注意: 此文章只是我的个人笔记,如有谬误,错误, 请一定指出!
import "fmt"
//IA test for methodset.
type IA interface {
//A is a test type.
type A int
//Value receiver.
func (a A) Value() {
fmt.Printf("Value:%p, %d\n", &a, a)
//Pointer receiver.
func (a *A) Pointer() {
fmt.Printf("Pointer:%p, %d\n", a, *a)
func main() {
//type A method set: (a A) Value()
var a A = 1
fmt.Printf("Origin: %p, %d\n", &a, a)
fmt.Println("Value receiver------------------------------")
a.Pointer() //如: (&a).Value(), a value converted to a Pointer by go compiler, so value a can call type *A`s pointer receiver method`
//type *A method set: func (a A) Value(), func (a *A) Pointer()
fmt.Println("Pointer receiver---------------------------")
p := &a
fmt.Println("interface call method by type *A-----------------------")
var ia IA
ia = &a
fmt.Println("interface call method by type A-----------------------")
//对于接口而言, 对于赋值给他的类型,会持有其副本, 即会复制, 且其持有的值不可取地址,会有更严格的类型检查和限制, 不允许做如:A to *A的转换 ,
//所以当以类型A调用func (a *A) Pointer()时是不允许的, 因为类型A的方法集中不包括func (a *A) Pointer(), 也可以说, 类型A的方法集(method set)是类型*A的一个子集。
//总结: 当以非接口类型调用pointer receiver method和 value receiver method时 go编译器会帮助做自动转换,如: &a 或 *a ; 所以淡化value receiver和pointer receiver方法集的边界。
//但是接口不允许做这些自动转换, 一就是一, 严格划清方法集分界,这是golang接口的设计哲学,不是技术问题,
//a interface must check type A or type *A , do not allow convert it between of them, so type A can not call type *A`s Pointer receiver method`
///ia = a //compliation error,coz type not match: A does not implement IA (Pointer method has pointer receiver)
//如果改成: ia = &a 就可以了, 因为:类型*A的方法集包括这个方法, 所以与接口匹配.
//program output:
//Origin: 0xc04200e290, 1 //注意: 与此地址不同的情况 , 皆产生了复制, 这就是value receiver与pointer receiver的区别,关注点.
//Value receiver------------------------------
//Value:0xc04200e2a8, 1
//Pointer:0xc04200e290, 1
//Pointer receiver---------------------------
//Value:0xc04200e2f0, 1
//Pointer:0xc04200e290, 1
//interface call method by type *A-----------------------
//Value:0xc04200e308, 1
//Pointer:0xc04200e290, 1
//interface call method by type A-----------------------
注意: 此文章只是我个人笔记, 如有错漏,请一定指正, 共同学习, 我的邮箱: htyu_0203_39@sina.com