LiteIDE x21发布,新版本提高了Go代码跳转速度,取消了x20的默认多窗口模式,增强了大纲显示功能,优化了在MacOSX19上显示速度,以及其他一些功能增加和BUG修复。
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* Changes
### 2014.03.06 Ver x21
* LiteIDE
* fast highlighter for MacOS X 10.9
* fast expression lookup F1/F2
* cancel x20 always open in new window mode.
* add new JsonEdit plugin.
* add reload/close dialog YesToAll, if modified on the drive.
* add auto reload files option, if modified on the drive.
* add store setting to local ini file option.
* fix folder expand state
* fix for case sensitive path comparison on windows
* fix memory leak
* LiteBuild
* add golint support
* LiteEnv
* recreate system.env
* LiteEditor
* new color scheme gist-github (thanks William Kennedy <>)
* fix if/else syntax fold
* GolangAst
* add type factor to funcs folder
* add type const
* add import symbol, and view document menu
* add context menu
* add symbol extra info
* GolangFmt
* fix timeout
* fix GOPATH
* GolangDoc
* fast expression lookup F1/F2