I use this app so often. every day more than two hours.
but that's a good situation.
I was think. this app company must broken. when?
maybe that's shount not to be worry. but it will be broken. definitely.
so my diary will disappear. it's matter? I can't sure. I can use other app. but it not well.
anyway. forget about it.
I worry about that because when I write something on Baidu. this company closed his writer space. even this company can disappear.
I sort out my notes. take me one hour. I find one of them is very interesting. guest.
I sent some messages. we can doing something together. watch movies. drink. play games. that's a interesting idea.
just need so much money.
can I do it?
definitely not. ha go to hell? your wonderful idea. because you don't have any money. you don't deserve it. stop talking bad world.
my ear blood yesterday. I sad I feel my ear come into some water. I pick it. make it blood. I am so wrong. I don't want deaf. I just let it go.
instead water feel better. I think it's all right. so I just need let go.
yesterday I study so little. I am not things to learn. and I watch so many videos. and play so many games. I need to learn. I download two books about golang. I need reading it. when I looked my 2014 years diary. I even learn c. I write notes about c.
I think this time is useful. for my job. it's must useful for my job.
I need make more money. even in Chengdu. I want get twenty thousand yuan one month. so I need learn go. I need learn so much.
I need be fighter. words always less. so I made the word.
I still not get up now. every this time. I need turn on the water heater. read for take show. after that. I will go eat my breakfast. go restaurant. there have so many restaurants. nobody bullying meme. although I hate this word. but I need remember this word.
so. how many times I need to write?
how many word I need to write. about one hundred and fifty words. I need five hundred words. am I write diary in yesterday?I almost forgot.
yesterday I take a nap at afternoon. not doing that today. it will make you can't sleep at night. my heart have a little hurt. in morning. it's better now. at evening I can't sleep. that's a big problem. I fix it. I try.
when we get over this long holiday. if I have a lot of work todo. can I write english diary every day?can I learned it so hard every day?
oh. god. I need money. if I get so many so many money. I will make that app. name is guest. be my guest. how about that. ha