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ok. write diary now. I start at? night o'clock. lest me see how long time to need.

you want know that. but it's case how many things you want to say. if nothing. you make things. that's need time.

today is may 4.I got Chengdu about two months ago. time flies.

I can't remember what I did in this two months. I need to watch my diary.

The weather become hot. I wake up at three o'clock last night. because it is so hot. and I close air conditioner.  not because I care about power. just because my habit. I think.

except that. I sleep well I think.

and my chest pain become better. maybe just because I am running yesterday. I running so far away at my house. yes. just in house. about six kilometers. make me feel so tired. but it's good for me. it is helpful for my health. it's cure my chest pain.

I want do that every day.

I also finished learn golang. I think. I began to watch the interview questions. I just need a few days to do that. I will change my resume. and go find new job. I became old. when I am young. I find new job. I think if I became older. The situation will be better. because I will have a lot of work experience. that will be easy to find a new job.

well. it's true.  it's dose have a lot of experience. interview experience.

it is still hard to find a new job. any time all difficult.

last night I am so hungry. at nine o'clock. already nine o'clock. I think I need to sleep. but I am tired of hungry. I am outside and find something to eat. my house just have two jelly. don't have any thing can eat.

I eat two drumsticks. one pancake. it's not too much I think. but I am full.

I still hungry right now. it's already nine past a half o'clock. I sleep about twelve o'clock last night.

running. eating. what did I do last day? oh I think I know how to use channel in golang. I learned something yesterday. actually I learned a lot.

so I will continue learned something today.

I still don't want to find job. oh. wish me luck.

I need one hundred words. I listen to a english story last day.

it's about the ghost. there have an old house. one person buy it. person tells he there have some ghost in the house. but he didn't believe that. there have some blood in the floor.

but there have funny part. they all family all don't afraid ghost. they even bully this ghost.

what? the ghost killed his wife. and in the end. this ghost can't sleep. just like me.

the family's daughter helped this ghost to be redemption. and the god forgive this ghost. end.





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