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The root of the Go tree, often $HOME/go. This defaults to the parent of the directory where all.bash is run. If you choose not to set$GOROOT, you must run gomake instead of make or gmake when developing Go programs using the conventional makefiles.
The value assumed by installed binaries and scripts when $GOROOT is not set. It defaults to the value used for $GOROOT. If you want to build the Go tree in one location but move it elsewhere after the build, set $GOROOT_FINAL to the eventual location.
The name of the target operating system and compilation architecture. These default to the values of $GOHOSTOS and $GOHOSTARCHrespectively (described below).

Choices for $GOOS are linuxfreebsddarwin (Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6), and windows (Windows, an incomplete port). Choices for $GOARCHare amd64 (64-bit x86, the most mature port), 386 (32-bit x86), and arm (32-bit ARM, an incomplete port). The valid combinations of$GOOS and $GOARCH are:

darwin 386
darwin amd64
freebsd 386
freebsd amd64
linux 386
linux amd64
linux arm incomplete
windows 386 incomplete
The name of the host operating system and compilation architecture. These default to the local system's operating system and architecture.

Valid choices are the same as for $GOOS and $GOARCH, listed above. The specified values must be compatible with the local system. For example, you should not set $GOHOSTARCH to arm on an x86 system.

The location where binaries will be installed. The default is $GOROOT/bin. After installing, you will want to arrange to add this directory to your $PATH, so you can use the tools.
$GOARM (arm, default=6)
The ARM architecture version the run-time libraries should target. ARMv6 cores have more efficient synchronization primitives. Setting$GOARM to 5 will compile the run-time libraries using just SWP instructions that work on older architectures as well. Running v6 code on an older core will cause an illegal instruction trap.

Note that $GOARCH and $GOOS identify the target environment, not the environment you are running on. In effect, you are always cross-compiling. By architecture, we mean the kind of binaries that the target environment can run: an x86-64 system running a 32-bit-only operating system must set GOARCH to 386, not amd64.

If you choose to override the defaults, set these variables in your shell profile ($HOME/.bashrc$HOME/.profile, or equivalent). The settings might look something like this


export GOROOT=$HOME/go
export GOARCH=386
export GOOS=linux






~/.bash_profile:在登录时用到的第三个文件是.profile文件,每个用户都可使用该文件输入专用于自己使用的shell信息,当用户登录时,该 文件仅仅执行一次!默认情况下,他设置一些环境变游戏量,执行用户的.bashrc文件。/etc/bashrc:为每一个运行bash shell的用户执行此文件.bash shell被打开时,该文件被读取.
~/.bashrc:该文件包含专用于你的bash shellbash信息,当登录时以及每次打开新的shell,该该文件被读取。





liuxing@liuxing-O-E-M:~$ gedit ~/.bashrc



export GOROOT=$HOME/go

export GOBIN=$GOROOT/bin

export GOARCH=386

export GOOS=linux

export PATH=.:$PATH:$GOBIN


liuxing@liuxing-O-E-M:~$ source ~/.bashrc

liuxing@liuxing-O-E-M:~$ 8g

gc: usage: 8g [flags] file.go...


  -I DIR search for packages in DIR

  -d print declarations

  -e no limit on number of errors printed

  -f print stack frame structure

  -h panic on an error

  -o file specify output file

  -S print the assembly language

  -V print the compiler version

  -u disable package unsafe

  -w print the parse tree after typing

  -x print lex tokens


















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