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``` 1、入门:《Go 语言圣经》中文版 https://books.studygolang.com/gopl-zh/ ,该书建议一定看看 https://books.studygolang.com/the-way-to-go_ZH_CN/ 2、进阶:《Go 语言实战》 ``` ``` 1.Learning Go 《学习Go语言》 http://www.miek.nl/projects/learninggo/ 中文版http://mikespook.com/learning-go/ 2.Go by Example Go is an open source programming language designed for building simple, fast, and reliable software. Go by Example is a hands-on introduction to Go using annotated example programs. Check out the first exampleor browse the full list below. https://gobyexample.com/ 3.Network programming with Go An e-book on building network applications using the Google Go programming language (golang) http://jan.newmarch.name/go/ 4.goroutine背后的系统知识 Go语言从诞生到普及已经三年了,先行者大都是Web开发的背景,也有了一些普及型的书籍,可系统开发背景的人在学习这些书籍的时候,总有语焉不详的感觉,网上也有若干流传甚广的文章,可其中或多或少总有些与事实不符的技术描述。希望这篇文章能为比较缺少系统编程背景的Web开发人员介绍一下goroutine背后的系统知识。 1. 操作系统与运行库 2. 并发与并行 (Concurrency and Parallelism) 3. 线程的调度 4. 并发编程框架 5. goroutine http://www.sizeofvoid.net/goroutine-under-the-hood/ 5.An Introduction to Programming in Go. http://www.golang-book.com/ 6.《Go Web 编程》 https://github.com/astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang/blob/master/ebook/preface.md 7.Go语言博客实践 Go Blog In Action 中文名 Go语言博客实践. 是对 TypePress 开发过程中的想法, 方法, 探讨等任何方面同步整理成的电子书. https://github.com/achun/Go-Blog-In-Action 8.go samples when learning golang. 大量实操的例子 https://github.com/philsong/golang_samples 9.Go实战-- a)通过httprouter和redis框架搭建restful api服务(github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter) b)通过gin-gonic框架搭建restful api服务(github.com/gin-gonic/gin) ```


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