经过一个月的开发,LiteIDE X27正式发布。
### 2015.2.4 Ver X27
* LiteIDE
* create independent project gotools and replace liteide_stub
* move build toolbar to the main windowww.suanxian.com
* move editor tab to editor widget
* fix multi window keyshort invalid
* fix treeview scroll bar
* fix sidebar keyshort
* GolangEdit
* add editor mouse under symbol tooltip
* add ctrl + left mouse button to link navigate
* fix embeded func navigate
* fix golang syntax parser
* LiteBuild
* add build lock action
* update build config file
* fix output enter offset
* LiteFind
* update find text by under cursor
* LiteEditor
* add whitespace visible setup option
* add line end setup option
* fix google pinying editor cursor hide bug
* fix editor navigate action
* JsonEdit
* re-implement json format
* RustEdit
* add simple rust support