
蛐蛐儿阳 · 2020-05-04 13:32:42 · 723 次点击 · 预计阅读时间 3 分钟 · 大约8小时之前 开始浏览    
这是一个创建于 2020-05-04 13:32:42 的文章,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

it is may 4 . time flies.

I have enough money. so my life is ok. I feel ill and tired those days. but today I feel better. I think just because I eat something. like medical or I eat a lot of eggs. it hurts my heart. make me can't breathe.

but I feel better now.

I really think Chengdu have a few sunshine. but I am wrong. those days all sunshine. in spring. in winter. there have haze problem.

I know no person read my diary. even myself.

but I will read it in the feature. some free times.

nobody write diary every day. except me.

I think write diary is nice. maybe I can make a story in the diary.

then. it's not diary any more. it's a story book.

so when I was young. I want to be a writer. but write what?

ha. you see. that's the problem. I don't know what I can write, but I will be a writer?

I have nothing to write.  but I will be a write?  that is impossible?

The question is. I never do. I just think.

I just become to think.  I feel I will successful. I am not  doing anything. how to succeed?

but think is first. the second is make a plan. the next is do it. and last. we listen to God.

lucky is important. but you need work hard first. just thinking can't make your dreams become true.

so do I have some dreams now?

oh god. my dream is died. I have no dream now.

oh. I do have one dream. become rich. more rich more perfect. I just don't know how.

when you are in school. you don't know how important to have money. when you work and life. you will know. every thing need money.

so feel not bad today. I sleep well. and I need to know how to used golang chanl.  it just like array I think. just can use in different go function. The same function.

that's have a little difficult. I I will find out. the study step with over soon. after that I will change my resume. and go find job. I need find stab job. I can do that. I have to.

I feel a little tired and want to sleep. I take a nap.

I eat drumstick  lunch. I got the restaurant and wait for.

then I write the diary. I will go to park when I finished my lunch. I will go around. walk so way. and go back house. learn golang. learn how to use chan.

I will finished learn golang today. and I will change my resume. find a new job. I will do that. I wish I have a good luck.

I learn how to use chan in golang. I think I get it. I know how to use it.

so. do some tests. and read for interview. with golang.

I need good luck. en. enjoy your dreams. enjoy your life. enjoy your stuff. enjoy the horrible.

I can play now. I finished my learn ing. Wahoo. go play. wonderful day. hot day. we can't play outside. I listen to english story.





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