🛠 Open Source Instant Messaging (IM) Project OpenIM Source Code

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Deploying OpenIM involves multiple components and supports various methods, including source code, Docker, and Kubernetes. This requires ensuring compatibility between different deployment methods while effectively managing differences between versions. Indeed, these are complex issues involving in-depth technical details and precise system configurations. Our goal is to simplify the deployment process while maintaining the system’s flexibility and stability to suit different users’ needs. Currently, version 3.5 has simplified the deployment process, and this version will be maintained for a long time. We welcome everyone to use it. 1. Environment and Component Requirements 🌐 Environmental Requirements NoteDetailed Description OSLinux system HardwareAt least 4GB of RAM Golangv1.19 or higher Dockerv24.0.5 or higher Gitv2.17.1 or higher Storage Component Requirements Storage ComponentRecommended Version MongoDBv6.0.2 or higher Redisv7.0.0 or higher Zookeeperv3.8 Kafkav3.5.1 MySQLv5.7 or higher MinIOLatest version 2. Deploying OpenIM Server (IM) 2.1 Setting OPENIM_IP # If the server has an external IPexportOPENIM_IP="external IP"# If only providing internal network servicesexportOPENIM_IP="internal IP" 2.2 🏗️ Deploying Components (mongodb/redis/zookeeper/kafka/MinIO, etc.) gitclone https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/open-im-server&&cdopen-im-server# It's recommended to switch to release-v3.5 or later release branchesmakeinit&&docker compose up -d 2.3 🛠️ Compilation makebuild 2.4 Starting/Stopping/Checking # Startmakestart# Stopmakestop# Checkmakecheck 3. Deploying App Server (Chat) 3.1 🏗️ Deploying Components (mysql) # Go back to the previous directorycd..# Clone the repository, recommended to switch to release-v1.5 or later release branchesgitclone https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/chat chat&&cdchat# Deploy mysqldocker run -d --name mysql2 -p13306:3306 -p33306:33060 -v"$(pwd)/components/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql"-v"/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime"-eMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="openIM123"--restart always mysql:5.7 3.2 🛠️ Compilation makeinitmakebuild 3.3 Starting/Stopping/Checking # Startmakestart# Stopmakestop# Checkmakecheck 4. Quick Validation Open Ports IM Ports TCP PortDescriptionAction TCP:10001ws protocol, messaging port, for client SDKAllow port TCP:10002API port, like user, friend, group, message interfacesAllow port TCP:10005Required when choosing MinIO storage (OpenIM defaults to MinIO storage)Allow port Chat Ports TCP PortDescriptionAction TCP:10008Business system, like registration, login, etc.Allow port TCP:10009Management backend, like statistics, account banning, etc.Allow port PC Web and Management Backend Frontend Resource Ports TCP PortDescriptionAction TCP:11001PC Web frontend resourcesAllow port TCP:11002Management backend frontend resourcesAllow port Grafana Port TCP PortDescriptionAction TCP:13000Grafana portAllow port Verification PC Web Verification Note: Enter http://ip:11001 in your browser to access the PC Web. This IP should be the server’s OPENIM_IP to ensure browser accessibility. For first-time use, please register using your mobile phone number, with the default verification code being 666666. ![image.png](https://static.golangjob.cn/240124/6d1b1bf0738159db45c967eb1500028e.png) Image: PC Web Interface Example App Verification Scan the following QR code or click here to download. Image: App Download QR Code Note: Double-click on OpenIM and change the IP to the server’s OPENIM_IP then restart the App. Please ensure related ports are open, and restart the App after making changes. For first-time use, please register first through your mobile phone number, with the default verification code being 666666. ![image.png](https://static.golangjob.cn/240124/fe752d3647e3e1760143c3558f3d258a.png) Image: Server Address Modification - Step 1 ![image.png](https://static.golangjob.cn/240124/3d284c4fac04405d7ab03478b3d5038a.png) Image: Server Address Modification - Step 2 5. Modifying Configuration Items 5.1 🛠️ Modifying Shared Configuration Items Configuration ItemFiles to be ModifiedAction mongo/kafka/minio related.env, openim-server/config/config.yamlRestart components and IM redis/zookeeper related.env, openim-server/config/config.yaml, chat/config/config.yamlRestart components, IM, and Chat SECRETopenim-server/config/config.yaml, chat/config/config.yamlRestart IM and Chat 5.2 🔄 Modifying Special Configuration Items Special configuration items: API_OPENIM_PORT/MINIO_PORT/OPENIM_IP/GRAFANA_PORT Modify the special configuration items in the .env file Modify the configuration in openim-server/config/config.yaml according to the rules Modify the configuration in chat/config/config.yaml according to the rules Restart IM and Chat 5.3 🛠️ Modifying Other Configuration Items For other configuration items in .env, chat/config/config.yaml, and openim-server/config/config.yaml, you can modify these items directly in the respective files. 5.4 Modifying Ports Note that for any modification of IM-related ports, it’s necessary to synchronize the changes in open-im-server/scripts/install/environment.sh. 6. Frequently Asked Questions 6.1 📜 Viewing Logs Runtime logs: logs/OpenIM.log.all.* Startup logs: _output/logs/openim_*.log 6.2 Startup Order The startup order is as follows: Components IM depends on: mongo/redis/kafka/zookeeper/minio, etc. IM Components Chat depends on: mysql Cha t 6.3 Docker Version The new version of Docker has integrated docker-compose. Older versions of Docker might not support the gateway feature. It’s recommended to upgrade to a newer version, such as 23.0.1. 7. About OpenIM Thanks to widespread developer support, OpenIM maintains a leading position in the open-source instant messaging (IM) field, with the number of stars on Github exceeding 12,000. In the current context of increasing attention to data and privacy security, the demand for IM private deployment is growing, which aligns with the rapid development trend of China’s software industry. Especially in government and enterprise sectors, with the rapid development of information technology and the widespread application of innovative industries, the demand for IM solutions has surged. Further, the continuous expansion of the collaborative office software market has made “secure and controllable” a key attribute. Repository address: https://github.com/openimsdk ![4.jpg](https://static.golangjob.cn/240124/cb69c7277b38669678044229b9cf017f.jpg)


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