Go的Goroutine能够让我们并行的运行一些代码。但是要有效的利用它,需要一些额外的工作。当进程完成创建,我们应该能够将数据传递到正在运行的进程,我们也应该能够获取数据从正在运行的进程,channels 做到了这一点并且能够很好的与goroutines工作。
Channels用来同步并发执行的函数并提供它们某种传值交流的机制。Channels的一些特性:通过channel传递的元素类型、容器(或缓冲区)和传递的方向由“<-”操作符指定。你可以使用内置函数 make分配一个channel:
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i := make(chan int) // by default the capacity is 0 s := make(chan string, 3) // non-zero capacity r := make(<-chan bool) // can only read from w := make(chan<- []os.FileInfo) // can only write to |
我们可以通过<- 操作符发送或接收的数据
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my_channel := make(chan int) //within some goroutine - to put a value on the channel my_channel <- 5 //within some other goroutine - to take a value off the channel var my_recvd_value int my_recvd_value = <- my_channel |
1 2 |
ic_send_only := make (<-chan int) //a channel that can only send data - arrow going out is sending ic_recv_only := make (chan<- int) //a channel that can only receive a data - arrow going in is receiving |
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package main import ( "fmt" "time" "strconv" ) var i int func makeCakeAndSend(cs chan string) { i = i + 1 cakeName := "Strawberry Cake " + strconv.Itoa(i) fmt.Println("Making a cake and sending ...", cakeName) cs <- cakeName //send a strawberry cake } func receiveCakeAndPack(cs chan string) { s := <-cs //get whatever cake is on the channel fmt.Println("Packing received cake: ", s) } func main() { cs := make(chan string) for i := 0; i<3; i++ { go makeCakeAndSend(cs) go receiveCakeAndPack(cs) //sleep for a while so that the program doesn’t exit immediately and output is clear for illustration time.Sleep(1 * 1e9) } } |
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Making a cake and sending ... Strawberry Cake 1 Packing received cake: Strawberry Cake 1 Making a cake and sending ... Strawberry Cake 2 Packing received cake: Strawberry Cake 2 Making a cake and sending ... Strawberry Cake 3 Packing received cake: Strawberry Cake 3 |
其实并不建议将goroutine放在 for 循环中
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package main import ( "fmt" "time" "strconv" ) func makeCakeAndSend(cs chan string) { for i := 1; i<=3; i++ { cakeName := "Strawberry Cake " + strconv.Itoa(i) fmt.Println("Making a cake and sending ...", cakeName) cs <- cakeName //send a strawberry cake } } func receiveCakeAndPack(cs chan string) { for i := 1; i<=3; i++ { s := <-cs //get whatever cake is on the channel fmt.Println("Packing received cake: ", s) } } func main() { cs := make(chan string) go makeCakeAndSend(cs) go receiveCakeAndPack(cs) //sleep for a while so that the program doesn’t exit immediately time.Sleep(4 * 1e9) } |
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Making a cake and sending ... Strawberry Cake 1 Making a cake and sending ... Strawberry Cake 2 Packing received cake: Strawberry Cake 1 Packing received cake: Strawberry Cake 2 Making a cake and sending ... Strawberry Cake 3 Packing received cake: Strawberry Cake 3 |
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func main() { message := make(chan string) count := 3 go func() { for i := 1; i <= count; i++ { fmt.Println("send message") message <- fmt.Sprintf("message %d", i) } }() time.Sleep(time.Second * 3) for i := 1; i <= count; i++ { fmt.Println(<-message) } } |
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send message // waite 3 second message 1 send message send message message 2 message 3 |
现在我们提供一个缓冲区给输出信息的channel,例如:定义初始化行将被改为:message := make(chan string, 2)。这次程序输出将变为:
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func main() { message := make(chan string,2) count := 3 go func() { for i := 1; i <= count; i++ { fmt.Println("send message") message <- fmt.Sprintf("message %d", i) } }() time.Sleep(time.Second * 3) for i := 1; i <= count; i++ { fmt.Println(<-message) } } |
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send message send message send message // wait 3 second message 1 message 2 message 3 |
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func main() { c := make(chan int) c <- 42 // write channel val := <-c // read channel println(val) } |
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fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock! goroutine 1 [chan send]: |
这个错误就是我们所知的死锁. 在这种情况下,两个goroutine互相等待对方释放资源,造成双方都无法继续运行。GO语言可以在运行时检测这种死锁并报错。这个错误是因为锁的自身特性产生的。
代码在次以单线程的方式运行,逐行运行。向channel写入的操作(c <- 42)会锁住整个程序的执行进程,因为在同步channel中的写操作只有在读取器准备就绪后才能成功执行。然而在这里,我们在写操作的下一行才创建了读取器。
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func main() { c := make(chan int) go func() { c <- 42 }() val := <-c println(val) } |
运行上面代码 就可以看到正常输出42了。