一直不太明白golang的hijack是干什么的?只知道hijack这个词是篡取的意思,难道跟网关的作用一样,把client的请求发到这个服务上,然后这个服务帮忙转发到远端server,但是看了源码后就明白这个golang hijack是干嘛的?
type Hijacker interface { Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) } //返回连接接口net.Conn和ReadWriter,bufio读写的
// Hijack lets the caller take over the connection. -----翻译Hijack让调用者管理连接
// After a call to Hijack(), the HTTP server library
// will not do anything else with the connection.
// It becomes the caller's responsibility to manage
// and close the connection.
dial, err := cli.dial() //设置TCP keepAlive做长连接 // When we set up a TCP connection for hijack, there could be long periods // of inactivity (a long running command with no output) that in certain // network setups may cause ECONNTIMEOUT, leaving the client in an unknown // state. Setting TCP KeepAlive on the socket connection will prohibit // ECONNTIMEOUT unless the socket connection truly is broken if tcpConn, ok := dial.(*net.TCPConn); ok { tcpConn.SetKeepAlive(true) tcpConn.SetKeepAlivePeriod(30 * time.Second) } if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection refused") { return fmt.Errorf("Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is 'docker daemon' running on this host?") } return err } clientconn := httputil.NewClientConn(dial, nil) defer clientconn.Close() // Server hijacks the connection, error 'connection closed' expected clientconn.Do(req) rwc, br := clientconn.Hijack() //清理掉buffer 这步非常重要,返回这个两个参数就是给用户自己管理连接和数据处理 defer rwc.Close()
func (cc *ClientConn) Hijack() (c net.Conn, r *bufio.Reader) { cc.lk.Lock() defer cc.lk.Unlock() c = cc.c r = cc.r cc.c = nil cc.r = nil return } //就是在NewClientConn时候保存的net.Conn和bufio.Reader func NewClientConn(c net.Conn, r *bufio.Reader) *ClientConn { if r == nil { r = bufio.NewReader(c) } return &ClientConn{ c: c, r: r, pipereq: make(map[*http.Request]uint), writeReq: (*http.Request).Write, } }