2013-12-14 wcdj
PS: 在测试时自己建立了一个后缀为_test.go的文件,build后会提示如下错误:
package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" ) func main() { // Use all the machine's cores runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) log.SetFlags(0) // 处理命令行参数 algorithm, minSize, maxSize, suffixes, files := handleCommandLine() // 开始计算操作 if algorithm == 1 { // 算法1是并行计算, 通过创建各个的goroutine // step1: 先通过source函数处理文件列表, 并把处理结果返回到管道里 // step2: 将符合后缀的文件放到管道里 // step3: 将符合大小的文件放到管道里 // step4: 从管道获取结果数据 sink(filterSize(minSize, maxSize, filterSuffixes(suffixes, source(files)))) } else { // 算法2是串行计算 channel1 := source(files) channel2 := filterSuffixes(suffixes, channel1) channel3 := filterSize(minSize, maxSize, channel2) sink(channel3) } } // 命令行参数解析操作 func handleCommandLine() (algorithm int, minSize, maxSize int64, suffixes, files []string) { // 将命令行参数绑定到对应的变量中 // algorithm默认为1 flag.IntVar(&algorithm, "algorithm", 1, "1 or 2") // minSize和maxSize默认为-1, 表示没有限制 flag.Int64Var(&minSize, "min", -1, "minimum file size (-1 means no minimum)") flag.Int64Var(&maxSize, "max", -1, "maximum file size (-1 means no maximum)") // suffixes后缀列表默认为空 var suffixesOpt *string = flag.String("suffixes", "", "comma-separated list of file suffixes") // 命令行预处理 flag.Parse() if algorithm != 1 && algorithm != 2 { algorithm = 1 } if minSize > maxSize && maxSize != -1 { // Fatalln is equivalent to Println() followed by a call to os.Exit(1) log.Fatalln("minimum size must be < maximum size") } // 将后缀列表用逗号分隔, 返回suffixes后缀切片 suffixes = []string{} if *suffixesOpt != "" { suffixes = strings.Split(*suffixesOpt, ",") } // Args returns the non-flag command-line arguments // 认为非命令选项的参数全为文件参数 files = flag.Args() return algorithm, minSize, maxSize, suffixes, files } // 创建管道, 处理文件列表并把结果返回到管道里 func source(files []string) <-chan string { out := make(chan string, 1000) go func() { for _, filename := range files { out <- filename } close(out) }() return out } // 将符合后缀的文件放到管道里 // 根据后缀切片处理管道里的文件, 同样再把结果返回到管道里 // make the buffer the same size as for files to maximize throughput func filterSuffixes(suffixes []string, in <-chan string) <-chan string { out := make(chan string, cap(in)) go func() { for filename := range in { // 没有限制后缀的话, 则直接将文件塞到管道里 if len(suffixes) == 0 { out <- filename continue } // 获取文件列表的后缀, 且全部转换为小写 // Ext returns the file name extension used by path. The extension is the suffix beginning at the final dot in the final element of path; it is empty if there is no dot ext := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) for _, suffix := range suffixes { if ext == suffix { out <- filename break } } } close(out) }() return out } // 将符合文件大小的文件放到管道里 // make the buffer the same size as for files to maximize throughput func filterSize(minimum, maximum int64, in <-chan string) <-chan string { out := make(chan string, cap(in)) go func() { for filename := range in { // 对文件大小没有限制, 直接将文件塞到管道里 if minimum == -1 && maximum == -1 { out <- filename // don't do a stat call it not needed continue } // 使用操作系统的接口获取文件大小等信息 // Stat returns a FileInfo describing the named file. If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError /* type FileInfo interface { Name() string // base name of the file Size() int64 // length in bytes for regular files; system-dependent for others Mode() FileMode // file mode bits ModTime() time.Time // modification time IsDir() bool // abbreviation for Mode().IsDir() Sys() interface{} // underlying data source (can return nil) } */ finfo, err := os.Stat(filename) if err != nil { continue // ignore files we can't process } size := finfo.Size() if (minimum == -1 || minimum > -1 && minimum <= size) && (maximum == -1 || maximum > -1 && maximum >= size) { out <- filename } } close(out) }() return out } // 从管道获取结果数据 func sink(in <-chan string) { for filename := range in { fmt.Println(filename) } } /* output: mba:go gerryyang$ ./filter_t -min 1 -suffixes ".cpp" ../c++11/range_for.cpp ../c++11/test ../c++11/test.cpp routines.go ../c++11/range_for.cpp ../c++11/test.cpp mba:go gerryyang$ ./filter_t -min 1 -max -2 -suffixes ".cpp" ../c++11/range_for.cpp ../c++11/test ../c++11/test.cpp routines.go jjjj minimum size must be < maximum size */