go profile

tangjiaxu · 2016-09-21 09:00:06 · 4439 次点击 · 预计阅读时间 31 分钟 · 大约8小时之前 开始浏览    
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go profile


Go语言的性能分析工具pprof是Google C++ profiler的移植,非常有趣。

cpu profile

If the code used the Go testing package’s benchmarking support, we could use gotest’s standard -cpuprofile and -memprofile flags. In a standalone program like this one, we have to import runtime/pprof and add a few lines of code:

import "runtime/pprof"

var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")

func main() {
    if *cpuprofile != "" {
        f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
        if err != nil {
        defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()

执行程序,同时指定-cpuprofile flag,生成profile文件,我们的go程序的binary是go_cpu_pro:

$ ./xtime ./go_cpu_pro -cpuprofile=cpu.prof

Welcome to LoopTesterApp, Go edition
Constructing Simple CFG...
15000 dummy loops
Constructing CFG...
Performing Loop Recognition
1 Iteration
Another 50 iterations...
# of loops: 76001 (including 1 artificial root node)

61.42u 0.26s 36.75r 499900kB ./go_cpu_pro -cpuprofile=cpu.prof

运行go tool pprof解释生成的profile,同时进入pprof环境后,可以用help命令查看帮助信息,最常用的命令如top10,可以看最耗时的function:

$ go tool pprof go_cpu_pro cpu.prof

Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) top10
39.14s of 51.11s total (76.58%)
Dropped 110 nodes (cum <= 0.26s)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 66 (cum >= 1.20s)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     9.83s 19.23% 19.23%     20.55s 40.21%  runtime.scanobject
     6.32s 12.37% 31.60%      6.32s 12.37%  runtime.heapBitsForObject
     4.16s  8.14% 39.74%     26.88s 52.59%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder.FindLoops
     3.79s  7.42% 47.15%     10.88s 21.29%  runtime.mallocgc
     3.72s  7.28% 54.43%      4.08s  7.98%  runtime.mapaccess1_fast64
     3.62s  7.08% 61.51%      4.75s  9.29%  runtime.greyobject
     3.18s  6.22% 67.74%      8.02s 15.69%  runtime.mapassign1
     2.10s  4.11% 71.85%      2.16s  4.23%  runtime.heapBitsSetType
     1.22s  2.39% 74.23%      1.22s  2.39%  runtime/internal/atomic.Or8
     1.20s  2.35% 76.58%      1.20s  2.35%  runtime.memclr

当CPU profiling开启时,Go程序每秒采样大约100次,一个采样由在当前正在执行的goroutine的堆栈上的程序计数器组成,这个profile有51.11*100=51110次采样,总时间是51.11s,在go tool pprof的输出中,每行是一个function,各列的含义依次是:

  • 采样点落在该函数中的次数
  • 采样点落在该函数中的百分比
  • 上一项的累积百分比
  • 采样点落在该函数,以及被它调用的函数中的总次数
  • 采样点落在该函数,以及被它调用的函数中的总次数百分比
  • 函数名

To sort by the fourth and fifth columns, use the -cum (for cumulative) flag:

(pprof) top10 -cum
18.72s of 51.11s total (36.63%)
Dropped 110 nodes (cum <= 0.26s)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 66 (cum >= 9.21s)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
         0     0%     0%     46.38s 90.75%  runtime.goexit
         0     0%     0%     27.31s 53.43%  main.main
         0     0%     0%     27.31s 53.43%  runtime.main
         0     0%     0%     26.88s 52.59%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder.FindHavlakLoops
     4.16s  8.14%  8.14%     26.88s 52.59%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder.FindLoops
     9.83s 19.23% 27.37%     20.55s 40.21%  runtime.scanobject
         0     0% 27.37%     18.59s 36.37%  runtime.gcBgMarkWorker
     0.52s  1.02% 28.39%     18.59s 36.37%  runtime.gcDrain
     3.79s  7.42% 35.81%     10.88s 21.29%  runtime.mallocgc
     0.42s  0.82% 36.63%      9.21s 18.02%  runtime.newobject

