golang中类型原型slice struct array string

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这是一个创建于 的文章,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


type Array struct {
    len  int64
    elem Type
func NewArray(elem Type, len int64) *Array { return &Array{len, elem} }
func (a *Array) Len() int64 { return a.len }
func (a *Array) Elem() Type { return a.elem }

type Map struct {
    key, elem Type
func NewMap(key, elem Type) *Map {
    return &Map{key, elem}
func (m *Map) Key() Type { return m.key }
func (m *Map) Elem() Type { return m.elem }


type stringHeader struct {
    Data unsafe.Pointer
    Len  int
type sliceHeader struct {
    Data unsafe.Pointer  //uintptr
    Len  int
    Cap  int
type stringHeader struct {
    Data unsafe.Pointer  //uintptr
    Len  int

type emptyInterface struct {
    typ  *rtype
    word unsafe.Pointer

// nonEmptyInterface is the header for an interface value with methods.
type nonEmptyInterface struct {
    // see ../runtime/iface.go:/Itab
    itab *struct {
        ityp *rtype // static interface type
        typ  *rtype // dynamic concrete type
        hash uint32 // copy of typ.hash
        _    [4]byte
        fun  [100000]unsafe.Pointer // method table
    word unsafe.Pointer

// A runtimeSelect is a single case passed to rselect.
// This must match ../runtime/select.go:/runtimeSelect
type runtimeSelect struct {
    dir SelectDir      // SelectSend, SelectRecv or SelectDefault
    typ *rtype         // channel type
    ch  unsafe.Pointer // channel
    val unsafe.Pointer // ptr to data (SendDir) or ptr to receive buffer (RecvDir)

type SelectCase struct {
    Dir  SelectDir // direction of case
    Chan Value     // channel to use (for send or receive)
    Send Value     // value to send (for send)




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