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源代码地址github [GoSLayer](https://github.com/danceyoung/goslayer) # goslayer ## One statement intro GoSLayer is a tool that helps you to create a golang project in seconds. * layered base on a [standard architecture layout](https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout) ([for chinese](https://github.com/danceyoung/paper-code/blob/master/package-oriented-design/packageorienteddesign.md)) * followed by [Package-Oriented-Design guideline](https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog/2017/02/package-oriented-design.html) * creating a runnable Rest ful Web Service ## Usage 1. `$ go get -u github.com/danceyoung/goslayer` 2. cd any directory where you will creating your project: `$ goslayer` 3. Enter your project name (here is `goapp`) and then choose a web framework(gin or http handler, default is gin) 4. cd `goapp`: `go mod init goapp;go run ./cmd/myapp ` 5. Open another terminal, run `curl --location --request GET ''` , response data will output. Creation process and your project structure might look like this: ``` GoSLayer is a tool that helps you to create a golang project in seconds. • layered base on a standard architecture layout • followed by Package-Oriented-Design guideline link: https://github.com/danceyoung/goslayer Please enter your project name: goapp Please choose a web framework, (1) use gin, (2) use handler buildin: 1 Creating your go project with GIN The go project is created successfully. goapp ├── cmd/ │ └── myapp/ │ └── router/ │ └── handler/ │ └── router.go │ └── main.go ├── internal/ │ └── myapp/ │ └── event/ ├── └── pkg/ │ └── middleware/ ``` ## References This tool is based on material taken from the following posts. * [Ardan Labs: Package-Oriented-Design](https://www.ardanlabs.com/blog/2017/02/package-oriented-design.html), * [Github: golang standard project layout](https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout), * [Microsoft: Design Fundamentals - Layout Application Guideline](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/msp-n-p/ee658109(v=pandp.10)) * [Go面向包的设计和架构分层](https://github.com/danceyoung/paper-code/blob/master/package-oriented-design/packageorienteddesign.md) 源代码地址github [GoSLayer](https://github.com/danceyoung/goslayer)


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