我们还可以使用web指令生成函数调用关系图,web命令会生成一个SVG格式的图片,我们需要预先安装graphviz,Ubuntu上我们可以用sudo apt-get install graphviz

(pprof) web


图片中,每个box是一个function,并且依照该function运行的采样数改变box的尺寸,从X到Y的一条边代表着X calls Y,Edge上面的数字是这个调用出现在一个采样的次数。例如:runtime.mapaccess1_fast64 3.72s(7.28%) of 4.08s(7.98%),其中3.72s表示全部采样中,有3.72*100次runtime.mapaccess1_fast64正在运行,4.08s表示全部采样中,有4.08*100次堆栈中包含runtime.mapaccess1_fast64,runtime.mapaccess1_fast64到runtime.aeshash64那条边表示函数调用,上面的数字0.36s表示,全部采样中仅有0.36*100次采样捕捉到了runtime.mapaccess1_fast64对runtime.aeshash64的调用。


(pprof) web mapaccess1

web mapaccess1


(pprof) list DFS
Total: 51.11s
ROUTINE ======================== github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder.DFS in /home/tony/go_workspace/src/github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder/havlakloopfinder.go
     940ms      7.68s (flat, cum) 15.03% of Total
         .          .    155:   return false
         .          .    156:}
         .          .    157:
         .          .    158:// DFS - Depth-First-Search and node numbering.
         .          .    159://
      10ms       10ms    160:func DFS(currentNode *cfg.BasicBlock, nodes []*UnionFindNode, number map[*cfg.BasicBlock]int, last []int, current int) int {
      40ms       50ms    161:   nodes[current].Init(currentNode, current)
      40ms      530ms    162:   number[currentNode] = current
         .          .    163:
         .          .    164:   lastid := current
     250ms      250ms    165:   for ll := currentNode.OutEdges().Front(); ll != nil; ll = ll.Next() {
     350ms      1.99s    166:       if target := ll.Value.(*cfg.BasicBlock); number[target] == unvisited {
      60ms      3.87s    167:           lastid = DFS(target, nodes, number, last, lastid+1)
         .          .    168:       }
         .          .    169:   }
     150ms      940ms    170:   last[number[currentNode]] = lastid
      40ms       40ms    171:   return lastid
         .          .    172:}
         .          .    173:
         .          .    174:// FindLoops
         .          .    175://
         .          .    176:// Find loops and build loop forest using Havlak's algorithm, which

The listing shows the source code for the DFS function (really, for every function matching the regular expression DFS). The first three columns are the number of samples taken while running that line, the number of samples taken while running that line or in code called from that line, and the line number in the file. The related command disasm shows a disassembly of the function instead of a source listing; when there are enough samples this can help you see which instructions are expensive. The weblist command mixes the two modes: it shows a source listing in which clicking a line shows the disassembly.

(pprof) weblist


some hints

Here are some hints with respect to how to interpret what you see in the profile.

If you see lots of time spent in runtime.mallocgc function, the program potentially makes excessive amount of small memory allocations. The profile will tell you where the allocations are coming from. See the memory profiler section for suggestions on how to optimize this case.

If lots of time is spent in channel operations, sync.Mutex code and other synchronization primitives or System component, the program probably suffers from contention. Consider to restructure program to eliminate frequently accessed shared resources. Common techniques for this include sharding/partitioning, local buffering/batching and copy-on-write technique.

If lots of time is spent in syscall.Read/Write, the program potentially makes excessive amount of small reads and writes. Bufio wrappers around os.File or net.Conn can help in this case.

If lots of time is spent in GC component, the program either allocates too many transient objects or heap size is very small so garbage collections happen too frequently. See Garbage Collector Tracer and Memory Profiler sections for optimization suggestions.


