package main
import (
func HelloGoServer(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
io.WriteString(w, "Hello, this is a GoServer")
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", HelloGoServer)
err := http.ListenAndServe(":9090", nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("ListenAndServer ", err)
运行上面的code,然后浏览器中输入:localhost:9090/。浏览器会输出:Hello, this is a GoServer。这里我们的浏览器是一个客户端,上面那段程序执行时是一个服务端,这两个角色不要搞反了。
http.HandleFunc("/", HelloGoServer)
查看函数HandleFunc的源码,在server.go中,如果你用的是vim,参考重温vim的配置:支持go,配置好vim后,vim打开上面的代码,光标停留在HandleFunc,敲入gd,会很轻松的跳转过去看到相应的源码 。
// HandleFunc registers the handler function for the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux.
// The documentation for ServeMux explains how patterns are matched.
func HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) {
DefaultServeMux.HandleFunc(pattern, handler)
// DefaultServeMux is the default ServeMux used by Serve.
var DefaultServeMux = &defaultServeMux
var defaultServeMux ServeMux
你会发现有意思的是defaultServeMux还没有声明,就先把它的引用赋值给了DefaultServeMux。童鞋们,这与我们平时用的C、java不一样,go就是这么任性,why?具体参考Go语言基础:变量赋值顺序 。看完它就明白了。
// HandleFunc registers the handler function for the given pattern.
func (mux *ServeMux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) {
mux.Handle(pattern, HandlerFunc(handler))
// Handle registers the handler for the given pattern.
// If a handler already exists for pattern, Handle panics.
func (mux *ServeMux) Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) {
// ListenAndServe listens on the TCP network address addr
// and then calls Serve with handler to handle requests
// on incoming connections.
// Accepted connections are configured to enable TCP keep-alives.
// Handler is typically nil, in which case the DefaultServeMux is
// used.
// A trivial example server is:
// package main
// import (
// "io"
// "net/http"
// "log"
// )
// // hello world, the web server
// func HelloServer(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// io.WriteString(w, "hello, world!\n")
// }
// func main() {
// http.HandleFunc("/hello", HelloServer)
// log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":12345", nil))
// }
// ListenAndServe always returns a non-nil error.
func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error {
server := &Server{Addr: addr, Handler: handler}
return server.ListenAndServe()
// ListenAndServe listens on the TCP network address addr
// and then calls Serve with handler to handle requests
// on incoming connections.
// Accepted connections are configured to enable TCP keep-alives.
// Handler is typically nil, in which case the DefaultServeMux is
// used.
// A Server defines parameters for running an HTTP server.
// The zero value for Server is a valid configuration.
type Server struct {
Addr string // TCP address to listen on, ":http" if empty
Handler Handler // handler to invoke, http.DefaultServeMux if nil
第二句return server.ListenAndServe()调用的是带接收者server的接口函数ListenAndServe,
// ListenAndServe listens on the TCP network address srv.Addr and then
// calls Serve to handle requests on incoming connections.
// Accepted connections are configured to enable TCP keep-alives.
// If srv.Addr is blank, ":http" is used.
// ListenAndServe always returns a non-nil error.
func (srv *Server) ListenAndServe() error {
addr := srv.Addr
if addr == "" {
addr = ":http"
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return err
return srv.Serve(tcpKeepAliveListener{ln.(*net.TCPListener)})
// Serve accepts incoming connections on the Listener l, creating a
// new service goroutine for each. The service goroutines read requests and
// then call srv.Handler to reply to them.
// For HTTP/2 support, srv.TLSConfig should be initialized to the
// provided listener's TLS Config before calling Serve. If
// srv.TLSConfig is non-nil and doesn't include the string "h2" in
// Config.NextProtos, HTTP/2 support is not enabled.
