20140414: 最新安装方法,下面可忽略了。。 https://code.google.com/p/greatagent/
上传应用的时候用到的密码不是gmail邮箱的密码,而是应用专用的密码,如果是第一次设置,需要到g[x]oogle account中有个“二次验证” 的东西,找找就找到了,它会生成一个16位的密码,写在纸上,密码只会出现这一次。如果你没有记下来,那只能重新生成。
1)申请Google Appengine并创建appid。(备用下载linux版)
2)下载go[x]agent稳定版 http://co[x]de.google.com/p/go[x]agent/ ,解压 (备用下载)
4)双击server\uploader.bat,上传成功后即可使用 (二次验证的密码)
2. Ubuntu安装g*oagent费劲,总是卡在上传那一步。具体步骤为:
2) 创建google appengine id。https://appengine.google.com/ ,经过一系列操作后,记住你刚才申请的application identifier(appid),这个是你的应用程序唯一的标示符。
3) 设置两步验证密码。点击你的Google帐号,里面会有个安全设置,其中有一个两步验证。按照提示下来,会生成一个16位的密码,写在纸上,别写错了。
4) 下载go[del]agent客户端https://code.google.com/p/go[del]agent/ (备用下载)
下载google_appengine SDK的Python版(Linux) https://developers.google.com/appengine/downloads (备用下载)
5) 右键解压google_appengine 到一个目录中,把go[del]agent解压到google_appengine中
6) 进入go[del]agent目录,下面有两个文件夹local和server,先进入local,找到proxy.ini,打开,在[gae]下有个appid=, 等号后面改成你的appid,注意中间的空格不要删除。
再进入server-》python,打开app.yaml, 在application后面加上你的appid,也不要删空格。
7) 打开终端,cd到google_appengine目录,运行 python go[del]agent-XXXXXX/server/uploader.zip
或者运行 . /appcfg.py update ./go[del]agent-XXXXXXX/server/python (这个方法我试了好多次,总是上传失败), 如果没安装python,先安装。sudo apt-get install python.
8) 上传应用的过程需要输入你的gmail和密码,密码是第3步的16位密码,然后过段时间,就上传成功了(绝大多数错误都出在这一步,慢慢来,实在不行就先放一放,可能过两天再试试就成功了。。)
9) 上传提示成功后,go[del]agent的设置就完成了,接下来需要设置浏览器,主要是代理设置。以firefox为例
代理服务器设置:安装FoxyProxy插件,可在工具-》添加组件,搜索FoxyProxy,然后点击安装。重启firefox,进入工具-》添加组件 -》扩展,点击FoxyProxy首选项,代理服务器-》新建代理服务器-》常规-》代理名称:随便起个名字 -》代理服务器细节-》手动配置代理服务器-》主机或ip地址: 端口 8087, 确定。回到FoxyProxy主面板,选择工作模式-》 选在你刚才设定的那个服务器,确定。
导入证书:编辑-》首选项-》高级-》加密-》查看证书-》证书机构-》导入-》 导入local下的CA.crt。
10) 在进入终端,google_appengine目录,运行 python go[del]agent-XXXXX/local/proxy.py 启动go[del]agent。 重启firefox,就可以翻[x]墙了。
补充20121112: 如果go×agent突然不好使,可以试试把local/proxy.ini中的profile = google_ch改成profile = google_hk .
How to install go[del]agent in Ubuntu
1) Apply a Gmail account.
2) Creater Google Appengine ID.
in https://appengine.google.com/, remeber your Application Identifier (appid). Make sure that your application's "Storage Scheme" is High Replication, if not, change it at the bottom or apply a new appid.
3) set the 2-step verification of your Google account.
in the my account -> security -> 2-step verification -> edit , after a series of operations you will get a 16 bit password which will be used next. And write it down!
4) download go[del]agent in https://code.google.com/p/go[del]agent/
download Google_appengine SDK (for Linux and Python) https://developers.google.com/appengine/downloads
5) extract the google_appengine SDK to your computer
extract the go[del]agent into the directory of google_appengine
6) go to the go[del]agent directory, there are two folders: local and server. Go to local folder and open proxy.ini, find the "appid = xx" (after the [gae]), change xx to your appid in 2). DONOT delete any space. Go to server folder -> python, open app.yaml, find "application = ", append your appid id 2). DONOT delete any space.
7) uploading the application (this the key step)
open terminal, cd to googel_appengine directory, run the command
python go[del]agent-xxxxxx/server/uploader.zip
./appcfg.py update go[del]gent-xxxxx/server/python
8) when uploading the application, you will be asked to input your Gmail and the passwd. The passwd is not your gmail's but the 16bit passwd in 3).
After a while, if uploading succeed then you succeed. I always stuck in this step until my lucky day..
9) Then browser and proxy set. (firefox)
set proxy: install FoxyProxy. specificly
Tools->Add-ons->search all add-ons, search FoxyProxy, install it . Reboot firefox.
Tools->Add-ons->FoxyProxy->preference->Add New Proxy-> General -> proxy name: go[del]agent, ->proxy details-> manual proxy configuration->host or ip address:, port: 8087. OK.
back to the main board of FoxyProxy, ->Select Mode->Use proxy "go[del]agent". Close.
import certificate: edit->advanced->encryption->view certificate->Authorities->Import, import the CA.crt in local folder. OK.
10) go terminal, cd to googel_appengine directory, run python go[del]agent-xxxxxx/local/proxy.py . And the go[del]agent begin to work now. Reboot firefox, you can facebook now.
When things are done, you can turn off the go[del]agent and FoxyProxy to avoid wasting the free flow of Google app.
That is all. Any question please let me know. THx