如果大量的时间消耗在channel operations, sync.Mutex code and other synchronization primitives or System component,那么程序很可能正在饱受资源竞争的痛苦。


如果大量的时间消耗在GC component,那么程序或者分配了大量短暂的对象,或者堆size太小了。

memory profile

与cpu profile相同,memory profile也需要导入runtime/pprof,同时增加一些代码:

import "runtime/pprof"

var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")

    FindHavlakLoops(cfgraph, lsgraph)
    if *memprofile != "" {
        f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
        if err != nil {

执行程序,同时指定-memprofile flag,生成profile文件,我们的go程序的binary是go_mem_pro:

$ ./xtime ./go_mem_pro -memprofile=mem.prof

Welcome to LoopTesterApp, Go edition
Constructing Simple CFG...
15000 dummy loops
Constructing CFG...
Performing Loop Recognition
1 Iteration

2.31u 0.12s 1.41r 263852kB ./go_mem_pro -memprofile=mem.prof

运行go tool pprof解释生成的profile,进入pprof环境:

$ go tool pprof go_mem_pro mem.prof

Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) top10
108.34MB of 108.34MB total (  100%)
Dropped 2 nodes (cum <= 0.54MB)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 13 (cum >= 32MB)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
   39.84MB 36.77% 36.77%    39.84MB 36.77%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder.FindLoops
   35.50MB 32.77% 69.54%    68.50MB 63.23%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/cfg.NewBasicBlockEdge
      33MB 30.46%   100%       33MB 30.46%  container/list.(*List).PushBack
         0     0%   100%       15MB 13.85%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/cfg.(*BasicBlock).AddInEdge
         0     0%   100%       18MB 16.62%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/cfg.(*BasicBlock).AddOutEdge
         0     0%   100%    39.84MB 36.77%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder.FindHavlakLoops
         0     0%   100%    67.50MB 62.31%  main.buildBaseLoop
         0     0%   100%    36.50MB 33.69%  main.buildConnect
         0     0%   100%       32MB 29.54%  main.buildDiamond
         0     0%   100%       32MB 29.54%  main.buildStraight

现在这个采样是内存分配, not clock ticks. To find the memory allocations, we can list those functions.

(pprof) list FindLoops
Total: 108.34MB
ROUTINE ======================== github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder.FindLoops in /home/tony/go_workspace/src/github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder/havlakloopfinder.go
   39.84MB    39.84MB (flat, cum) 36.77% of Total
         .          .    183:       return
         .          .    184:   }
         .          .    185:
         .          .    186:   size := cfgraph.NumNodes()
         .          .    187:
    1.97MB     1.97MB    188:   nonBackPreds := make([]map[int]bool, size)
   11.54MB    11.54MB    189:   backPreds := make([]list.List, size)
         .          .    190:
         .          .    191:   number := make(map[*cfg.BasicBlock]int)
    1.97MB     1.97MB    192:   header := make([]int, size, size)
    1.97MB     1.97MB    193:   types := make([]int, size, size)
    1.97MB     1.97MB    194:   last := make([]int, size, size)
    1.97MB     1.97MB    195:   nodes := make([]*UnionFindNode, size, size)
         .          .    196:
         .          .    197:   for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
   11.50MB    11.50MB    198:       nodes[i] = new(UnionFindNode)
         .          .    199:   }
         .          .    200:
         .          .    201:   // Step a:
         .          .    202:   //   - initialize all nodes as unvisited.
         .          .    203:   //   - depth-first traversal and numbering.
         .          .    204:   //   - unreached BB's are marked as dead.
         .          .    205:   //
         .          .    206:   for i, bb := range cfgraph.BasicBlocks() {
    5.44MB     5.44MB    207:       number[bb] = unvisited
    1.50MB     1.50MB    208:       nonBackPreds[i] = make(map[int]bool)
         .          .    209:   }
         .          .    210:
         .          .    211:   DFS(cfgraph.StartBasicBlock(), nodes, number, last, 0)
         .          .    212:
         .          .    213:   // Step b:
         .          .    214:   //   - iterate over all nodes.
         .          .    215:   //
         .          .    216:   //   A backedge comes from a descendant in the DFS tree, and non-backedges

