bleve 文本索引库 bleve

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# ![bleve]( bleve modern text indexing in go - []( Try out bleve live by [searching our wiki]( ## Features * Index any go data structure (including JSON) * Intelligent defaults backed up by powerful configuration * Supported field types: * Text, Numeric, Date * Supported query types: * Term, Phrase, Match, Match Phrase, Prefix * Conjunction, Disjunction, Boolean * Numeric Range, Date Range * Simple query [syntax]( for human entry * tf-idf Scoring * Search result match highlighting * Supports Aggregating Facets: * Terms Facet * Numeric Range Facet * Date Range Facet ## Discussion Discuss usage and development of bleve in the [google group](!forum/bleve). ## Indexing message := struct{ Id string, From string, Body string, }{ Id: "example", From: "", Body: "bleve indexing is easy", } mapping := bleve.NewIndexMapping() index, _ := bleve.New("example.bleve", mapping) index.Index(message.Id, message) ## Querying index, _ := bleve.Open("example.bleve") query := bleve.NewQueryStringQuery("bleve") searchRequest := bleve.NewSearchRequest(query) searchResult, _ := index.Search(searchRequest) ## License Apache License Version 2.0 ## Status [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( 简单易用,功能强大。但目前不支持国语。CleverDeng 貌似有计划做这件事。
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