golang 1.4 mod 使用经验

perryn · · 1224 次点击 · · 开始浏览    
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1.go mod 替代原来gopath的功能(可能理解有误)

2.go mod init 一个golang 项目

  • go mod 的命令使用
$ go help mod

        go mod <command> [arguments]

The commands are:

        download    download modules to local cache
        edit        edit go.mod from tools or scripts
        graph       print module requirement graph
        init        initialize new module in current directory
        tidy        add missing and remove unused modules
        vendor      make vendored copy of dependencies
        verify      verify dependencies have expected content
        why         explain why packages or modules are needed

  • glusterfs-benchmark项目信息

cd glusterfs-benchmark
go mod init glusterfs-benchmark
//会在 lusterfs-benchmark目录中 生成go.mod的文件

  • 项目目录架构
[perrynzhou@Debian ~/Source/perryn/glusterfs-benchmark]$ tree ../glusterfs-benchmark/
├── api
│   ├── fuse_fetch.go
│   └── glfs_fetch.go
├── conf
│   └── conf.go
├── go.mod
├── metric
│   └── metric.go
├── pkg
│   └── mod
│       └── cache
│           └── lock
└── utils
    └── utils.go

14 directories, 114 files

  • 引入glusterfs-benchmark/api/fuse_fetch.go中引入utils库本地库
// fuse_fetch.go的包信息
package api

import (
    utils "github.com/perryn/glusterfs-benchmark/utils"
module glusterfs-benchmark

go 1.14

replace github.com/perryn/glusterfs-benchmark => ../glusterfs-benchmark

require github.com/perryn/glusterfs-benchmark v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000

//goland中去go get这个包后go.mod内容会自动添加如下信息
require github.com/perryn/glusterfs-benchmark v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000




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