顺便说一句, 假如我们运行go tool pprof--inuse_objects flag, it will report allocation counts instead of sizes:

$ go tool pprof --inuse_objects go_mem_pro mem.prof

Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) top10
1381266 of 1381266 total (  100%)
Dropped 2 nodes (cum <= 6906)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 13 (cum >= 371389)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
    720918 52.19% 52.19%     720918 52.19%  container/list.(*List).PushBack
    413266 29.92% 82.11%     413266 29.92%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder.FindLoops
    247082 17.89%   100%     968000 70.08%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/cfg.NewBasicBlockEdge
         0     0%   100%     327690 23.72%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/cfg.(*BasicBlock).AddInEdge
         0     0%   100%     393228 28.47%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/cfg.(*BasicBlock).AddOutEdge
         0     0%   100%     413266 29.92%  github.com/hundt98847/multi_lang_bench_go/havlakloopfinder.FindHavlakLoops
         0     0%   100%     946154 68.50%  main.buildBaseLoop
         0     0%   100%     469696 34.00%  main.buildConnect
         0     0%   100%     498304 36.08%  main.buildDiamond
         0     0%   100%     371389 26.89%  main.buildStraight

还有,我们可以使用–nodefraction=0.1 告诉go tool pprof忽视掉低于10%的采样的box,当然数字我们是可以改的,下面是2次修改nodefraction的对比:

$ go tool pprof --nodefraction=0.1 go_mem_pro mem.prof

Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) web


$ go tool pprof --nodefraction=0.4 go_mem_pro mem.prof

Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) web


heap profile

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("--lookup heap---------------")
    p4heap := pprof.Lookup("heap")
    p4heap.WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)

heap profile: 4: 266528 [123: 11284472] @ heap/1048576
1: 262144 [4: 376832] @ 0x28d9f 0x2a201 0x2a28a 0x2624d 0x26188 0x94ca3 0x94a0b 0x17add6 0x17ae9f 0x1069d3 0xfe911 0xf0a3e 0xf0d22 0x21a70
#    0x2a201    cnew+0xc1    runtime/malloc.goc:718
#    0x2a28a    runtime.cnewarray+0x3a            runtime/malloc.goc:731
#    0x2624d    makeslice1+0x4d                runtime/slice.c:57
#    0x26188    runtime.makeslice+0x98            runtime/slice.c:38
#    0x94ca3    bytes.makeSlice+0x63            bytes/buffer.go:191
#    0x94a0b    bytes.(*Buffer).ReadFrom+0xcb        bytes/buffer.go:163
#    0x17add6    io/ioutil.readAll+0x156            io/ioutil/ioutil.go:32
#    0x17ae9f    io/ioutil.ReadAll+0x3f            io/ioutil/ioutil.go:41
#    0x1069d3    godoc/vfs.ReadFile+0x133            godoc/vfs/vfs.go:44
#    0xfe911    godoc.func·023+0x471            godoc/meta.go:80
#    0xf0a3e    godoc.(*Corpus).updateMetadata+0x9e        godoc/meta.go:101
#    0xf0d22    godoc.(*Corpus).refreshMetadataLoop+0x42    godoc/meta.go:141

2: 4096 [2: 4096] @ 0x28d9f 0x29059 0x1d252 0x1d450 0x106993 0xf1225 0xe1489 0xfbcad 0x21a70
#    0x1d252    newdefer+0x112                runtime/panic.c:49
#    0x1d450    runtime.deferproc+0x10            runtime/panic.c:132
#    0x106993    godoc/vfs.ReadFile+0xf3            godoc/vfs/vfs.go:43
#    0xf1225    godoc.(*Corpus).parseFile+0x75        godoc/parser.go:20
#    0xe1489    godoc.(*treeBuilder).newDirTree+0x8e9    godoc/dirtrees.go:108
#    0xfbcad    godoc.func·002+0x15d            godoc/dirtrees.go:100

The numbers in the beginning of each entry (“1: 262144 [4: 376832]”) represent number of currently live objects, amount of memory occupied by live objects, total number of allocations and amount of memory occupied by all allocations, respectively.

