2 cost: 310 ns
this queryid=3 cost: 321 ns
this queryid=3 cost: 294 ns
this queryid=6 cost: 293 ns
this queryid=8 cost: 3566 ns
...more ignored








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