Hello Go App Engine users,
As you may know, the Go developers intend to launch Go 1.1 in the coming weeks. All Go apps will be migrated to use Go 1.1 after its release. We are now providing a beta version of the Go 1.1 runtime for those who wish to test their apps against the new runtime.
While we do not anticipate any issues for existing apps (Go 1.1 is compatible with Go 1.0), some implementation details have changed that may affect the behavior of your app (but not its correctness). We recommend that you test important apps against the new runtime using an alternate app version. The tentative release notes for Go 1.1 are available here:
Go 1.1 has not yet been released, so the go1.1beta runtime is based on revision 43eb97ed849a of the core Go tree, and will be updated as Go 1.1 approaches.
We will not be providing a beta version of the Go 1.1 SDK. You should use the appcfg.py program from the normal Go App Engine SDK to deploy your app.
To use go1.1beta, update your app.yaml file to use the new api_version:
api_version: go1.1beta
When Go 1.1 is released it will become the basis for api_version 'go1', as normal, and 'go1.1beta' will be retired soon afterward.
Your feedback and bug reports are most appreciated.
by Andrew Gerrand