每个条目开头的数字(”1: 262144 [4: 376832]”)分别表示目前存活的对象,存活对象占据的内存, 分配对象的个数和所有分配对象占据的内存总量。

block profile

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("--lookup block--------------")
    p4block := pprof.Lookup("block")
    p4block.WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)

Note that not all blocking is bad. When a goroutine blocks, the underlying worker thread simply switches to another goroutine. So blocking in the cooperative Go environment is very different from blocking on a mutex in a non-cooperative systems (e.g. typical C++ or Java threading libraries, where blocking leads to thread idling and expensive thread context switches). To give you some feeling, let’s consider some examples.

Blocking on a time.Ticker is usually OK. If a goroutine blocks on a Ticker for 10 seconds, you will see 10 seconds of blocking in the profile, which is perfectly fine. Blocking on sync.WaitGroup is frequently OK. For example, is a task takes 10 seconds, the goroutine waiting on a WaitGroup for completion will account for 10 seconds of blocking in the profile. Blocking on sync.Cond may or may not be OK, depending on the situation. Consumer blocking on a channel suggests slow producers or lack of work. Producer blocking on a channel suggests that consumers are slower, but this is frequently OK. Blocking on a channel-based semaphore shows how much goroutines are gated on the semaphore. Blocking on a sync.Mutex or sync.RWMutex is usually bad.


在time.Ticker上发生的阻塞通常是可行的,如果一个goroutine阻塞Ticker超过十秒,你将会在profile中看到有十秒的阻塞,这是很好的。发生在sync.WaitGroup上的阻塞经常也是可以的,例如,一个任务需要十秒,等待WaitGroup完成的goroutine会在profile中生成十秒的阻塞。发生在sync.Cond上的阻塞可好可坏,取决于情况不同。消费者在通道阻塞表明生产者缓慢或不工作。生产者在通道阻塞,表明消费者缓慢,但这通常也是可以的。在基于channel-based semaphore发生阻塞,表明了限制在这个信号量上的goroutine的数量。发生在sync.Mutex或sync.RWMutex上的阻塞通常是不利的。你可以在可视化过程中,在pprof中使用–ignore标志来从profile中排除已知的无关阻塞。

goroutinue profile

goroutine profile: total 10003
10000 @ 0x42ca8a 0x42cb7e 0x40569f 0x4053b5 0x401042 0x45b001

The goroutine profiler simply gives you current stacks of all live goroutines in the process. It can be handy to debug load balancing issues (see Scheduler Trace section below), or to debug deadlocks. The profile makes sense only for a running app, so go test does not expose it.

Note that goroutines in “syscall” state consume an OS thread, other goroutines do not (except for goroutines that called runtime.LockOSThread, which is, unfortunately, not visible in the profile). Note that goroutines in “IO wait” state also do not consume threads, they are parked on non-blocking network poller (which uses epoll/kqueue/GetQueuedCompletionStatus to unpark goroutines later).

goroutinue分析器简单地提供给你当前进程中所有活跃的Go协程堆栈。它可以方便地调试负载平衡问题(参考下面的调度器追踪章节),或调试死锁。这个配置仅仅对运行的程序有意义,所以go test是没用的。

syscall状态的goroutinue将会消耗一个OS线程,而其他的Go协程则不会(除了调用runtime.LockOSThreadd的goroutinue,不幸的是,它在profile中是不可见的)。同样需要注意的是在IO wait状态的goroutinue同样不会消耗线程,他们停驻在非阻塞的网络轮询器(通常稍后使用epoll/kqueue/GetQueuedCompletionStatus来唤醒goroutines)。

