20个小时的时间能干什么?也许浑浑噩噩就过去了,也许能看一些书、做一些工作、读几篇博客、再写个一两篇博客,等等。而黑客马拉松(HackAthon),其实是一种自我挑战--看看自己在有限的短时间内究竟能做出些什么。比如:让一个毫无某种语言经验的人用该种语言去实现4个如下的Restful API(假设此种语言为Go)。
* 语言 Go * 框架 随意 * 后端数据库 Redis或者SQLite,只需要一种即可 ## API 列表 * POST /location * GET /location * GET /location/{name} * DELETE /location/{name} ### POST /location 增加支持的城市,如果已存在于数据库,返回409,否则返回201 例子1 POST /location { "name": "Shanghai" } 201 Created 例子2 POST /location { "name": "Shanghai" } 201 Created POST /location { "name": "Shanghai" } 409 Conflicted ### GET /location 返回数据库中的所有城市 例子3 GET /location 200 OK [] 例子4 POST /location { "name": "Shanghai" } 201 Created POST /location { "name": "Beijing" } 201 Created GET /location 200 OK ["Shanghai", "Beijing"] ### GET /location/{name} 查询openweathermap.com,返回结果,因为天气数据更新不频繁,可缓存在数据库中,保留1个小时 不需要考虑查询openweathermap.com返回错误的情况 例子5 GET /location/Shanghai 200 OK { "weather": [ { "description": "few clouds", "icon": "02d", "id": 801, "main": "Clouds" } ] } ### DELETE /location/{name} 例子6 DELETE /location/Shanghai 200 OK
curl "api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=Shanghai&APPID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" {"coord":{"lon":121.46,"lat":31.22},"weather":[{"id":801,"main":"Clouds","description":"few clouds","icon":"02d"}],"base":"cmc stations","main":{"temp":286.15,"pressure":1019,"humidity":71,"temp_min":286.15,"temp_max":286.15},"wind":{"speed":7,"deg":140},"clouds":{"all":20},"dt":1458608400,"sys":{"type":1,"id":7452,"message":0.0091,"country":"CN","sunrise":1458597323,"sunset":1458641219},"id":1796236,"name":"Shanghai","cod":200} ## 参数 * q: 城市名 * APPID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 是预先申请的ID
好吧,虽然是毫无Go的经验,但总不能什么都不懂吧。开发Restful API的经验还是有的,尽管是Python以及Java的。但是以往所用的框架总是无法应用到Go上的吧。难道Go自己也有做web service的框架吗?查了一下,还真有,有一个很著名的框架的叫做beego,还是一个中国人主要开发的,连文档都有中文版的,真是省了不少事。
既然如此,那么在使用框架之前,总要学习一下Go语言吧。而学习Go语言之前又总要安装一下Go吧。很不好意思的是,笔者最近手头没有好用的Linux机器,只好装在Windows上了。安装之后,要先按照本机文档所述,配置好环境变量GOROOT和GOPATH,并将%GOROOT%/bin和%GOPATH%/bin加到%PATH%系统环境变量;接着看文档,大致了解了一下Go的文件目录结构以及一些命令,还是很有用的。比如,go get命令就是借(chao)鉴(xi)了apt-get或pip install,能够从github上下载库,并自动解决所有依赖,且自动build。这一点还是很赞的。
好了,花了2个半小时学习了以上Go的基础知识之后,竟然发现了原来Go原生的库 "net/http" 里面就自带了一个web server,请参见这篇文档"Wrting Web Applications":
好了,基本功打的差不多了,现在应该可以来尝试一下beego框架了吧。从哪儿开始呢?当然还是要先从文档开始。通过文档,了解到我们可以用bee new命令和bee api命令分别创建一个基本的web service和一个基于Restful API的web service. 啊哈,找到了,bee api,这就是我想要的。不过且慢,至少要先安装了框架才行吧。于是,还是根据文档,应该执行如下的命令:
go get github.com/astaxie/beego go get github.com/beego/bee第一个命令是用来安装beego的库的,即这个框架。第二个命令是用来安装beego的工具集的,即bee new命令和bee api命令等。
OK,框架的基本环境搭建好了,就写跑个小例子吧。这是自我学习最基本的步骤了。对于本次学习来说,就是运行bee api <project_name>命令了。这样的话,一个新的项目就新建成功了。深入代码去看,会发现这个sample project实现了关于object和user各一套的API。于是,运行以下命令进行build:
go install github.com/<project_name>build完成之后,再在该工程目录下,运行以下命令让这个project中的web server跑起来!