// Serve always returns a non-nil error.
func (srv *Server) Serve(l net.Listener) error {
defer l.Close()
if fn := testHookServerServe; fn != nil {
fn(srv, l)
var tempDelay time.Duration // how long to sleep on accept failure
if err := srv.setupHTTP2_Serve(); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: allow changing base context? can't imagine concrete
// use cases yet.
baseCtx := context.Background()
ctx := context.WithValue(baseCtx, ServerContextKey, srv)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, LocalAddrContextKey, l.Addr())
for {
rw, e := l.Accept()
if e != nil {
if ne, ok := e.(net.Error); ok && ne.Temporary() {
if tempDelay == 0 {
tempDelay = 5 * time.Millisecond
} else {
tempDelay *= 2
if max := 1 * time.Second; tempDelay > max {
tempDelay = max
srv.logf("http: Accept error: %v; retrying in %v", e, tempDelay)
return e
tempDelay = 0
c := srv.newConn(rw)
c.setState(c.rwc, StateNew) // before Serve can return
go c.serve(ctx)
// Serve a new connection.
func (c *conn) serve(ctx context.Context) {
serverHandler{c.server}.ServeHTTP(w, w.req)
type Handler interface {
ServeHTTP(ResponseWriter, *Request)
// serverHandler delegates to either the server's Handler or
// DefaultServeMux and also handles "OPTIONS *" requests.
type serverHandler struct {
srv *Server
func (sh serverHandler) ServeHTTP(rw ResponseWriter, req *Request) {
handler := sh.srv.Handler
if handler == nil {
handler = DefaultServeMux
if req.RequestURI == "*" && req.Method == "OPTIONS" {
handler = globalOptionsHandler{}
handler.ServeHTTP(rw, req)
// The HandlerFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of
// ordinary functions as HTTP handlers. If f is a function
// with the appropriate signature, HandlerFunc(f) is a
// Handler that calls f.
type HandlerFunc func(ResponseWriter, *Request)
// ServeHTTP calls f(w, r).
func (f HandlerFunc) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
f(w, r)
type ServeMux struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
m map[string]muxEntry // 存放具体路由的信息,一个string对应一个mux实体,本例中"/"对应HelloGoServer
hosts bool // whether any patterns contain hostnames
type muxEntry struct {
explicit bool
h Handler
pattern string
func (mux *ServeMux) match(path string) (h Handler, pattern string) //根据path查找handler和pattern
func (mux *ServeMux) Handler(r *Request) (h Handler, pattern string) // 内部调用(mux *ServeMux)handler根据host、path查找handler和pattern
func (mux *ServeMux) handler(host, path string) (h Handler, pattern string) //内部调用(mux *ServeMux) match,根据host,path查找handler和pattern
func (mux *ServeMux) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) //并不是前面所分析的ServeHTTP接口,因为前面分析的接收者是handler。这里也是查找handler,当ServeMux中没有要找的路由时,会调用NotFoundHandler,输出"404 page not found"。具体看源码。
func (mux *ServeMux) Handle(pattern string, handler Handler)
func (mux *ServeMux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) //前面已有分析,给pattern注册一个handler
func Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) { DefaultServeMux.Handle(pattern, handler) }
func HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) {
DefaultServeMux.HandleFunc(pattern, handler)
type Server struct {
Addr string // TCP address to listen on, ":http" if empty 监听的地址和端口
Handler Handler // handler to invoke, http.DefaultServeMux if nil 所有请求调用的handler
ReadTimeout time.Duration // maximum duration before timing out read of the request
WriteTimeout time.Duration // maximum duration before timing out write of the response
TLSConfig *tls.Config // optional TLS config, used by ListenAndServeTLS
MaxHeaderBytes int
TLSNextProto map[string]func(*Server, *tls.Conn, Handler)
ConnState func(net.Conn, ConnState)
ErrorLog *log.Logger
disableKeepAlives int32 // accessed atomically.
nextProtoOnce sync.Once // guards setupHTTP2_* init
nextProtoErr error // result of http2.ConfigureServer if used
func (srv *Server) ListenAndServe() error // 监听server,监听到有请求时,调用handler。
func (srv *Server) Serve(l net.Listener) error //对某个端口进行监听,里面就是调用for进行accept的处理了
func (srv *Server) ListenAndServeTLS(certFile, keyFile string) error //开启https server服务,内部调用Serve
func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error //开启Http服务
func ListenAndServeTLS(addr string, certFile string, keyFile string, handler Handler) error //开启HTTPs服务
Golang Http Server源码阅读