Garbage Collector Trace

$ GODEBUG=gctrace=1 ./myserver

Then the program will print output similar to the following during execution:

gc9(2): 12+1+744+8 us, 2 -> 10 MB, 108615 (593983-485368) objects, 4825/3620/0 sweeps, 0(0) handoff, 6(91) steal, 16/1/0 yields
gc10(2): 12+6769+767+3 us, 1 -> 1 MB, 4222 (593983-589761) objects, 4825/0/1898 sweeps, 0(0) handoff, 6(93) steal, 16/10/2 yields
gc11(2): 799+3+2050+3 us, 1 -> 69 MB, 831819 (1484009-652190) objects, 4825/691/0 sweeps, 0(0) handoff, 5(105) steal, 16/1/0 yields

Let’s consider the meaning of these numbers. One line per GC is printed. The first number (“gc9”) is the number of GC (this is the 9-th GC since program start). The number in parens (“(2)”) is the number of worker threads participated in the GC. The next 4 numbers (“12+1+744+8 us”) mean stop-the-world, sweeping, marking and waiting for worker threads to finish, in microseconds, respectively. The next 2 numbers (“2 -> 10 MB”) mean size of live heap after the previous GC and full heap size (including garbage) before the current GC. The next 3 numbers (“108615 (593983-485368) objects”) are total number of objects in heap (including garbage) and total number of memory allocation and free operations. The next 3 numbers (“4825/3620/0 sweeps”) characterize sweep phase (of the previous GC): there were total 4825 memory spans, 3620 were swept on demand or in background, 0 were swept during stop-the-world phase (the rest were unused spans). The next 4 numbers (“0(0) handoff, 6(91) steal”) characterize load balancing during parallel mark phase: there were 0 object handoff operations (0 objects were handoff), and 6 steal operations (91 objects were stolen). The last 3 numbers (“16/1/0 yields”) characterize effectiveness of parallel mark phase: there were total of 17 yield operations during waiting for another thread.


  • 第一个数字(”gc9”)是GC的编号(这是从程序开始后的第九个GC),在括号中的数字(”(2)”)是参与GC的工作线程的数量。
  • 随后的四个数字(”12+1+744+8 us”)分别是工作线程完成GC的stop-the-world, sweeping, marking和waiting时间,单位是微秒。
  • 接下来的两个数字(”2 -> 10 MB”)表示前一个GC过后的活跃堆大小和当前GC开始前整个的堆(包括垃圾)的大小。
  • 再接下来的三个数字 (”108615 (593983-485368) objects”)是堆中的对象总数(包括垃圾)和分配操作的内存总数以及释放操作的内存总数。
  • 后面的三个数字(”4825/3620/0 sweeps”)表示sweep phase (of the previous GC):总共有4825个memory spans,3620立即或在后台清除,0个在stop-the-world阶段清除(剩余的是没有使用的spans)。
  • 再后面的四个数字(”0(0) handoff, 6(91) steal”)表示了load balancing during parallel mark phase:there were 0 object handoff operations (0 objects were handoff), and 6 steal operations (91 objects were stolen).
  • 最后的三个数字(”16/1/0 yields”)表示了effectiveness of parallel mark phase:there were total of 17 yield operations during waiting for another thread.

Memory Allocator Trace


tracealloc(0xc208062500, 0x100, array of parse.Node)
goroutine 16 [running]:
runtime.mallocgc(0x100, 0x3eb7c1, 0x0)
    runtime/malloc.goc:190 +0x145 fp=0xc2080b39f8
runtime.growslice(0x31f840, 0xc208060700, 0x8, 0x8, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    runtime/slice.goc:76 +0xbb fp=0xc2080b3a90
text/template/parse.(*Tree).parse(0xc2080820e0, 0xc208023620, 0x0, 0x0)
    text/template/parse/parse.go:289 +0x549 fp=0xc2080b3c50

tracefree(0xc208002d80, 0x120)
goroutine 16 [running]:
       runtime/mgc0.c:1880 +0x514 fp=0xc20804b8f0
       runtime/mcentral.c:48 +0x2b5 fp=0xc20804b920
runtime.MCache_Refill(0x737000, 0xc200000012)
       runtime/mcache.c:78 +0x119 fp=0xc20804b950

The trace contains address of the memory block, size, type, goroutine id and the stack trace.

