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Application programming needs good debugging support, and in this area still a lot of work needs to be done. A debugger (Oogle): support for gdb (at least version 7 is needed), the GNU debugger is being built in Go’s gc linker (6l, 8l) by the Go-team from Google (not for Windows and ARM-platforms) (see also http://blog.golang.org/2010/11/debugging)

Support for gdb version 7.1 is build in in LiteIDE and Goclipse.

If you don’t want to use a debugger, the following is useful in a simple debugging strategy:

1) use print-statements (with print / println and the fmt.Print functions) at well chosen places 2) in fmt.Printf functions use the following specifiers to obtain complete info about variables: %+v gives us a complete output of the instance with its fields %#v gives us a complete output of the instance with its fields and qualified type name %T gives us the complete type specification

The Way to Go


3) use a panic-statement (see § 13.2) to obtain a stack trace (a list of all the called functions up until that moment) 4) use the defer keyword in tracing code execution (see § 6.4). 





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