bee run接着,用Postman尝试着GET了几把,比如:GET http://localhost:8080/object 真的有JSON返回!太棒了!一个web service就跑起来了!
没错!后台的数据库用什么?仔细去看了下sample代码中model package的实现,根本就没有用任何数据库!好吧,那咱自己写。用哪个呢?根据题目要求,只能用redis或sqlite3,而再根据beego的文档,beego只支持Mysql,PostgreSql和sqlite3. 好吧,这样就没什么选择了,只能用sqlite3了。刚好是笔者又没用过的一个数据库。不过,笔者曾经看别人用过!虽然没写过代码,不过总算知道这东西用起来不难,就是个轻量级的文件数据库嘛。
根据以往用Cassandra和ElasticSearch的经验,sqlite3必然有Go语言的driver. 继续翻翻beego的文档和sqlite3的文档,知道了要运行以下的命令才能安装sqlite3的go语言的驱动。
go get github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3好了,驱动也装好了。那干脆把这个数据库也装了吧。装了之后,才发现,这个真是轻量级啊。直接就一个单个目录,里面有sqlite3.exe,sqlite3.dll等寥寥几个文件而已。只要把该目录加到%PATH%中,就可以直接使用了。真是简单。果然数年前看一个象棋人工智能程序就是用的sqlite来做的开局库。于是,在命令行试了几把sqlite3,感觉蛮爽。
还是看代码。beego生成的Restful API项目是MVC架构的。
1. 在main.go里主要是装载一些必须的库,然后把HTTP server跑起来;
2. 在router.go里面,就是设置路由了。这个玩过Flask、Django等框架的应该都很熟悉。
3. 在controllers package里面,就是设置Controller了,也就是Router过后所到的第一层。
4. 具体和数据库打交道的,自然还是在models package里面。这部分的代码最难写。首先,原sample程序里根本没有;其次,要运用beego的ORM模块来做,又要去学习ORM模块的东西。
1. main.go
package main import ( _ "github.com/cityweather/docs" _ "github.com/cityweather/routers" _ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" "time" "github.com/astaxie/beego" "github.com/astaxie/beego/orm" ) func init() { orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "sqlite3", "./weather.db") orm.RunSyncdb("default", false, true) orm.DefaultTimeLoc = time.UTC } func main() { beego.Run() }
2. router.go
package routers import ( "github.com/cityweather/controllers" "github.com/astaxie/beego" ) func init() { beego.Router("/location/?:name", &controllers.CityWeatherController{}) }
3. controller_cityweather.go
package controllers import ( "encoding/json" "github.com/cityweather/models" "github.com/astaxie/beego" ) // Operations about cityweather type CityWeatherController struct { beego.Controller } // @router /location [post] // Body: {"name": "SomeCity"} // Return: "201 Created" or "409 Conflicted" func (o *CityWeatherController) Post() { var cn models.CityName json.Unmarshal(o.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &cn) responseCode := models.AddOneCity(&cn) o.Ctx.Output.Status = responseCode } // @router /location/?:name [get] func (o *CityWeatherController) Get() { name := o.Ctx.Input.Param(":name") if name != "" { cw, err := models.GetOneCity(name) if err != nil { o.Data["json"] = err.Error() } else { o.Data["json"] = cw } } else { // name is empty, then Get all cities' names cities := models.GetAllCities() o.Data["json"] = cities } o.ServeJSON() } // @router /location/:name [delete] // Return: always 200 OK func (o *CityWeatherController) Delete() { name := o.Ctx.Input.Param(":name") models.Delete(name) o.Data["json"] = "Delete success!" o.ServeJSON() }
4. model_cityweather.go