Scheduler Trace

调度器追踪可以提供对 goroutine 调度的动态行为的内视,并且可以用来调试负载平衡和可扩展性问题。要启用调度器追踪,可以带有环境变量 GODEBUG=schedtrace=1000来运行程序(这个值的意思是输出的周期,单位是ms,这种情况下是每秒一次):

SCHED 1004ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=11 idlethreads=4 runqueue=8 [0 1 0 3]
SCHED 2005ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=11 idlethreads=5 runqueue=6 [1 5 4 0]
SCHED 3008ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=11 idlethreads=4 runqueue=10 [2 2 2 1]

The first number (“1004ms”) is time since program start. Gomaxprocs is the current value of GOMAXPROCS. Idleprocs is the number of idling processors (the rest are executing Go code). Threads is the total number of worker threads created by the scheduler (threads can be in 3 states: execute Go code (gomaxprocs-idleprocs), execute syscalls/cgocalls or idle). Idlethreads is the number of idling worker threads. Runqueue is the length of global queue with runnable goroutines. The numbers in square brackets (“[0 1 0 3]”) are lengths of per-processor queues with runnable goroutines. Sum of lengths of global and local queues represents the total number of goroutines available for execution.

  • 第一个数字(”1004ms”)是从程序开始后的时间。
  • Gomaxprocs 是当前的 GOMAXPROCS 值。
  • Idleprocs 是空闲的处理器数(剩下的在执行 Go 代码)。
  • Threads 是调度器产生的worker线程总数(线程有三种状态:执行 Go 代码(gomaxprocs-idleprocs),执行 syscalls/cgocalls,闲置)。
  • Idlethreads是闲置的worker线程数。
  • Runqueue 是可运行的 goroutine 的全局队列长度。方括号中的数字(”[0 1 0 3]”)是每个processor的可运行的 goroutine 的队列的长度。全局和局部队列的长度总和表示可执行的 goroutine 的总数。

当一个程序不与 GOMAXPROCS 成线性比例和(或)没有消耗100%的CPU时间(top 命令),Scheduler Trace就显得非常有用。

理想的情况是:所有的处理器都在忙碌地运行 Go 代码,线程数合理,所有队列都有充足的任务且任务是合理均匀的分布的:

gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=0 threads=40 idlethreads=5 runqueue=10 [20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20]


gomaxprocs=8 idleprocs=6 threads=40 idlethreads=30 runqueue=0 [0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0]

你可以使用 goroutine profile来了解哪些goroutine块处于任务短缺状态。注意,只要所有的处理器处于忙绿状态,负载失衡就不是最坏的,它只会导致适度的load balance开销。

Memory Statistics

Go runtime exposes coarse-grained memory statistics via runtime.ReadMemStats function. The statistics are also exposed via net/http/pprof at the bottom of http://myserver:6060/debug/pprof/heap?debug=1. The statistics are described here.

# runtime.MemStats
# Alloc = 92936
# TotalAlloc = 92936
# Sys = 1740800
# Lookups = 3
# Mallocs = 247
# Frees = 11
# HeapAlloc = 92936
# HeapSys = 753664
# HeapIdle = 401408
# HeapInuse = 352256
# HeapReleased = 0
# HeapObjects = 236
# Stack = 294912 / 294912
# MSpan = 7040 / 16384
# MCache = 4800 / 16384
# BuckHashSys = 2074
# NextGC = 4194304
# PauseNs = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
# NumGC = 0
# DebugGC = false

Some of the interesting fields are:

