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I'm sick. look like ill. I have headache. no. heartache.  chest pain I can't breath. I am tired of it. I need to be cute. I got around. make me feel better. is that some sick?

yesterday I finished my computer problem. I sleep at one o'clock. but I get up early. reason is I am sick. it's like mentality problem. so I got to the park. listen to the music. and walk fast. and write this diary.

I see one man dance. just himself. did he had mentality problem? he looks happy with the dumb dance.

why when I meet some problems I blame my father.

he never protect me. other people is not easy. other person right. you have to accepted it. never, never fight back.

that will make me inferiority.

regrettably. no person can fix it. is irreversible.

so what can I do. hopeless. oh. I see some one running. I want run. I walk so fast. but I'm not run.

yesterday I also write my diary. definitely. I build some web server use docker on my computer. I also install Windows7 and windows 10 system. I learn how to use & and *, how to use pointer in golang.  I think I got it. it is pretty feel. 

I think I sleep not longer. but I can't take nap. make me can't sleep at night. I already walk four kilometers. write three hundred words. I will finish it when I get home.

I was thinking I need one more shout. and I did. 210. I sweating a lot. when I get home. I just running two hundred meter. make me swearing. the weather become hot. swearing a lot. and go home. take a shower. that is so good feeling. I got the restaurant eat drumstick and rice. so delicious.

I arrived my house. I decided finish the diary before shower. so what I need to write.

because I have no job. I have time to write diary. if I busy. I have a lot of work. can I write diary every day?

I like running. I think I can running every day. take me about forty minutes. write diary. take me fifty minutes. that need perseverance. hard perseverance.

I stop listen music. I started to listen to english on YouTube. that's all english.

is about money story. rich and success. how important it. money is important. in this story.  house and building away important. time is money. more money need more time. this guy have no time to stay with him family.  and he work so hard. oh. he is boss. CEO of the company. but he unhappy. he business have propleam. he had different idea with his partner.

they go hunting. but it's a accident. he almost killed his partner.  and he apologize. and they want go home. and the car is bomm. they almost died.

they go to hospital. a car accident.





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