package models import ( "fmt" "time" "net/http" "io/ioutil" "github.com/astaxie/beego/orm" "github.com/bitly/go-simplejson" _ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" ) const weatherTable string = "city_weather" const timeoutSet int64 = 3600 const OpenWeatherURL string = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather" const AppID string = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" type CityName struct { Name string } type CityWeather struct { Id int // primary key, auto increment Name string `orm:"unique;"` // city name Summary string // main in weather Description string // description in weather Icon string // icon in weather Wid int // id in weather TimeStamp int64 // timestamp when updating } func init() { orm.RegisterModel(new(CityWeather)) } func AddOneCity(cn *CityName) (responseCode int) { cw := new(CityWeather) cw.Name = cn.Name cw.Wid = -1 cw.TimeStamp = 0 fmt.Println(cw) o := orm.NewOrm() o.Using("main") _, err := o.Insert(cw) responseCode = 201 if err != nil { if err.Error() == "UNIQUE constraint failed: city_weather.name" { responseCode = 409 // conflicted } else { responseCode = 500 // server error } } return responseCode } func GetAllCities() []string { allCities := []string{} // dynamic array o := orm.NewOrm() o.Using("main") qs := o.QueryTable(weatherTable) var lists []orm.ParamsList num, err := qs.ValuesList(&lists, "name") if err == nil { fmt.Printf("Result Nums: %d\n", num) for _, row := range lists { fmt.Println(row[0]) allCities = append(allCities, row[0].(string)) } } return allCities } func GetOneCity(city string) (cw CityWeather, err error) { o := orm.NewOrm() o.Using("main") qs := o.QueryTable(weatherTable) err = qs.Filter("name", city).One(&cw) if err != nil { cw = CityWeather{Id: -1} return cw, err } currentTime := time.Now().UTC().UnixNano() diffSeconds := (currentTime - cw.TimeStamp) / 1e9 fmt.Printf("Diff seconds = %d\n", diffSeconds) if diffSeconds > timeoutSet || cw.Wid == -1 { // Older than one hour or the first get, then need to update database client := &http.Client{} url := OpenWeatherURL + "?q=" + city + "&APPID=" + AppID reqest, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) fmt.Println("Error happened when calling openweather") } response, respErr := client.Do(reqest) defer response.Body.Close() if respErr != nil { fmt.Printf("Response Error: %s\n", respErr) } else { // Get Response from openweather!! body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } js, err := simplejson.NewJson(body) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } weather, ok := js.CheckGet("weather") if ok { fmt.Println(weather) desc, _ := weather.GetIndex(0).Get("description").String() icon, _ := weather.GetIndex(0).Get("icon").String() id, _ := weather.GetIndex(0).Get("id").Int() wtr, _ := weather.GetIndex(0).Get("main").String() num, err := qs.Filter("name", city).Update(orm.Params{ "description": desc, "summary": wtr, // "main" field "wid": id, "icon": icon, "time_stamp": currentTime, }) fmt.Printf("num = %d\n", num) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) panic(err) } err = qs.Filter("name", city).One(&cw) // get cw after updating if err != nil { cw = CityWeather{Id: -1} return cw, err } } } } return cw, err } func Delete(city string) { o := orm.NewOrm() o.Using("main") qs := o.QueryTable(weatherTable) num, err := qs.Filter("name", city).Delete() if err == nil { fmt.Println(num) } else { fmt.Println("Error happened in Delete()......") } }