  • HeapAlloc - current heap size.
  • HeapSys - total heap size.
  • HeapObjects - total number of objects in the heap.
  • HeapReleased - amount of memory released to the OS; runtime releases to the OS memory unused for 5 minutes, you can force this process with runtime/debug.FreeOSMemory.
  • Sys - total amount of memory allocated from OS.
  • Sys-HeapReleased - effective memory consumption of the program.
  • StackSys - memory consumed for goroutine stacks (note that some stacks are allocated from heap and are not accounted here, unfortunately there is no way to get total size of stacks (https://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=7468)).
  • MSpanSys/MCacheSys/BuckHashSys/GCSys/OtherSys - amount of memory allocated by runtime for various auxiliary purposes; they are generally not interesting, unless they are too high.
  • PauseNs - durations of last garbage collections.


httpServer pprof

如果你的go程序是用http包启动的web服务器,你想查看自己的web服务器的状态。这个时候就可以选择net/http/pprof。你只需要引入包_ “net/http/pprof”,然后就可以在浏览器中使用http://localhost:port/debug/pprof/直接看到当前web服务的状态,包括CPU占用情况和内存使用情况等。

package main

import _ "net/http/pprof"
import "net/http"
import "fmt"

var c chan struct{} = make(chan struct{})

func f() {

func main() {
    // 1W个goroutine
    for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
        go f()

    fmt.Println("Start httpServer at http://localhost:6060")
    http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil)

Use the pprof tool to look at the heap profile:

$ go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap

Or to look at a 30-second CPU profile:

$ go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile

Or to look at the goroutine blocking profile, after calling runtime.SetBlockProfileRate in your program:

$ go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/block

Or to collect a 5-second execution trace:

$ wget http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/trace?seconds=5

To view all available profiles, open http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/ in your browser.

service pprof


package main

import (

var c chan struct{} = make(chan struct{})

func f() {

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")

    p := pprof.Lookup("goroutine")
    p.WriteTo(w, 1)

func main() {
    for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
        go f()

    http.HandleFunc("/", handler)

    fmt.Println("Start httpServer at http://localhost:6060")
    http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil)


package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("--lookup heap---------------")
    p4heap := pprof.Lookup("heap")
    p4heap.WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)

    fmt.Println("--lookup threadcreate-------")
    p4thread := pprof.Lookup("threadcreate")
    p4thread.WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)

    fmt.Println("--lookup block--------------")
    p4block := pprof.Lookup("block")
    p4block.WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)

go test

go test内建了多个flag,用于输出profile:

$ go help testflag

The following flags are recognized by the 'go test' command and
control the execution of any test:

    -blockprofile block.out
        Write a goroutine blocking profile to the specified file
        when all tests are complete.
        Writes test binary as -c would.

    -blockprofilerate n
        Control the detail provided in goroutine blocking profiles by
        calling runtime.SetBlockProfileRate with n.
        See 'go doc runtime.SetBlockProfileRate'.
        The profiler aims to sample, on average, one blocking event every
        n nanoseconds the program spends blocked.  By default,
        if -test.blockprofile is set without this flag, all blocking events
        are recorded, equivalent to -test.blockprofilerate=1.

    -coverprofile cover.out
        Write a coverage profile to the file after all tests have passed.
        Sets -cover.

    -cpu 1,2,4
        Specify a list of GOMAXPROCS values for which the tests or
        benchmarks should be executed.  The default is the current value
        of GOMAXPROCS.

    -cpuprofile cpu.out
        Write a CPU profile to the specified file before exiting.
        Writes test binary as -c would.

    -memprofile mem.out
        Write a memory profile to the file after all tests have passed.
        Writes test binary as -c would.

    -memprofilerate n
        Enable more precise (and expensive) memory profiles by setting
        runtime.MemProfileRate.  See 'go doc runtime.MemProfileRate'.
        To profile all memory allocations, use -test.memprofilerate=1
        and pass --alloc_space flag to the pprof tool.





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